Sean Spicer wants Avenatti's help
As Sean Spicer tries to sell the pilot for his talk show "Sean Spicer's Common Ground", he has begged lawyer Michael Avenatti - a major T-rump critic and legal foe - to be his first guest on the pilot episode. Despite being told to 'get lost' the past few weeks, Spicer's production company has now tried to sweeten the deal in their latest pitch to Avenatti.
“We’d be so honored to have you join us. We can offer a $2,500 honorarium for your time," emailed Julie Zann, talent executive at Pilgrim Media Group. This honorarium is additional to Zann's previous offer a travel expenses, hair, make-up and 'detailed topic matters in advance'.
Responded Avenatti, once again: “I have an enormous amount of respect for your group’s work. Unfortunately, however, I can’t say the same about Sean’s. Suffice it to say that I’m not interested in helping Sean sell his new show.”
Spicer's having a tough time trying to book a guest for his pilot. His first invitation went to comedienne Kathy Griffin, who told the former T-rump spokesperson, 'no way'.
Maybe he can book Melania Trump? Or Paul Manafort from his prison cell?