MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Should Maxine Waters lose her job?

Should Maxine Waters lose her job?

...or even be arrested? A public official who encouraged violence on Trump's cabinet members is disgusting,and I'm surprised anyone supports her in this matter. Even being bitter about your party losing an election doesn't excuse this behavior. I think lesser people would find themselves in criminal court for doing this.


Agreed but in this case it’s best to just ignore that scumbag. She’s going to be run out of south central soon enough. 28 years and she hasn’t done a damn thing for them.



someone in her family should come in and impose power of attorney and place her in a rest home ASAP


That family might be blue and have badges. And the rest home might be jail,lol.


Not sure you comprehend what violence is.


She litterally told people to surround them and push them back? That sounds like physical aggression to me. It certainly isn't encouraging peace.


Milo Yianapolous said he wanted vigilantes to gun down journalists. Don’t see any outrage from you about him when five journalists are gunned down 48 hours later.


Maybe its because Maxine Waters is a fucking politician and not a flamboyant internet troll?!


As 3to10IQ taught us all, "Reported for insulting".


She said “ push back” not “ push them back” which is a major difference.


Maxine Waters is a political terrorist, she belongs in an orange jump suit. She is behaving like a filthy animal and should be treated accordingly.


It's not what she meant by "confront", it how Liberal Fascists interpret it.

“I know that there are those who are talking about censuring me, talking about kicking me out of Congress, talking about shooting me, talking about hanging me,” Waters told the crowd in Los Angeles.

“All I have to say is this, if you shoot me you better shoot straight, there’s nothing like a wounded animal,” she added to cheers.

She said she has been getting harassed after she called for protesters to confront Trump administration officials in public over its "zero tolerance" immigration policy.


I mean they took what she literally said,which was to physically impose themselves on people who don't agree with her. How did they misinterpret that. The article claims it's inaccurate,but really doesn't afford any evidence or conversation about how it is. It's no different than saying I have wings and I'm 30 foot tall. The comment doesn't equal truth.


It's not what she meant by "confront", it how Liberal Fascists interpret it.

You say this while you say nothing of the death threats from right-wingers that you quoted her talking about.

But you already know you're a joke, basically every Trump supporter on this board is a trolling joke.


We need to start locking up leftists who encourage violence against our elected leaders.


And there's the Fascism again.


Encouraging the harassment, intimidation and/or threatening of anyone associated with President Trump is terrorism plain and simple.


YET she did shit when it happened under Obama. They were pretty much quiet about it to some extent. Trump made a bad policy move with separating the children and now it's backfiring the hypocrisy of the left where they're now trying to say the whole holding kids in detention is bad. Just put them with parents then hold them the same way as it was under Obama and deport them if possible.

Need to stop giving free rides or maybe I guess Trump could just cut back on social services where it stresses it to the a point where oh we can't fund any more illegals with welfare or whatnot. These so-called cages as they call them are providing them with more or less welfare and they're free to leave and return back home to their own country. They're getting free decent food (clothing, temp. housing, entertainment, unlike whatever poverty food they were eating in Central America (yes lot of them are economic migrants not just refugees fleeing violence but those in poverty).


Considering how prominent the far left is on this particular board, they are notably and suspiciously absent from this post. It's almost like an honest answer from them wouldn't make their current hate culture look very favorable.


I don’t care about Maxine Waters. I’m not in her state. She seems like old guard Democrat and to be frank, out of her depth. There’s an honest lefty’s answer for you.


The fact that she feels comfortable saying what she did, and that she has had very little condemnation from other members of her party is not a small thing. This mindset and it's acceptance is dangerous and has ramifications extending well outside of California. I appreciate you saying she's out of her depth and old, because I'd guess she was planning on ending her career anyway, and thought she'd throw some fuel on the fire before going.


I wasn’t going to bother responding but since you seem to think silence is concession I’ll weigh in. I think her comments walked a fine line (as I said in another thread). I don’t think she was calling for violence but rather protest against members of the Trump administration. But I think it would only take one moron to misunderstand her to turn this into a serious problem. Do I think she should lose her job? No. Do I like her choice of words? Also no.

I also remember Trump seemingly endorsing police brutality which seems as bad if not worse when saying cops shouldn’t protect the heads of suspects when placing them in police cars. Also poorly chosen words but also not in itself worthy of losing his job.


I agree that Trump is often irresponsible with his words, as the left has called out endlessly while demanding his job. This is exactly my point in the accepted hypocrisy from today's liberals who have a "it's ok for us,but not you" attitude.


I have no problem saying there’s hypocrisy on the left. But there’s plenty on the right and particularly from President Trump. For example when Trump called Obama the least transparent President ever when he himself refuses to release his tax returns. Does anyone really buy the audit excuse?


Obama promised to be the most transparent president in US history, Trump is just calling Obama out on his lies.


And I’m just calling Trump out on his hypocrisy.


He isn't being a hypocrite, Obama deserved to be called out on being a liar.


Remember though you defend Trump even when he lies.

Two lies Trump has told.

He said Mexico would pay for the wall but now it is going to come out of our tax dollars.

He said he would go after Hilary and put her in jail once he was elected.

Neither of those happened yet you say nothing I wonder why?

He also will not release his Tax returns? Had Obama not released his birth certificate he would have never heard the end of it.

Watch you will now deflect and skip over this and go back to Obama.


The only reason some on the right wanted to see his birth certificate was because Obama promised to be the most transparent president of all time. They were simply holding him accountable.

As for the wall and Hillary, you gotta give him a chance and you need to support your president because when he succeeds America succeeds. Rooting against him is treason.


Obama’s birth announcement appeared in two Hawaiian newspapers in 1961. The birther conspiracy theory was racist, plain and simple.


Again if he wanted to be the most transparent US President ever then releasing his birth certificate shouldn't have been a big deal. There was nothing racist about it.

99% of Obama's critics couldn't have cared less about his skin color, they criticized him because he was a horrible president.


His short form birth certificate was already released but because of Donald Trump's perpetuation of the racist birther movement he released the long form one as well. After which Trump tweeted "An 'extremely credible source' has called my office and told me that @BarackObama's birth certificate is a fraud". Never of course offered a shred of evidence to this.

This was of course bullshit but it didn't matter to the racists who needed to believe Obama wasn't an American citizen by birth (even though his mother was an American citizen which makes him an American citizen by birth).


He was elected to the highest office in the American government, making sure he was a US citizen was extremely important. And the thing is after he released the damn thing the issue pretty much dissolved away. It had nothing to do with race, all of the credible criticisms on Obama had nothing to do with race, it was about holding him to the standard that he promised to meet.

It's also a very huge stretch that simply asking for someone's birth certificate = racism. But then again these are the same libtards that say voter ID laws that everyone would have to follow somehow equals racism so there you go.


Yeah it's almost as if it's the type of thing that's vetted before you run for office. The birther conspiracy was an easily disprovable racist joke that Trump perpetuated for years, even after Obama made the mistake of dignifying Trump's actions by releasing it.


I’m still waiting to hear how it’s racist. Again you have to show your birth certificate to compete in the summer track and field league, is that racist?


Yes, I may havre to provide my birth certificate to whoever is running the track and field event. I shouldn't have to show it to the world because a reality tv show host called into question my birthplace after I won with zero evidence to indicate I wasn't born in the US and significant evidence to indicate that I was (such as the aforementioned birth announcement appearing in two Hawaiian newspapers). Had Obama been white I can't imagine this ever having been an issue.


"Had Obama been white" - pure speculation and I don't entertain speculation.

Being president is far more important than running summer youth track. I actually had to show my birth certificate every time I advanced to another level (States --> Regionals --> Nationals for the years I made it). Showing a birth certificate isn't very unreasonable request especially when it relates to being the president of the United States. The purpose of showing a birth certificate for summer track is to make sure that people aren't running in the wrong age group, showing it for being president is to make sure no one serves as president who shouldn't be (the law says you have to be a US citizen). All Obama had to do was just show it as he promised to be the most transparent president of all time (despite the fact that he tried to hide the fact that he attended a racist church for 20 years).


Yes, you had to provide it to the people running the event. Not a reality TV show host.

And he did show it to which Trump responded that a very good authority told him it was a fraud (provided nothing to back this up) proving that nothing is good enough for racist conspiracy theorists.


He should have shown it much earlier before Trump asked for it since he swore to be the most transparent president in US history (gotta love those behind closed door health care meetings he swore would be on CSPAN).

I'm still waiting for proof that it all boiled down to race??? All I have heard so far is speculation.


Now see, your behind doors health care meetings is a legitimate criticism. Implying he wasn't a US citizen was racist bullshit. Sorry if it's not clear that it's my opinion that the birther conspiracy is (extremely) racist. My only proof is that Donald Trump continued to promote the theory that Obama wasn't a US citizen by birth despite significant evidence to the contrary and when Obama released his BC, he continued to perpetuate the theory by claiming the BC was fake. So when you ask for proof, no I don't have Trump on tape dropping the N-word talking about Obama, but I can look at available facts and draw my own conclusion.


Good I'm glad you admit he was lying about the healthcare meetings.

The birth certificate issue was bullshit from the beginning, I see no indication it was racist however. I was just confused as to why he wouldn't produce it when asked when he promised a new era of transparency. I never bought into the idea that Obama wasn't a citizen, the issue was stupid from the getgo but you have come nowhere close to convincing me that it was racist.


No they wanted to find a way to discredit him. It was not about holding him to a standard it was a scapegoat. Even after it was provided you still had people claiming it was fake.


All he had to do was just produce it and everyone who wasn't a Klan member (which is pretty much 99.999999% of the US population) dropped the issue. At least the right never threatened electors with death if they didn't change their vote from Obama to McCain or Romney.


Um ever heard of Alex Jones? How many followers does he have again? That automatically disproves the notion that him not being a citizen went away immediately. Even after it was provided it was said it was fake.


You pointed to one example, that comes nowhere close to proving your point. Again aside from a few extreme cases Obama was only criticized for being a divisive, horrible president. The Dems on the other hand won’t even give president trump a chance which is really disturbing


One example which showcases many followers. The fact that you claimed 99% of people do not feel that way was completely proven wrong by that point alone.

I specifically remember him being called a Muslim Terrorist from day one. I do not want to hear Trump was not given a chance when Obama was not give one either.


He was called a terrorist because he palled around with terrorists like Bill Ayers. He also attended a racist church for 20 years. Obama was given a chance he refused to compromise with republicans and instead accused them of wanting dirty air and water and wanting to throw grandma over the cliff. His behavior was beneath the office of the presidency


I guess it’s progress you acknowledge the presence of KKK for Trump.


Yes the KKK exist and they support Trump just like BLM, the black panthers and ANTIFA support Obama. All of the previous three mentioned hate groups have far bigger numbers and are far more vocal and the KKK


You do not know the definition of treason. Why are we obligated to agree and support someone? Just because he is president? I have a feeling you were not singing this same tune when Obama was in office.

Watch even once his time as president ends and the wall comes out of our tax dollars you will still have an excuse. The time to get Hilary has come and gone he lied about that. Own up to it.


The only reason some on the right wanted to see his birth certificate was because Obama promised to be the most transparent president of all time.

LOL, that is an absolute joke. They wanted to see it because they sought to portray him as un-American. It was pure racism and xenophobia.

Leave it to you to rewrite history with your trolling B.S.

Why don't you go back to worshiping Nolan's Batman, child? Leave the adult conversations to the adults.


You have to show your birth certificate to run in the summer track program, why shouldn’t you have to show it to be president? And yes I will watch the dark knight as it is far better than the force awakens or the last jedi


Ughhh, campaign promises are mere ideals that a president hopes to accomplish. Unless this is the first election you've followed in your life, you'd know EVERY candidate says things they can't get done while campaigning. They are only people, they don't have magic wands that make things happen in a swoosh. No president can predict how Congress will feel,and what hurdles they will put in their way. You do realize that,right?


Yep I do but why did Obama get attacked for those exact same things then? What I see is Trump getting a free pass for something Obama would not. Trump saying he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th avenue and still have people vote for him shows what he thinks of his followers. Had Obama said that you know he would have been raked across the coals.

Second why wont Trump release his Tax returns? Obama was pressured to release his birth certificate.


Trump doesn't get a free pass from anything, he is constantly attacked in an unprecedented way. The entire problem is blind allegiance to party lines,from both sides, and nothing getting accomplished besides division. If something is messed up with one person, it should be messed up with the other. Instead of demanding more from our officials, we unconditionally back our side,and blindly attack the other,but nobody thinks to point the finger at "their guy".


I do not have a problem with anyone getting criticized. Bottom line though it needs to work both ways. No one should be exempt.

Obama was criticized for not providing his birth certificate he responded by providing it. Trump has not provided his tax returns.


I'll say it once and I'll say it again. Trump isn't a good guy,but if he can lower my taxes and improve America, I don't care.


It does not matter if it is a democrat or Republican in office. What matters is if they are benefiting the country period.

Here is the thing though. Everyone develops a selfish mentality. Oh as long as he lowers my taxes I am good. It is the same thing when it comes to stuff like the war on drugs. Oh I do not do it so it should be illegal. Think beyond yourself for a moment. I myself am not against paying more in taxes. I believe it benefits the country.

I do not smoke or do drugs of any kind this includes alcohol. Thing is though the war on drugs has been a gigantic failure. Why is it legal to smoke a cigarette which has been proven to cause cancer yet you can get locked up alongside a rapist or murderer for smoking weed?

Weed causes less deaths than alcohol and cigarettes yet it is illegal. I do not need the law to tell me what I can and can not put in my body. I am educated enough to know what to put into my own body. If they legalized drugs tomorrow you think I would smoke weed? Nope because I choose not to. Thing is the people who smoke weed continue to do so regardless of the law so obviously it is not a deterrent.

If someone after a hard day of work wants to get stoned in their own house and it is not bothering anyone why should we care? People can smoke a cigarette or drink a beer without being bothered.

Thing is people like Hippo automatically assume because I am for legalization that I am some welfare recipient who does not hold down a job. You know that is how it works anyone who disagrees with you has to fit in a specific box.

I myself would much rather be going after the rapists and murderers. Drug abuse should be treated more as a mental issue than a legal one.


I don't think the government should have any say in what a person does morally or physically as long as it's effect is limited to the individual. I'm in favor of all drugs being legal, prostitution, public nudity (as long as not flagrantly sexual) and whatever else you as a person wants to do. In this we agree.


See we have some common ground. Thing is look at people like UltimateHippo.

He will put you into a box simply because you do not agree with him. In his mind the only way you are in favor of legalizing all drugs, is if you fit a specific criteria. I will list the criteria.

You are a welfare recipient, you do not want to work a job, you must be a drug addict who does nothing productive in life.

Thing is prohibition only made things worse for alcohol. Those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

People assume that just because I dislike a lot of Trump's policies that I am a die hard Hilary Clinton lover. No actually. What I found sad was we chose the worst possible candidates to represent each side. Bernie Sanders should have been representing the democrats and Ron Paul should have been representing the republicans.

Don't those two sound like much better choices than Hilary and Trump?


Totally agree. I actually hope Trump's presidency ushers in a new era of face value politicians,instead of only playing to your voters.


I totally agree. There is hypocrisy on the left but the right acts as if there is none on their side. Some of the things Trump has done Obama would have been called on the carpet for. Remember when they demanded for his birth certificate? Why can't we see Trump's tax return?


Here goes Burk complaining again just because he's not getting the exact kind of responses to his topic that he wants.

Talk about snowflakes, JESUS Burk you really have specific emotional needs when it comes to the responses to your topics, or else you go on the offense.

Your entire topic is about warping Maxine's words and yet you expect an "honest answer" to that? The ONLY honest answer is pointing out YOUR DAMNED LIE.

And then you accuse the "far left" of "hate culture" while this very topic has quotes about death threats from right-wingers directed at Maxine.

You are an absolute joke, you have ZERO CREDIBILITY here.

THAT is why you don't get the responses you want, because you're BASICALLY A TROLL.

Eat that, LIAR.


Wow,you really showed me. Who's a big boy on the internet... you are..yes you are! Lol, can you read the entirety of what you just wrote again, particularly the part calling me a snowflake with emotional needs, without laughing at yourself? I noticed you had your caps locked there a couple times, very composed of you,lol. Settle down cupcake, this is just a movie chatroom,we aren't finding a cure for cancer, no need to get your panties in a bunch.
Is it weird that Maxine got death threats when she is using a public platform to encourage people to physically show their dissenting view to people that don't agree with them? She wasn't telling them to pass out flyers, no matter what you tell yourself. She got exactly what I'd expect. People feel threatened and they get defensive,and history has shown some more than others. Funny too, but in all of your ranting, you never said you thought she was wrong. At least we know your true colors, and they obviously support hate and violence.
