Liberal fanatics

Dems sure love violence for those they don't agree with... (you'll need to watch the whole 5 minutes to understand the context of what's happening more or less). Maybe conservatives should start doing the same and see how they react (kinda curious). They obviously want war so maybe we should have a civil war finally. D:

Even Maxine Waters call on the crowd to mob up around any conservative working for Trump going to any restaurant.

You would think the left would be somewhat tame and sane for not another Trump moment but they see just as crazed as they were when Trump ran for president. They're just doubling down on their agendas to more extremes.

I'm sure there are moderate dems here that can see both sides of crazies. Fighting crazy with crazy is just going to get more crazy and soon outright violence.


Think about it this way. A literal clown can be the president as long as he goes with standard republican or democratic policy. But the moment he starts initiating policy that forces his balloon-animal agenda, there will be a revolt against him. That's what we're seeing right now. The people that voted him in for the luls will sit back and watch at the beginning, then they'll join with the opposition while pretending they never voted for the clown.

It's not a civil war because it's not about ideology. This is about people being tired with the experimental clown president. If it was a civil war then Trump maybe gets 20% on his side who are willing to fight for him. They will lose instantly. They either get thrown out on their clown asses or worse. It won't be anything like a civil war. Then Pence will be president, and the liberals you're complaining about will no longer be considered liberals. They'll simply be the people who revolted against the clown president. They'll even be satisfied with Pence who is ten times worse ideologically... because it's not about ideology.


First, you can find extremists on both sides, so showing some idiot liberal who made a horrible post about fire bombing a conservative host isn't indicative of all liberals as there are plenty of examples of individuals with violent tendencies on the right as well. Regardless of what side calls for violence come from they are wrong and dangerous.

Second, it is a lie to say that Maxine Waters called on the crowd to mob up around any conservative going into any restaurant. Her exact quote in the video you linked to was "if you see anybody from that cabinet...". So she was very clearly referring to members of Trump's administration, not average citizens who support Trump. The difference between "anybody from that cabinet" and "any conservative" is millions of people so that's not a small error. She also wasn't asking for violence but rather to let them know they aren't welcome. Personally I think she was walking a bit of a fine line with her comments but she absolutely didnt call for violence against anyone let alone "all conservatives".

Trump in a tweet made it sound like she was calling for harm to all supporters but like most of Trump's tweets this was a lie.


You are naive beyond words. Criminally insane people such as James Hodgkinson (Congressional baseball shooter) are not capable of making that distinction and will see it as a call to violence. That's why responsible leaders don't call for their opponents to be harrassed. It is incredibly dangerous and it will backfire on the Dems in a big way.


I'm naïve because I'm asking that she be accurately quoted? Donald Trump once said about Hillary Clinton during the campaign: “If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks.....although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.”

Can you not see how that might be interpreted as a call for someone afraid of losing their rights to assassinate her? Why does he get your benefit of the doubt that he wasn't calling for violence but Ms. Waters does not?

Or how about the individual who shot up a Planned Parenthood in 2015 and yelled "no more baby parts". Any chance that was inspired by political rhetoric from the right?

Like I said, I think Maxine Waters walked a fine line with her comments (and I actually don't agree with her comments) but her actual words didn't call for violence and certainly not against "any conservative."


Mmm, good catch. Reworded it to better fit what she said. Still the point stands on what she said and wants her democratic follower base to do though. I never said Maxine called for violence but to mob up around them which could in turn become violent depending on how far the Trump administration is willing to go. Only takes one person to create some riot or havoc.


Why aren’t you reporting about the Rethuglikkkans who are threatening any restaurant named Red Hen in America? The ones who are calling the owners and threatening to harm them and blow up their restaurants? Not violent or hate filled enough for you?


Well yeah, as I mentioned, crazies on both sides... I just couldn't see any article reporting on it when I was news browsing so I didn't mention it. You're more than welcome to make a post about it yourself though.


I have. Many of them -started the thread Rethuglikkkans attacking wrong Red Hens. It’s gorren out of hand and T-rump does nothing to stop them.


The problem is the fanatics can no longer be told aparty from the leadership and the media. They’re all running around pissing on the graves of 6 million Jews calling everyone who they disagree with Hitler. Nazi.

And then when one of them says or does something fascist (like discriminate against a woman and her family) they all try justify it.

The party of no ideas or solutions.

