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Trump’s Immigration Policies Are Actually Pretty Popular

The more the MSM lies, the more popular Trump gets. Now as popular as Obama 18 months in.

Media coverage of the Trump administration’s policy of arresting people who illegally cross the border has been almost uniformly negative. Some has been downright hysterical. A new Economist/YouGov poll shows, however, that the vast majority of Americans polled support either President Trump’s executive order, the initial enforcement of the law that resulted in family separation, or something even stricter.

The Economist/YouGov poll shows an American electorate fare more serious about border enforcement than what the media conversation would indicate. For instance, more Americans support treating the illegal crossing of the border as a criminal matter than a civil matter. Among Republicans, that percentage who support treating illegal border crossing as a criminal matter goes up to 74 percent. The poll also shows that 80 percent of Republicans support a border wall, 62 percent support deportation for all those in the country illegally, and 74 percent think that illegally crossing the border should be handled as a criminal matter.


Considering there’s been zero effort from either party to change them since their implementation in 1997 that’s an accurate assessment.


I'll just go ahead and reply for the left...

But he's orange and his hair and he's not who I voted for so wahhhhh......what he's actually achieving doesn't matter because Facebook tells me I shouldn't like him....wahhhhh.


What is Trump actually achieving, aside from chaos? He spent years talking about how terrible & ineffective our immigration laws are & he spent the last week essentially admitting how he was to change the EXISTING strict laws.

I mean he DID blame the separation of children from parents on the Democrats, didn't he? And he also said that he would fix it all & get the best immigration laws ever - but for those pesky Democrats.

But didn't he say just today that "The Democrats want Open Borders?


Months ago, Trump sat in a room with Dems & Rethugs & said 'bring me a bill & I'll sign it" referring to DACA. They did. They brought him a compromise & he refused to sign it.

But he draws crowds! But MAGA! And rather than have a real talk about immigration issues - who's here, who's coming here, how they get there, how long they've been here, WHAT THE REAL STATISTICS ARE, T-rump uses the same old bullshit talking point that Rethugs always do. The old 'you're either with us or against us" line.

When you make speeches using the phrase "The Democrats are for open borders... " - you're not looking for honest debate, honest solutions, you're not trying to solve any problems or even understand what the problems are. When you use words like 'infestation' & 'rapists' & 'crime' that's not only insidious, you're manufacturing outrage. You're trolling. You're not solving a thing.

Aren't you tired of carrying T-rump's bullshit?

So what HAS T-rump actually achieved on immigration except to cause chaos in families & turn the Statue of Liberty into a liar?

You're right about one thing. That vulgar orange yam "and his hair" currently pretending to be POTUS is not who I voted for.

And I'm in the majority.


Great post!

Now the Rethuglikkkans are going to say “Hillary’s emails” in response. You watch.


If Hilary hadn’t gotten destroyed in the election, the process of separating families would’ve continued on without a word. Just like it did when it was implemented during her husbands presidency.

Fake crisis to distract from the IG report to senate that destroys the corrupt clinton email investigation and Russian collusion investigation.


First? She wasn't destroyed. She won more votes. Over 70 million people voted for someone other than the vulgar yam now occupying the White House.

2nd? Your hypothetical scenario is bullshit on many levels. '...separating families would've continued on without a word..." If you tried to testify to this statement in court, you'd be laughed off the stand. Try to stop imagining what people who you don't know or understand would do in some future you conjur in your very limited imagination.

3rd? You mention that 'the process' was implemented during her husband's presidency.
To what process are you referring? Surely you can cite the statute. I've seen this talking point regurgitated all across the reich wing bot-sphere, but none of you can ever cite the statute. Interesting thing, they always mention the year 1997 in their "But the DEMS did it!" screeds. You DO realize that the GOP was the majority party in the House AND Senate starting January 3, 1997? That means that your talking point is bullshit. And you know why you can't cite a statute? It's because HER HUSBAND never signed any bill like the one you you pretend to understand.

4th? Fake crisis? To distract? Fake crises to distract were INVENTED by the GOP. Black people want to vote! Gays want to marry! Trans people need to pee in restrooms! They're coming to take your guns & bibles away! Sharia law! Be afraid! Be very very afraid. You really are a bunch of hyperbolic drama queens, & Trump is the biggest queen of all.

But what is FAKE about *this* crisis? Families ARE being torn apart. Do you deny this? Is THAT why your guys won't allow cameras into the "summer camps?" Deniability? In some GOP text books of the future, will you deny that 2500 kids were separated from their families starting in April of 2018? This POTUS already calls the stories much ado about "PHONY sob stories?" Prepare yourself to switch gears from arguing "it was the Dem's policy that made us do it!" to "It never happened at all."

And if you think that there was an IG report to the Senate which "destroyed!" - what? the 15th Clinton email investigation? You're in dire need of fresh tin foil for your haberdashery.

Last? If you think that the Trump Russia investigation is also "destroyed!" you're in for a rash of disapointment.


The liberal outrage over immigration is a sham. Libtards couldn't care less about any of these immigrant children, if they did they would have been outraged when Obama was separating children from their families throughout his entire 8 year administration. Libtards are using these children as political props, they know they can't win an election the way things are now so they have to import a bunch of illegal aliens. What is so ironic is that President Trump didn't even start this policy instead he ended it with an executive order and the Demokkkrats still won't give him credit for it, they should be supporting their president, but instead they have decided to act like political terrorists. They are sick and twisted individuals.



I'm a libtard.

My outrage is real.

Therefore, you're a liar.



So what have you done for them other than bitch and moan?


Facts not in evidence re: forced separation of immigrant children families? Anytime I bitched or anytime I moaned.

I'm outraged that trolls like you can't have honest discussions about seemingly anything.

How do I know this about you when my presence here is so new?

The evident fact that you can't stay on topic, that you deflect, that you make pitiable attempts to obfuscate.

Fact! We Libtards DID take Pres Obama to task about his massive deportations. Strange that you're not praising Obama because his policies seem to reflect yours.

Fact! Trump has told the GOP leaders in the House & Senate to stop working on immigration reform & to concentrate on re-elections. Why? Because HE is using the kids as props. Poor privileged Daddy's boy Trump! He was POWERLESS to intercede on the kids behalf because those pesky DEMOCRATS had enacted these magic SPELLS on the border.

You & the Moron in Chief are trolls who are uninterested in solving any problems. You just want to deliberately misunderstand the issues, blame other people for the problems & then campaign on manufactured outrage. Keep doing that! The basest base of American red-neckery is enamored with your bullshittery.

And that's no way to MAGA, maggot.



A border wall won't be effective, so I don't know why anyone would support it.


You're right. It won't be effective. And Mexico will never pay for it.

People support it because they don't understand the issue. A wall won't be effective against illegal immigration because most illegal immigrants arrive in the USA by plane, they don't cross our Southern border. They apply for & receive travel or work or student visas & then don't leave when the visas expire
People support it because they don't understand geography. A wall won't be effective against illegal immigration because the border is almost 2000 miles long. I doubt that any real fiscal conservative would justify that infrastructure expense while our roads & bridges are falling apart everywhere else. Also? A River Runs through it. How do you build a wall across a river?

People support it because they don't understand ladders. Or tunnels. Or catapults. Or doors. A wall won't be effective against illegal immigration.


"I'd much rather live next door to someone who crossed a desert to become an American than an American who wouldn't cross the street to help a foreigner. "

I guess I missed this You Gov poll.

BTW? If you use a poll as some sort of authority to support a point you're attempting to make you're also proclaiming that we should trust what the polls say.

Do you? Trust what polls say? Polls are ALWAYS right? Polls should ALWAYS be considered?

Good to know.


"I'd much rather live next door to someone who crossed a desert to become an American than an American who wouldn't cross the street to help a foreigner. "

Me too. However more and more those people are rare. I live next door to a cuban. He's been in this country for decades. Never bothered to learn English and for the last 14 years hasn't worked at all. I suspect he never has. Now he is sucking up the tax payers money because he gave himself COPD.

He has everything paid for....everything. He might pay for his cigarettes....yes, he's still smoking. And I see the people servicing him bring in cigarettes for him too. Along with trays of food, clean laundry with a woman that comes in 5 days a week and cleans his apartment. Over the past month a woman comes in and stays 4 hours....home day care is what they call it. He's also carted off to the hospital in an ambulance 1 to 2 times/month and is usually back in 3 hours because the evaluation doesn't qualify him to stay. Many times he is brought back in the ambulance.

Do I get a thank you note for going to work every day to pay his bills?? Ha!
And how warm and fuzzy do I feel when I send in my estimated taxes every month :o/


This GladyRuth post is pure hyperbolic, hypothetical bullshit.

Does she deliver this guy's mail? Does she see how he pays his rent? Or buys his food? Does she see his medical records?

Does she know if the people coming are family or is his family paying for it?

Is GladyRuth at home not working, staring out her sad window hating on her neighbor?


She's speculating from a standpoint of complete & total ignorance - but that doesn't stop her from spewing her bullshit.

If she testified to ANYTHING she wrote above - including the ambulance rides & the smoking - she'd still be laughed out of court.

Some neighbor she is!

I predict we'll soon be seeing GladyRuth on one of those viral videos of yet another angry white Rethug hating on someone for doing nothing but existing.


Great catch! It actually sounds like the opening monologue from Tucker Carlson, Hannity, or Laura Ingraham.

In other words, from Fox News to this forum.


All legitimate questions. I’d be asking the same. Over the years he has asked me to translate medical, housing letters and food stamp allowances into spanish (via google). With those documents comes all the details I mentioned. All the commotion of the workers/ambulance I see when I’m at home before and after I GO TO WORK.

Also to further validate the taxpaper is paying his rent: the apartment house is 100% subsidized and again, the documents he has given me show him to be 100% subsidized. As I’m sure some of you know, not all the residents in that type of facility are 100% subsidized. He is.

All medical workers are required to wear tags on cords around their necks….very easy to see.

Friends/family: one couple (man/woman) visit him 1 or 2 times/year. Unless all the others come WHEN I AM AT WORK there are none. And I am around most weekends all day.

And you are so right. He is DOING NOTHING other than draining the taxpayers wallets.

Is there anything else I can clarify for you?

I appreciate your humor and passion in coming to his defense.


Why is it when a liberal attacks a conservative and the conservative comes back with a reasonable response the conversation ends??? Are you people really not able to carry on a civil discussion?

Or if my response did clear up your issues wouldn’t it be nice if you’d at least come back with a “thanks, appreciate your clarifying that”.


In the month since I posted this, I've traveled over 5,000 miles for work & vacation. I'm not sitting on this forum waiting for a response to my posts.

Which I do appreciate, of course.

However! I still call bullshit.

You claim that you're translating his English documents into Spanish? And he's on government assistance? What? He couldn't PRESS 2 to get help from someone actually interested in helping him instead of a 'neighbor' who resents his presence here. You say he showed YOU his financials? (Well! That's more than Trump has done, amIright?)

Sorry. I'm hitting the BS button again.

We have neighbors who were devastated by W's global financial collapse. One of their kids was in a car accident the same week that another child was diagnosed with cancer. They took out a 2nd mortgage on their house to pay for expenses. When the market crashed, the mother lost her full-time job. The father's job was outsourced. Both parents got part-time minimum wage jobs in local retail, even though both have advanced degrees. When they first applied for food stamps, they were denied. Even with their mounting bills, they didn't qualify for them. After much effort, they dotted their i's crossed t's, filed their papers & got some relief.

Get that? One must QUALIFY to receive government assistance.

If your Cuban AMERICAN neighbor is receiving food stamps & other government assistance, he must've QUALIFIED. The Refugee Education Assistance Act was designed for Haitian & Cuban refugees & was signed by Reagan in 1981.

If you think that this man is receiving assistance WHEN HE SHOULDN'T BE don't come to anonymous forums to bitch about it - REPORT him.

And if he's your neighbor & you say that the apartment complex is 100% government subsidized, then I, as a taxpayer, am subsidizing you to look out your window to monitor this guy's comings & goings enough to hate on him & yes, bear false AND INCOMPLETE witness.

Is this civil enough for you?


"The poll also shows that 80 percent of Republicans support a border wall"

Even Trump scaled that back to the much more effective fence, which we already have. If you put up an opaque wall, you'd have to monitor both sides of it constantly because you've just given a blind spot for a border crossing, as well as a high ground for surveillance before going down the other side.

"62 percent support deportation for all those in the country illegally"

We already deport. I suppose "all" is supposed to include the tiny percentage of DACA eligible peeps?

"and 74 percent think that illegally crossing the border should be handled as a criminal matter."

It already is.

Criminal Penalties

For the first improper entry offense, the person can be fined (as a criminal penalty), or imprisoned for up to six months, or both. For a subsequent offense, the person can be fined or imprisoned for up to two years, or both. (See 8 U.S.C. Section 1325, I.N.A. Section 275.)

But just in case that isn’t enough to deter illegal entrants, a separate section of the law adds penalties for reentry (or attempted reentry)

What's the use of polling people and asking them if they want things that already exist?

More importantly, how are these "Trumps Immigration Policies" if they already existed before he was President??

This is no different from giving Trump credit for Obama's economic recovery, which started happening literally the day Trump took office. All of a sudden, all the Obama-bashers were crying "LOOK HOW GOOD THE ECONOMY IS! Now that we have a white guy to credit with that.... YAY TRUMP!"
