Remember how Trump voters called out the leftist/hollywood elites and to drain the swamp of them? Well Trump is an elite too, a super elite if I may add. Basically replacing one elite for another but on the other party instead, lulz.
Not true TJ, he's done plenty..he uses millions in taxpayer money every time he travels to Mar a Lago. Aside from the travel costs, by he and his staff staying there he's able to pump money into the property through money for lodging, food and incidentals as well. I've seen people point to how much money he saves the country by not accepting a salary which is untrue because that money is being donated to charity. And while admirable it's not saving the taxpayers anything. But looking at this a little deeper a Presidential salary is in the neighborhood of $400k which is a drop in the bucket compared to the money he's pumping into his properties through his Presidency.
You always keep the talk respectful to other members here, but it seems your biased hatred towards our President allows your personal feelings to attribute things to him that can be said about every president ever, except you imply that Trump is doing something outside the norm in a negative way. You've straight up said you don't like things about him on a purely speculative level, without facts substantiating those feelings. It's really hard to respect someone who forms opinions out of emotions instead of facts. It's even more difficult to take those opinions seriously.'s much much less difficult than watching his mewling sycophants excuse every single thing he does (derided when Obama played golf, said he'd be too busy to take the time if he were President, proceeds to do what he criticized Obama for as an example) and try desperately to ignore the fact that HE was one of the Democrats they say they HATE....all because some buffoons on Fox "News" ( because remember....Hannity is not a journalist by his own admission) told them to do so.
And while what Markdown said may have been fueled by bias, it is overall factually accurate and where there is's a well founded speculation.
But I haven’t said anything that wasn’t factual about the president though. Any speculation about him is one a capable adult would be able to form given available facts. I don’t like Trump and I have no problem admitting that but I’m not saying anything untrue and I’ve stood up against lies told about him from other posters on this board. I’m honestly a bit baffled about your comment that he hasn’t been elite on the tax payers dime....the tax payer dime is indeed paying for his many travels to Trump properties which then require payment for lodging and other amenities for the entire presidential staff which ultimately gets funneled back to the Trump family. I don’t know of any other President that has done that.
Trump’s campaign was built around draining the swamp but virtually everything he harshly criticized Obama or Clinton for, Trump has done more so. He’s golfed more, spent way more on travel in his first year than Obama. Filled his administration with donors regardless of their lack of qualificaions for a particular job and has been buddy buddy with the Wall Street world he claimed Clinton was in the back pocket of.
Sorry if it’s hard for you to respect me Burk but I respect myself and that’s enough for me.
"Personally, I think Trump had everything to do with personally screwing over those contractors."
This is a direct quote from you. Despite the fact that there is no actual evidence to support this idea, you believe it because you desire it to be true. This type of mindset from both sides of the political spectrum are tearing this nation apart,and it really needs to end.
Yes, based on the fact that a laundry list of contractors have complained of being screwed over on agreed upon payment by him. Based on his own words that if he doesn’t feel satisfied with a job that’s been done he feels he has the right to not pay the agreed upon price. I made clear it was my personal opinion but it was one based on interpretation of available facts. OJ Simpson is not guilty of murder legally but based on available information I personally believe he murdered two people. We all form our opinions based on available facts. I’m sure you do so as well. So again feel free not to respect me for interpreting available facts as I see fit (one available fact being Trump has made over 3,000 false statements since being in office...this helps form my opinion of the man. Find me that many lies and/or mistakes of any past President).
That 3000 number is a lie alone. No doubt he's told some mistruthes, so has every other president (funny,I don't remember any media outlet tallying any other presidents lies). That statement was said and repeated, but that doesn't equal facts. The truth is ,there is no list of these "3000" falsities to reference. It's pure BS. I know, because I researched it and didn't let blind emotion supercede facts. One that jumped out at me as a claimed falsehood was Trump declaring that a boarder wall would help stem the flow of drugs coming from South of the border. Someone didn't think that would help, so it is reported as a false statement? What happened to opposing facts being an option? The truth is NOBODY knows how a wall would affect anything because it isn't there. Both comments are purely speculative. What percentage of these so called "false" statements are akin to this line of thinking? Nobody knows, because again,there isn't actually a list. It's more lies and propaganda from the far left media, and it obviously has an impact on easily convinced Trump haters that want to believe it. That's exactly why things like this are so dangerous. What's more dangerous is when you and admittedly hundreds of thousands of others hear and believe this without bothering to substantiate it. You might be fine with accepting lies and untruths because it supports your existing opinions, but I'd rather have the facts right than someone lying to me and telling me they are facts. Live how you gotta live though.
Sorry Burk, despite the presidents cries of fake news, the Washington Post has credibility to me. The DEA have stated that a border wall would do little to stop the flow of drugs into the country and I put a little more faith in those who study the problem
for a living than a reality show star that has shown very little grasp on actual details of problems. If you want to talk about dangerous thinking I’d look at claims like global warming is a myth. Again I’d put my faith in scientists who actually study the problem over Trump. I form my opinions based on available facts but I also know we have to show some
trust in people with a greater understanding of things like drug flow and global
Warming. My opinion based on facts I’ve looked at tells me Trump has no firm grasp on either. I understand you feel differently.
The Washington Post is notorious for being a liberal newspaper. It's also dangerous to seek out facts hoping they simply support someone's way of thinking,rather than challenge it. The media bias is evident,and that's why Americans have never had a lower opinion of the media's facts than they do today. I am VERY moderate, as are many people I know. I've NEVER voted for a republican candidate before this election. You might not realize it, but the biased mindset from the left is driving moderates to the right. You might think your method of thinking is an asset to your alliance with the left, but all you're doing is ensuring a second term from someone you don't like. I'd rather not see Trump get a second term, but I'll take him overnight another good ol boy, career politician any day. It's odd because you seem really level headed in some areas, (I totally agree with you in regards to global warming and how crazy it is for some people to deny it) but you seem obtuse to many things that seem blatently biased, that moderates who can't stand Trump plainly agree are obviously biased too.
Burk the Post is referring to the DEA's own findings and if the DEA is wrong then why doesn't President Trump refer people to any legitimate studies demonstrating such? If he were to do that (or if anyone were to do that) I would consider that. Instead he has appointed himself the sole beacon of truth and people inexplicably buy into it. He appeals to his crowd's emotion but can't seem to back up what he says with any actual facts (millions of illegals voted in California? Could he produce even a single verified instance). He cries fake news quite often but is able to point to very few specific instances of what they are lying about. And on the rare occasion when he is able to be specific it's usually about an item that the news source has acknowledged and retracted their mistake.
Prior to Trump's promotion of the easily debunked and racist birther myth I was never very political and certainly not anti-Republican. And you say you're very moderate but I've seen you buddy up to far right extremists on this board like GD celebrating the travel ban while ignoring my point and question as to why Trumps (never defined) "extreme vetting" that he harped on during the campaign has been seemingly forgotten some 17 months into his term. I'm confident that I've formed my views based on available evidence but if presented with something that shows me I'm wrong, I'm capable of admitting it and shifting my views. Where Trump is concerned I've seen nothing that's makes me feel like I'm wrong.
For the record I think there is plenty to criticize Obama on and although I believe he was overall a good President and a good man, I think there were definitely areas he fell short (Flint water problem for one). But legitimate criticisms of him fell behind bullshit like lies about his birthplace and religion.
Point blank question of you as a moderate; how do you feel about the potential of Roe v Wade being overturned as a result of Trump's next appointee to the Supreme Court?
Just to clarify something before I answer a fair and point blank question, I seldom am a champion of Trump's policies, but I am highly against misrepresenting the truth to make something appear different than it is, and I see this the poison of modern politics. Right now the left is by far the loudest, more biased segment, therefore they get the majority of my criticism because they seem to get a pass. Racist, ignorant religious assholes on the far right are dismissed before they speak, and nobody takes them seriously anymore, so they don't need to be taken down a peg. If you look back you will see very little of Trump that I support from me, other than accurate representation. As far as roe v Wade, I don't think it has any risk of being repealed, but I'd be 100% against it if it we're. People can be responsible for themselves,and the government should stay the hell out of it.
I am also against misrepresenting the truth and as I mentioned I have called out other members of this board who have said blantantly false things about Trump. I think I've said all I can about how I base my opinions and for now we'll have to agree to disagree on whether I'm in the right or not.
I once felt the same about it not being at risk of being appealed but I'm really not so sure any more. Trump campaigned as vehemently anti abortion and now he's finding himself in the unlikely position where he may be able to do something about it. I doubt Trump is really as against abortion as he claimed but he may have little choice but to appease that vocal portion of his base. Turning it back over to the states could have some serious consequences. I agree it's hard to imagine it happening but the Trump presidency seemed hard to imagine a couple years ago to many of us and here we are lol. On this issue I have no problem saying I really hope you're right Burk!
Watching an episode of Colbert and they show this clip of Trump from his recent rally in North Dakota:
Trump: "when we won the state of Wisconsin, it hadn't been won by a Republican since Dwight Eisenhower in 1952, did you know that?"
Cut to Colbert: "I did not know that. Because that is not true....both Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan each won Wisconsin twice. And you know who else has won since Eisenhower won in 1952? Eisenhower in 1956."
Now something like this isn't in itself a big deal and I consider this most likely the President honestly believing what he's saying as opposed to outright lying. But doesn't it bother you when he says so many things like this that make him look like a clown? To be clear everyone misspeaks and makes mistakes. But something like this should've been well fact checked before saying it to a crowd. And that's the problem with Trump is that it's irrelevant to him if something is true or not as long as it paints him in a good light.
Sorry, I KNOW contractors that for YEARS regaled people with stories of how Trump changed the rules of their agreements vis-a-vis payments after the work was done.
That's why he doesn't come back to NY often. He's not as beloved in NYC as you'd think he should be.