Some Childen Are Suicidal
Petr Schey, the attorney in the Flores case, as part of the settlement is allowed to enter the facilities where the children are being hidden away by the Trump administration. He has a team who have been visiting the children and what they are finding is chilling. He said there are children who are highly distressed and some have become suicidal.
I just read a disturbing interview by a doctor saying the same as she describes an 8 year old boy who is having a nervous break down and has become suicidal. She believed he had been in a detention facility for a month and believes he has been separated from his mother.
When she asked the child if he wanted to be hugged, he fell into her arms and broke down crying. The men who had accompanied him said that she was rewarding bad behavior (The boy acting out and wanting to harm himself.) She said their lack of compassion scared her.
The doctor also said she has seen babies who are so traumatized that they don't cry like normal children.
The full article: