MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > “Tender Age” jails for infants and toddl...

“Tender Age” jails for infants and toddlers

I wonder who in the T-rump administration coined the cute term “ tender age facilities “ to describe what is actually jails for the infants and toddlers taken at the borders?

Yes now T -rump is incarcerating babies and toddlers, a new low for Rethuglikkkans. Hope Krisjten Nielsen is sleeping soundly over this. Take a bow Stephen Miller.


There's some special level of hell reserved for the Trump weasel bureaucrat/goon who thought up the euphemism of "tender age facilities" in place of child jails.


I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears watching this when the story broke around 10 last night. Unbelievable. Even the reporters I was watching were choking up, as I switched channels.

Then I landed on State TV with Laura Ingraham gleefully reporting this, and realized it’s not a question of policy but humanity. Maybe Ingraham will understand that some day when karma comes looking for her.



I did indeed. I can only hope every Democrat running for Congress this November will show those clips over and over again...and remind those Independents and 'old school Republicans' what the GOP stands for now.


And that FOX host MARTHA McCALLAN is just as complicit for not speaking out against Lewandowski. What kind of bobble heads does FOX hire, anyhow? Really - no one with a conscience?


Well it looks like someone had my post deleted, even though I did not insult anyone who is a poster on this board so that does not constitute a "flame." So much for Republitards and all their hypocritical claims of supporting free speech.


No one reported your post.


Honestly I wouldn't mind if every post that included terms like Republitards, Rethuglikkkans, Demokkkrats, libtard, or any other play on these terms designed to insult a large group of people were deleted. I'm sure you know that free speech just guarantees you freedom from government infringement on speech. It doesn't mean a message board moderator can't delete a post if they find it is below the standard of behavior that they want for their online community. The conversation on some of these boards, particularly the Trump board is so riddled with insults that any attempt at civilized discussion on issues is lost.


I got zipped for saying what I felt deserved to happen to Corey Lewandowski, but I never said that *I* was going to be the one to do it, which I know enough not to do. Seemed a pretty grey violation, imo, but it's not my board, so WTFE.

As for, yeah, they're juvenile, but I could care less about them really. If someone is really creative with them, pro or con to my views, I kind of appreciate them.


Plenty of my posts have been deleted over the past few weeks rather arbitrarily. No reason given - just deleted.


A thought experiment just occurred to me... If I were to go to your home where you live and sit on your PC right now, find some way in/picklock/etc., help myself to your belongings but not hurting you in the process while holding a toddler/kid, you'd be fine with it right?

Can't call the cops though cause I need to feed this kid too and you wouldn't want to separate him/her cause that'd be just inhumane.


If you and your child were in that much need, I would invite you in and help you. If no one was home, and you had to break in - then be my guest. I have more than enough for myself, and willing to help out (as I often do with charities). That's the way I was raised as a human, as a Catholic, as a Christian...and thankful for this. I wouldn't want to be any other way.

How were you raised?


They get free pancakes. It's just like summer camp, with bars on the windows.
