MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Why is Antifa considered extreme?

Why is Antifa considered extreme?

Antifa is a very moderate centrist organization with no extreme views. Everything they support comes from a Human Resources handbook at any Fortune 500 company. For example "Do not say anything offensive or we will fire you".

Personally I think corporations have too much power. I am afraid liberals want corporations to have even more power. The idea of "social credit" is popular in China where if you hold certain views you are not allowed to do business.


Because they beat people up. If someone beat you up or even disrespected you just for having a different opinion than them I guarantee you that you would hate their guts.



Eh I'm too lazy to youtube the rest but just type in violent antifa and you'll see endless videos of ANTIFA and why they're considered an extremist anarchist group full of hate and violence by the left. They love to dress all in black and hide their faces like typical anarchists.


Lower-case-a anarchists. Happy to see you distinguishing. That's why I often specify that I am a capital-a Anarchist.

Those guys probably support government power, anyway.


In addition to what others have said, they handed out pamphlets in Oregon after the election telling people not to record them, encouraged them to riot and destroy property, encouraged them to be violent towards Trump supporters.


Because some of them are nutjobs, and its easy to tar the whole lot with that brush. Both sides do it, and both sides moan about it. Anyone who tells you that either side is the pure evil while the other is perfect, is a troll.
