MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > There is at least one good thing about t...

There is at least one good thing about the child immigrant fiasco...

It's even turning Republicans against Trumpie. His approval rating drops considerably among Republitards when this issue is raised, and there's even stirrings among the sniveling Quisling senators in Congress that they will oppose Trumpie on this issue.

Is it conceivable that even some Republitards might still possess some remnants of a conscience within their shriveled, Grinch-like hearts?


It’s also moving the focus away from Mueller, which means something big is about to drop again. Whenever Mueller is ready to drop another shoe, T-rump knows how to create a fiasco.


Yep, the distraction is evident, and welcome, by Trump...he appreciates anything that takes attention away from his dirty dealings. Although this time with this situation, I think it's going to bite him on the ass in a way that will make it just as bad as the investigation.


I sure hope so. You never know when karma is coming after you.


It's not a lack of conscience, it's a lack of conviction. We keep hearing how behind the scenes, GOP lawmakers know Trump lies, knows Trump is far too alt-right, basically know what anyone not living in fear desperate for anyone to blame for their sorry lot in life knows....but are too afraid of losing their electorate to say anything. Because Trump is selling "who to blame" to the disenfranchised and "I can make you richer" to the already bloated power brokers....and they are all in. They would applaud any heinous thing this misogynistic, racist, dementia ridden buffoon says because they are not brave enough to stand up for humanity as a whole.

Economics = made up by humans
racism = made up by humans
borders = made up by humans
humans = ARE REAL
the planet = IS REAL

The alt-right will fight for imaginary things instead of real things.


Like that 98+% rating that Clinton had the night before Trump whooped the dog shit out of her---8 November 2016.

Trump President.

Not Clinton.


See? Too scared to stay on topic. Just like the orange idiot. Can't talk about now, but is so scared of a woman and an African American, they can't think of anything else.

Poor pitiable Trump and his brownshirts....


The old "brownshirts" tact.



Want to stop being called a brownshirt?

Stop being a brownshirt.


You drag that out every time. That and Nazi, Fascist, Hitler, on & on.

It's tired old shit bag stuff.



I'm tired of him being a Nazi and a facist. I wish he'd stop BEING one.

I never called him Hitler.

Hitler had better hair.


98% approval rating? NO-ONE running for President has EVER had a 98% approval rating, before/during/or after a campaign. Have you returned to smoking crack again? No wait, you can't afford're probably huffing again, poor thing.

Trump criminal.

Not Clinton.


I didn't say it was a 98% approval rating. The night before the election Media claimed there was a 98+% chance that Hillary would win.

Trump gave her an ass pounding the very next day.


That's called a "prediction" Einstein, not a rating.

Those remedial English composition classes aren't working out for you.


Horseshit. They fed shit into a computer program and out came Hillary with a 98+% chance of becoming POTUS.

Along comes the old man and Hillary is slabbed & tagged.

Just like that.


Was that computer the magic computer you always see when you take off your tin-foil hat?


The "tin-foil hat" tact, eh?

Tired old shit bag stuff.


Yes, the "tin-foil hat" tact. You're so perceptive! You recognized precisely when someone is saying you happen to be somewhat mentally-deficient.

Maybe you'll make it though your remedial class with at least a "C" grade!


It's tired old shit bag stuff, Sand. Done to death, son.


Then stop being mentally deficient.


Knock it off with the name calling, TJ. I don't do that to you. I'd appreciate you treating me in the same manner. Please.


1) I'm not name calling. I'm reporting the facts.

2) I'd appreciate you not being a brownshirt. To quote Mick Jagger, "You don't always get what you want".

3) You shouldn't treat me in this manner. I'm better than you are.


Fine. All I could do was ask. It is what it is.


No, could do so much more.

You CHOOSE to do nothing more.


What, bowing to your harangue?



No....standing for others.

No bowing needed.

That's Trumps thing.


The process being implemented on the border has been in place since 1997.

The demokkkrats haven’t presented one law to change the laws being enforced. Need more slaves for the plantation. We can always count on the left to exploit the most helpless.

No education, no homes, no jobs, no ability to take care of themselves. They’ll fit right into the demokkkrat plantation.


You know what is the TRUTH? That you are--as evidenced by this post of yours--not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

Let's go over your inane rejoinder, shall we? First, yes the option to separate children from their parents at the border has been on the books during both the Bush and Obama admins, but neither chose to implement it because (I can't believe I'm saying this about Bush) they knew it was a cruel thing to do and (probably most importantly) would get them tons of negative coverage by the (real) press and lots of public opposition.

Trump has proven this to be correct.

Secondly, this policy has been in effect for a few weeks now, and people who actually watch the (real) news knew about it. Despite the best efforts of Trump's goons to limit news exposure of the pitiful treatment of these people (although you probably consider them "animals", right?), yesterday was finally the tipping point when pictures and the audio tape made it to the (real) news and no-one could un-see or un-hear that media.

Lastly, it shows your ignorance to just repeat Trumpie's "blame this on the Democrats" line when HE was the one who implemented this enforcement and HE is the one who could stop it simply with his narcissistic signature on an EO.

But thanks for being predictable...always good to know that someone here that I've considered an a-hole for a long time now never lets me down with his new posts.


First, yes the option to separate children from their parents at the border has been on the books during both the Bush and Obama admins

Finally, you stipulate to it. It was like pulling teeth.


I'm sorry, is that supposed to be some kind of point you're making?


Yes. Absolutely. You & Media spent the last 72 hours+ denying that the law even existed. Media still hasn't.

Kudos to you, Sand, for stipulating.



I've seen it repeatedly since Friday on CNN, MSNBC.


Yeah, when you're not wearing your tin-foil hat you no doubt you also see little green men swimming in your cereal bowl, too. Claiming you "saw" this is not the same thing as proving it was said.

reply's good enough for me.


And that's a pretty good summation of why our country is in the trouble it's in right now.


What trouble?


Taking things at face value, "good enough for me", without bothering to learn the truth.


I learned the truth. I saw it on CNN & MSNBC repeatedly.


"If no link, it didn't happen."

> ancient law of the Internet


I have never ascribed to that law. & I never will.

"Writing" something down doesn't make it true.


Your claim--what you claim as true--is that these news organization denied that this separation law existed. I call bullshit on that. It stands as bullshit until you can verify this claim was made.

That's how things are done in the grown-up world, you know...the (real) news, courts of law, people whose word you trust...


I don't care. Call bullshit. I saw it numerous times. That's enough for me. Frankly, I'm not here to change your mind, or, anybody's mind.


Then exactly why are you here if you can't back up anything you claim to be the "truth" WITH THE TRUTH? You're not exactly doing much to disprove the stereotype about Trump supporters being clueless when it comes to what's true and what isn't.


Obviously I'm here to fight for my side. For my President. He fights for me every single day, gloves off, bare knuckle, brawlin' in the street, broad daylight. He followed me on Twitter. The President of the United States followed me. I follow only one person on Twitter. The President of the United States.

That's exactly why I'm here.


You're lost, dude. You're being swindled by a snake oil salesman every day he's in office, and you keep lining up to buy more of his cure-all promised junk that's just going to make you sicker. The sad thing is he's dragging everyone else down with him.


That is your take, your belief. I just think you're mad that he won. And now you can't take the wait till he's out. That's the American in ya. (We're) spoiled at default. Nobody, NOBODY likes to lose. That's why the MeToo movement advanced. Couldn't wait for the due process. Not another second. Had to skip right to the punishment phase. & MSM greased the pipe line to indoctrinate it into the populace. In broad daylight no less.

Just take the fucking loss and wait your turn. You'll be able to pick up where you left off with Obama and go One World soon enough.


This is not about being a sore loser. And it's not even specifically about this immigration issue, either, although that's certainly another straw on the camel's back...

Donald Trump is the worst person that's ever become President in the history of this country. Yes, even worse than Nixon, and that's saying a lot. We've reached a new low, as a government, as a country, and as a people.

Thankfully, people a lot smarter than I am who are in positions of power also recognize this and are doing something about it, and I hope before too much more harm can be done, their efforts will expose this scammer, liar, and contemptible human being to all the TRUTH that will be proven. It's coming, not soon enough, but it's coming. And that's what gives me hope for the future.


We shall see. One thing is certain=this man will fight to the end. I do not believe you're going to be able to topple him, but, I could be wrong.


[[[That's how things are done in the grown-up world, you know...the (real) news, courts of law, people whose word you trust...]]]

But, we don't get "(real) news" Sand. From any & all sources. It's all skewed and has been forever. It's the nature of the beast, the human beast, if you will.


Yes, but there's a difference between skewed news, or spun, and news that is outright blatant lies.

If you can't tell that right now in history we're playing a whole new game that's much different--and dangerous--than what came before, well I really sorry for you.


Only because NOW we're both playing the "whole new game." "You" used to play it by yourself, in association with MSM. We'd sit there with our dick in our hand with Bush 1 & 2 goin' behind the curtain like in professional rasslin' and splittin' the house take with Clinton & Obama.

Trump,,,like I don't know......"Connor" in "Terminator" showed us how to fight back. Now we're trading punches with "you." We've eased on down into the mud, blood & do-do with "you" and are brawling with you on even terms.

You don't like it. I understand that. But, that's the way it has to be now.


It's called the rule of law, and it's a wonderful thing. God bless the great Trump!


Hey, when's the next Trumpie Nuremberg rally coming up?


Why do you hate America?


Why do you hate?


Why do you support people who enter the US illegally? Only a person who hates America would do that.


Why do you assume to know what I do--or do not--support? Only a stupid person would do that.

Regardless of what my position is about illegal immigration, anyone who's not a heartless bastard should know that ripping children away from their mothers is immoral.


That's what happens when someone commits a crime and has to be punished for it. Do you think every incarcerated person in the US is childless? How cute.


What a stupid reply. How many incarcerated people in the US happened to be arrested with their children with them when taken into custody? And even if so, there was probably someone available nearby or a call away to take responsibility for them.


There are 2.7 million children in the US with an incarcerated parent. Of those parents, about half of them were the primary caretaker at the time of incarceration. You are incredibly naive if you think they all had somebody to care for them, or that they weren't with their parents when they were taken into custody.


Of all the people incarcerated in the US, over 93% of them are males, and as women are the primary caretakers of children, I seriously doubt that half of *all* prisoners were the primary caretakers of these children (just being a parent does not automatically make you a caretaker). And regardless, even if the parents of children are sent to jail, they at least HAVE the option of granting custody of them to a spouse, relative, or designated person they option none of the parents at the border have. Their children are only confined to HHS care if there's no other option. For illegals' children, it's the first and only option.


I didn't say that half of all inmates were primary caregivers for children. I said that half of inmate parents (both male and female) were the primary caregivers prior to incarceration. Those stats are easily verified by a Google search:

Reading comprehension. It's important.


Yawn, this has already come out as being misrepresented fake news. Pictures being used that we're from Obama's administration, falsely citing conditions worse than they are, lying and misrepresenting facts... typical day in the life of the bitter left.


Trump enforcing immigration law that goes back to Bubba Clinton. The demokkkrat media/party play dumb, because they know their lemmings are dumb.

Have the demokkkrats presented a law in the last 20 years to change this policy? Nope. Did it occur under Obama? Yep. What’s the dumbokkkrats solution? As always, call everyone Hitler.

Trump wins again by dropping it in Congress’ lap. You know, the ones who made the law.

“The best way to get a bad law repealed is to enforce it” - Abraham Lincoln.



Law been on the books since 1997. End of subject.

Links to demokkkrat media opinion pieces are irrelevant.

Demokkkrat solution: call everyone Hitler.


Yep, irrelevance is a subject you're qualified to represent.

And btw, fact-checking is not the same thing as opinion pieces. Of course when all you read and watch is propaganda TV I guess it's hard to distinguish the difference.


Trump has already asked Congress for a legal solution. The demokkkrat media/party of course will have no solution but calling everyone Hitler because that’s all they’re ever good for.

So republicans will have to work with Trump to amend the laws that have been on the books since 1997. This is how you run a country.

When you’re a worthless political party with no ideas, no solutions, no platform, you just call everyone Hitler knowing your brainless lemming followers will scream and shout as they’re instructed. That’s the demokkkrat party of hate.


If Trump wants to stop this enforcement, all he has to do is sign an Executive Order and it stops. Quit with trying to make it seem this is going on because of the's happening because Trump STARTED enforcing it, and he can STOP it anytime he wants to.

He doesn't want to stop it, because he's a scumbag. Oh, and he needs a good distraction right now to keep people's minds off his criminal problems, too.

And why the fuck do you keep adding new posts to this thread when you have nothing new to say? Could it be because you keep getting owned in previous ones so you need to run away from them?


We don’t elect dictators sorry. We have a rule of law that must be enforced. Because Obama acted like a dictator and used the EO in record numbers like a dictator doesn’t mean Republicans will crap on the constitution in the same way.

Congress exists as representatives of the people. The people created the laws to enforce border security and controlled immigration. That’s how the country works. Checks and balances.

Ignorant lemmings of the demokkkrat media/party can scream all they want. The laws have been on the books since 1997. We look forward to the demokkkrats solution. One besides calling everyone Hitler. One besides hate and blame. Unfortunately the sad reality is that’s all they have to offer.


Obama signed less Executive Orders than George W. did...was he a dictator, too? So far, Trumpie is on a pace to tie Obama if not outright pass him...and that's over a 4 year span to Obama's 8. So that makes him just another dictator too then, right?

We have a rule of law that must be enforced.

Good to remember. It WILL be remembered when the hearings begin to impeach Trumpie.


Yeah some great hearings going on today exposing the demokkkrat collusion with the FBI. James Comey is now under investigation for illegally leaking classified info.

You don’t think the hearings on the IG report that started yesterday could be the reason for the fake demokkkrat outrage also started yesterday over a law passed 20 years ago do you? No that couldn’t be it.

Still waiting for a demokkkrat solution besides hate and blame and Hitler.


Comey was already cleared by the IG report as having done nothing illegal. Questionable and ill-advised, yes, but not illegal. These hearings are just more smoke-and-mirrors by the lockstep Trump ass-kissers in Congress to give el Presidente some distraction.

And how about a comment on the Executive Orders shit YOU started with in the previous thread? Or are you just mimicking your glorious leader and ignoring the truth when it's pointed out that it refutes your argument?
