MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump Says Americans Should Obey Him Lik...

Trump Says Americans Should Obey Him Like North Koreans Obey Kim Jong-un

Ah, true dictatorial fashion.


He tried back tracking after saying it was a joke. He then accused a Reporter ( I think from CNN) if trying to make his joke sound offensive.

Samantha Bees comment about Ivanka was a joke. Not his.


He was pulling your leg, daddy. Reddening your ass.


That’s what Samantha Bee did to Ivanka! How come her daddy was upset?


Don't be purposely obtuse, daddy. Not tonite. I ain't in the mood.


Sorry, daddy, I didn't mean to be rude with the (mood) nonsense above.


Yep, it was about as funny a joke as when Reagan said he'd signed legislation outlawing Russia and the missiles launched in five minutes...

In retrospect now, that joke...still wasn't funny. Neither is what Trump said. But he might as well yuk it up while he can--his days are numbered.



I didn't know that dictators lowered taxes too. Seems an odd thing to do.


If it benefits the filthy rich, of course. :P

Pretty sure anything that benefits Trump will likely benefit a few others along the way, unintentionally of course.


Rori, reading right off the CNN talking points. "benefits the filthy rich" --- on & on...whilst he's raking it with both ass scratchers. & gigglin' over his newfound riches: "I hate that bastard, but, I'm goin' to the Ruth Chris Steakhouse tonite!"


Give a temporary tax break for the working classes while passing permanent ones for corporations and the wealthy? It's actually a great way to get the ignorant fools to applaud as you take away their freedoms since they got a couple of extra dollars in their pocket and by the time that little bonus goes away, the damage is done.

It's not odd at all. It's buying the loyalty of the simple.
