MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Bobby D "F**k Trump"

Bobby D "F**k Trump"

God I love Bobby D!

And the standing ovation it gets must chap Kaiser Drumpt's thin skinned ass😂🤣


From the people who were all either harassing women, raping women, knew all about it, kept quiet about it, and went along with it, for at least half a century.

And they wonder why no one watches. Even half the people sitting in that audience were watching something else. Lmao!!!


"From the people who were all either harassing women, raping women, knew all about it, kept quiet about it, and went along with it, for at least half a century."

Apparently 'those people' you're referring to can win the next Presidential election, just like T-rump did with his half century of abusive behavior towards women. The Rethuglikkkans love a guy who will either harass or rape women for years, know all about it, keep quiet about and go along with it. He gets a mulligan from Evangelicals, and complicity from his family members and close associates - like attorneys, for example. Even FOX news looks the other way, while dragging the dozens of women he sexually abused through the mud.

As Melania explained his pussy grabbin' sexually abusive behavior for us - 'Boys will be boys.'


Ya as a supporter of Kaiser Drumpt the admitted and braggadocious pussy grabber, you can't really take the high road here.


I heard even Melania stood up while watching the Tonys, and cheered DeNiro on. She later told reporters, "After watching DeNiro, for the first time in my life, I'm proud to be a - how you say? - Einstein American!"


Do you really think Trump gives a rats ass about a bunch of holly-weirdos stroking each other off. Not bloody likely.


Yes he does. He’s ego driven and needy, and wants to be accepted -especially by celebrities. The fact that most Hollywood, Broadway and sports celebrities hate him eats away at him every day.


He is the most vain, vapid, thin skinned egomaniac ever.

So yes, yes he does "give a rats ass".


Probably. Those creative people tend to be pretty insightful about politics and economics.
