MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > I hope you guys are getting ready to spe...

I hope you guys are getting ready to spend more after the nice tax cut :)

Come July, the tariffs of allied countries will take effect. I don't know when China's tariff will take effect if it hasn't already. Those producers etc. will pass those costs onto the consumers so happy more spending than before.


The Rethuglikkkkans response will be "The rising prices in consumer goods is all because of HIllary's private email server in 2013. Not because of T-rump's tariff wars!"


I saw a boost from the raise in standard deductions on pass-throughs.

Still, I'd give it all back to get this tariff happy maniac out of office. He's completely out of control.

Look to pay a super premium on electronic goods. We've already seen the hikes on anything made of aluminum or steel and its dampening affect on new construction and development projects.

But those flat screens are going to be facing a stiff surcharge thanks to the trump tax. I'm curious how much Chinese companies might cut their prices to offset the 25% tariffs, as they've done in the past.


Funny how the left has no problem understanding trickle down economics when discussing tarrifs.

However when it comes to higher taxes and more endless regulations, they still live in fantasyland.


Passing the costs onto the end user is not trickle down economics, that's business.

Trickle down economics has been thoroughly disproven in Thomas Picketty's body of work. But what would a nobel laureate in economics know🤔


FAKE economics! Read the reviews in WSJ.


WSJ questioned his inequality analysis, not his trickle down analysis. Based on different statistics.

After reading his body of work as well as other economists I tend to side with picketty and have a sense that WSJ is trying to minimize inequality as that serves their elitist agenda


Holy shit, you're really a bastion for pain embarrassing yourself pushing WSJ reviews you either haven't read yourself or did read but didn't understand.

It's mind boggling to me anyone can still be pushing trickle down as a legit economic theory. It's 2018 for chrissake.

Trump cites it because he's an idiot and it's the only way he can justify his tax cuts. But that's your fault for believing him.


Let me never actually read what you're referencing. Either Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson talked about it on Faux and you took it as gospel.


Yeah I think that's a fantastic guess too.


Bush 41 nailed it nearly 40 years ago. Reganeconomics = Trickle Down Economics = Voo Doo economics. Yet no one heeded the warnings, as they were enraptured with Reagan.


The idea that costs incurred by businesses are ultimately "passed on" to the consumer is a basic tenet of supply-side economics, i.e. "trickle down economics". Why is that line or reasoning valid for tariffs but not for corporate income taxes? Be specific.


Because costs are always passed on when they can be whilst profits are not. Profits are hoarded at the top.


Wow, you really try to get a free education from this forum. Does this help you with your GED?




Yep. And Trump wasn’t going to Nuke North Korea and start WW3.


Does he still have access to the launch codes? Yes? Then stop acting like this cannot happen. Even Fox has called him a dictator....why won't YOU admit it?


That's against his primary directive as a Russian propoganda bot


I think he’s a Croatian propaganda bot who is looking to get promoted to Russian propaganda bot.

He’s not as bright as the bots the Russians would use.


Lol possibly Kazakhstani then?

Racist disgruntled Borat with an internet connection 😂🤣
