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Trump will most likely be re-elected come 2020 election

When you see stuff like this and the agenda pandering of the left then wonder why people voted Trump in the first place. People are just tired of this shit.

Was watching Bill Maher today and he said that 52% of republicans would support postposing the 2020 election if Trump ever proposed it.


nobody ever proven that life is a serious thing


It's all about the rust belt. They just barely voted him in when he campaigned there and Hillary didn't, and they can just as easily vote him out if a democrat makes the obvious decision to step foot there. I mean, what will Trump's campaign slogan be in 2020 to counter it? TTWRMI? This Time We Really Mean It?


Hillary was a highly inept candidate who ran a horrible campaign. Yet Trump barely beat her. I think it'll come down to who the Democrats select to run against him and if they manage to make a mess of the campaign again.


But no democrat in 2020 could be so inept to avoid campaigning in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Not even the inept Hillary herself would make that mistake again. You can say that Trump will win if the democrats run an inept person, and while that may be true, there's no way to articulate a likely scenario where Trump scoops up the rust belt again. Trump will somehow have to win states that Hillary won in 2016, and the states that she won are where Trump's approval is the lowest.


Hillary lost.

This is why people make fun of you by saying this. You are still suffering from election denial because you are trying to explain her loss by saying that people in the rust belt didn't vote for her because she forgot to come visit them. You refuse to accept that it was her policies that were at fault. You want to run Hillary again in 2020 (or her ethnically unidentifiable clone Kamala Harris) and you will lose again.

Stop being so corrupt.


Prove that it was her policies at fault. You can't do it. Her policies weren't any different than Obama's and he was elected twice.

Stop being such an idiot.


Hillary was an exceptionally strong candidate and she ran a strong campaign. Bernie would've lost in a landslide.


"she ran a strong campaign"

Are you sniffing glue?


You all thought the sun rose & set on her till Trump mopped the floor with her fuckin' ass.

Since that moment you all treat her like an Indian at the door.


Have no idea what you're talking about Culburn. She rigged the deck of the primaries by stacking the DNC with her stooges. Everyone that supported Bernie didn't like her because of it and many stayed home.

So keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better. That doesn't make it any less false.


She ran one of the strongest campaigns in history. I can't believe anyone would debate this.


It was ilconceived and all over the place when Bernie's platform started to resonate with the Dems target demo.

Hillary was a joke.


Yeah, it "resonated" to the tune of a resounding defeat in the primaries. LMFAO


lolz. Coming from you, the single dumbest poster on this board with lots of competition, that's not really saying a whole lot.


Bitter because your historical revisionism doesn't hold up to scrutiny? Hillary was lauded as a once-in-a-generation candidate on many occasions. Were you living in a cave in 2016?


lulz. What revisionism? Point to where I ever said Hillary was a once in a generation candidate. You can't do it because I never said it.

Face it. Straw manning is all you got. It's all you ever do.

Revisionism is what you're engaging in trying to make historical claims at odds with the facts. Hypocrisy is your perpetual character flaw.



What!? Hillary was a weak fn candidate, are you serious!?

Bernie would have smoked Trump, hell, if Hillary made Bernie her VP, Trump probably loses. This might be the most comical post I've ever seen and I post on multiple forums.

Bravo Yuma!


It's true.

He really does set the tone around here for Trump supporters by his general overall ignorance of basic facts.


If Hillary was such an inept fool and a horrible candidate, then how did she beat your hero so soundly? The Bernietards have never been able to explain this.


^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As usual. 3to10IQ proving he was living under a rock 2 years ago and demands to be educated now. haehoehoaehoaheaeoh


Than youre a fn idiot.
I can easily.

1. DNC rigged it. Even your god Trump claimed,"Bernie got screwed by the DNC."
E. Warren, Donna Brazile, and Reid also said it wasnt a fair primary.

DNC colluded against Bernie, having things like,"expose him as an atheist.'
Seriously yuma you are either insanely stupid or the best troll ever. I can go into more depth if you want me too, but I got a feeling Im wasting my time.

Look I get it, you like Trump so you have to "pretend" he beat a strong candidate, truth is, she probably ran the worst possible campaign in the history of campaigns. Pure garbage.
SHE DIDNT EVEN GO TO WI KID. That's a good campaign to you? I'd love to run a campaign against you!
Bernie would have eaten Trump alive, every poll he was ahead 15-20 points, she was ahead 7 and it slipped down down down. By the end 2-4 points ahead, margin of error for most polls? 3 percent, this isnt that hard man.

Youre also either, as the person above me said, living under a rock or being dishonest. You either dont watch ANY news (Not even discussing MSM your "fake" news im talking any news source, shoot even right winged sources reported it) or are plain ignorant. Either way, you seriously look highly uneducated. Im hate being mean to anyone, go to the back, around the last few pages, you can see me thank both right and left wingers. Man....I truly think you shouldn't discuss politics if you dont know the basics.
Here man:

I got np being polite but if youre gonna throw little insults I can play that game. I find youre responses a tad childish I must admit.

Seriously got to be a joke...Trumptard.


1. Where to start.... And you actually believe Trump there of all things? The same man who also colluded with Russia and even had their strong support? The same Russia with a leader that made clear of his antipathy towards Obama prior to the 2016 election (on the top of his general Euroscepticism)? I'm sure Trump's strong admiration of Putin over Obama, and vice versa, during his campaign didn’t just seem like too much of a coincidence there. Not to mention the same Russia that got involved with the hacked DNC documents (and tried to pull the very same thing in the 2017 French election to undermine Macron... but I'm sure you weren’t too concern about Macron's election. I’ll let you be the judge on that one if you do decide to look more into it.)

The same Russia interference that even got President Obama suspicious of during his last term and how Obama wanted to do much more investigation around that issue at the time…when he had all the chance to do so? THAT Trump? BWHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA! Trump himself also never liked Sanders too much either. You do know that one, right? Trump pretty much spouts anything to earn sympathy and pity from even the most apathetic voters and supporters to his advantage. Ultimately, Trump's strategy seemed to have worked. Were you one of those Sanders supporters at the time that got swayed over to vote for Trump out of retaliation? Trump even once said after the primary how he felt relief that Sanders didn't make it past the primary. Trump has been spouting the same crap towards him in the primary as well, maybe even a little worse compare to how he treated any other candidates simply due to his "crazy Jewish communist" status... Then again, this is also the same Trump who still insist that Obama got him wiretapped....unless you also happen to believe in his narrative about Obama out of office too?


By the way, this link indicates how Putin and Russia has been no stranger to this kind of "election meddling in other nations to suit their agenda" for almost the past 20 years. Even during their own elections at times. Have you also seen the March 2018 result of the Russian presidential election for instance? Been a fair race there for almost 20 years...:


“E”. The superdelegate count aside from the DNC, Sanders never actually got that close in either delegates or in popular vote. The real biggest elephant in the room behind his (fair) lost in the primary. Not sure why a lot of Sanders supporters have failed to acknowledge that aspect. Sanders had a larger white support and appeal more to college students, sure, but Clinton had a majority of minorities and urbanites on her side over him. Plus I’ve heard a lot of Middle American voters at the time didn’t feel too crazy for his extreme platform or found a lot of his proposals too idealistic. So the DNC additional support wasn't the sole determinant for his lost, no matter how much his zealous supporters wanted to believe it. Of course, I’ve passed up the chance to vote for either of them in the primary and I would’ve really preferred Biden or even Warren first for the record.

Even if Sanders did make it pass the nomination, he would’ve found himself susceptible to attack ads and libel by the right wing. They never would have left Sanders' socialism alone and Trump probably wouldn’t shy away from that opportunity just to undermine him for the win either. As I’ve pointed out before, Sanders being an open, admitted socialist makes him an instant red flag to the right wing, their supporters, (ironically) independents, and even the undecided/apathetic voters. Would’ve he earn the popular vote? I’d probably think so. The electoral vote? I wouldn’t be too certain there at all. How about the voter turnout for the rest of congress too (as in for both House and Senate)? There is really no telling if the situation would be any different than it is now.


I disagree.
His approval ratings? 65-68. Hers? 35-38.
All the scandals she had.

As for attacks, he could have easily attacked back.
MAGA, you dont make your clothes here.
Didnt support Iraq, explain your 2002 interview.

Sanders did amazingly well with independents, theyre the main group you have to win. What, true democrats are gonna vote for Trump? Independents sure as hell will.


1. No, I dont believe Trump, how about Donna Brazile, Elizabeth Warren, or Harry Reid who all said DNC didnt run a fair primary? My friend you only focused on one of the 4 here, yes, Trump is a blow hard, but Warren, Donna and Reid are ALL liars!? Come on now.
No, I didnt vote Trump, I DIDNT vote. I said Bernie or bust and I meant it. Trump did not sway me because I knew what he was. SO no, didnt vote Trump sir.
"Trump even said he was glad Bernie didnt make it out the primary."
I wonder why...Bernie had a 15-20 percent lead. Hillary...7-9 percent lead. Id been happy too if I was Trump.
Let Trump say what he wants on Bernie...guess who is the most popular senator right now?
Yup..Bernie Sanders.

IDK why you think I like Trump I didnt vote for him nor would I ever. He's a clown. If you think Hillary was a better choice, gl. I didnt vote her either, I didnt vote, stayed home. Bernie had a superior platform, better crowd support, better all around.

DNC SHOULD prefer neither, that's the thing. You have to run a fair primary.

How did Hillary lose? Well it's obvious:

Could Bernie have won those....I think so. The only state Im not sure if he wins that did NV, but it wouldnt matter. He takes it with WI/MI/PA.

Would the situation be different? IDK...but you know what I do know?
Hillary lost.


My issue is whose likeable if not well known in the democratic party? When I was growing up back in the 90's I knew the Clinton's well (TV etc.) and they had history while I don't know who would be the frontrunner now for the democrats. Before it was Bernie (excluding scandalous Hillary) but I don't know if he'll even run again. As long as they don't have someone like Hillary who was mired with scandals and other issues (fainting etc.), there is a chance for the democrats again.


We don't need another old white man in there!!! How bout a younger man!!!


Nationally, no one knew the Clintons well before 1992 when Bill ran and upset Bush. In fact, no one gave the Dems any shot at the beginning of 1991 while Bush was still heavily favored.

There's actually a funny SNL skit from that time when they were running a game show and the winner gets to run against Bush Sr. All the contestants were purposefully losing because no one wanted to run against him. The skit seems ridiculous now, but Bush enjoyed a 90%+ approval rating following the success of Desert Storm.

All of which is it say that it's waaaay too early for anyone to be making political predictions 3 years down the road.


"Hillary was a highly inept candidate who ran a horrible campaign"

That is very dishonest. Hillary was a career politician and she ran the most expensive campaign in world history. Pundits specifically praised her ground game and criticized Trump for being disorganized and unfocused. She had financial backing from every facet of the establishment. Republican newspapers endorsed her. She was given a 98% chance of winning.


Not dishonest at all. First of all, it's a matter of opinion, and second of all, she may have had a lot of money, but it wasn't well spent.


You are saying she must be inept because she lost. Consider that pro-war is a hard sell.


You sound very very stupid. Point to when Hillary ever tried to sell going to war as her strategy for getting elected.

You can't do it. That's why you have to make up your own alternative facts, because real facts don't agree with you.


No, I'm saying she's inept because she made horrible decisions, like ignoring Wisconsin and not paying much attention to Michigan til late in the election.


He whooped the dog shit out of Hillary.

& he'll do exactly the same to anyone that shows up.


He barely beat the worst campaign in the history of the Democratic party.


You all thought the sun rose & set on her wide ass at the time. 98+% of winning.

He massacred her.


Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin were the states that really decided it, by just a few thousand votes.


I doubt they make that mistake twice.


"Massacred" her.
Man do you people study previous elections?
Reagan beat Mondale, that's a massacre.
FDRs 4 wins...massacres.

If Trump massacred Hillary, WTF did Obama do to McCain and Romney?


...massacred both.


He whooped her by negative 3 million.



I think his chance is 100% because no matter what the media say, people will notice that he did not start a war. All the attacks used against him in 2016 will be unavailable in 2020. Womanizing, Russia conspiracy theory, and World War III have all already not worked. The world was supposed to end and it didn't. There are two economies. The real economy is up finally. The fake economy is a shadow. Remember Paul Krugman saying Trump plunged us into a depression that cannot be recovered from. People have the message of other countries ripping us off in trade deals. Trump could rip us off further and I think people would still not want to go back the direction we came from so there is no room for other candidates to have a message. Hillary Clinton was never able to answer why she wanted to be president, and there was an unwritten rule not to ask.

In the Soviet Union, the re-election rate was very high because of corruption. In America it is even higher. Obama is not spying on Trump anymore. Trump has the inside now. Maybe he can do the spying.
