MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Consumer confidence an 18yr high

Consumer confidence an 18yr high

The demokkkrat fail rolls on. Their media endlessly orgasmed over Obama telling us how great he was. Unfortunately the public didn’t fall for it. Consumer confidence at its highest point under Obama didn’t even reach W Bush’s average.

Since Trump was elected, it’s skyrocketed and surpassed levels of the last 18 years. And Trump has done this in 1 year.

Poor hate filled demokkkrat media. Poor hatefilled lemmings. What will they do now :(. Back to #TrumpOrange.


Too bad T-rumps approval rating isn’t nearly as high.


He had a 1% approval rating 7 November 2016. (98+% that Clinton would win the Presidency)

He throttled Rodham 8 November 2016.

Just shows ta go ya.


You know Culby - you have a point.

Maybe the Russians can interfere with our polling system the way they did with the election, and give him a big boost in his approval? I'm sure Putin can handle that easily. Maybe give him a 30 point push in approvals for now, and then another 10 -15 after June 12?

It wouldn't surprise me if T-rump is already working on this with Donnie Diapers and Putin.


You were just envious he might accomplish something in association with Putin/Russia. So, you headed him off at the pass. You're trying the same damn thing with the North.




6 responses. All deleted or invisible. Lmao!!!! Sorry doggie lemming, you lose.


You’ve said in the past yiu have me on ignore. I guess you’re as honest as T-rump, Giuliani and Sanders-Huckabee.


Jesus christ this is such a hackish post.

Obama also handed Trump a 4.7 unemployment rate. He inherited an 8.4 unemployment rate with it skyrocketing up.

This is what happens with tax cuts/deregulation. It goes wonderful at first, and crashes, it's like a sugar rush.

Read about the 1920s.

See how Bush Sr term went after Reagan.

How about Bush Jr.

Dont take it from me, listen to someone who actually studied it:

Also, when someone types "libard" or "demokkkrat" I know Im dealing with a child.
