1. You claimed that Kushner was caught putting classified info on a private server (lie).
It has not been proven that he didn't.
2. You claimed that the Russia investigation resulted in over a hundred charges for illegal acts by the Trump campaign (lie).
I said there have been over 100 charges brought by Mueller in his one year anniversary on May 17. Again, you're lacking comprehension skills.
3. You claimed that Melania made up a story about a kidney procedure to cover up for secret plastic surgery (lie).
No, I said the WH has done that, and so far there's no proof of kidney surgery - but she sure looks more like Caitlyn Jenner.
4. You strongly suggested that the President physically beat the First Lady (lie).
Again, lacking comprehension skills. I said there is a lot of speculation in the media that he beat her, and that is what sent her to the hospital. I said I wouldn't doubt it since Ivanna Trump accused him of beating her in their divorce - and raping her.
5. You deliberately misinterpreted a statistic on wage growth to claim that wage growth was negative (LOL). Another epic lie.
I pointed out the fact that wage growth has stalled at 2% since 2014, and T-rump told his supporters it's growing faster than ever.
Bottom line - You have zero comprehension skills, 3to10IQ, and just can't keep up with the intelligent people on this forum (like myself) who report facts - facts you can't understand or comprehend. So what do you do? You twist everything around and say people are lying - because you can't understand what they're saying.