MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > T-rump wants to pardon Ali, though he ha...

T-rump wants to pardon Ali, though he has no conviction

Idiot T-rump announced today he is seriously considering “pardoning” boxing champ Muhammad Ali for a 1967 conviction of draft evasion and refusing to serve in Vietnam.

However Ali’s family and their attorney basically told T-rump to open up his history books, as Ali’s conviction was unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court in 1971, so no conviction means he needs no pardon.

What a fvckin moron T-rump is.



When did Trump say that Ali "needed" a pardon? The President can pardon literally anyone (except possibly himself), even if they haven't been charged or convicted of a crime. It would obviously be a symbolic act in Ali's case, but it is a valid act nonetheless.

What's moronic is believing that Melania got secret plastic surgery, then conspired with a bunch of people to cover it up. What a nutjob you are.


Is there nothing you won't spin in Kaiser Drumpt's favour? This is obviously a showcase of ignorance.

And nice ad hominem there buckaroo!


"I never received nor sent any material that was marked classified." -Hillary Clinton (lie)

"When you're white ... you don't know what it's like to be poor." -Bernie Sanders (lie)

"If you like your health care plan, you can keep it." -Barack Obama (lie)


Do you have a concussion?

We're not talking about any of those people.



Lol you "can't" bahaha simmer down chooch

Oh he fixed it now that his butt stopped hurting so much and he could think a little clearer 😂🤣




pot meet kettle.

Are you ALL so dense to understand that the left is so entrenched that Trump could reveal a cure for cancer for free and still not get credit and the alt-right is so manic that there could be a tape of him sodomizing Ivanka and they'd still excuse it? And none of you are doing the country any good.

Trump won.
Hillary would not have been the answer to this country's ills.
Trump is NOT a great statesman, speaker or leader.
Trump has made his life and career orchestrating chaos and reveling in it. Yet the alt-right refuses to accept this is just a fact and will excuse it.
The media isn't getting the story wrong, but they ARE spending so much time on it that the story is diluted and the country is "used" to it....and that's not a good thing. They spend so much time picking apart and critiquing every single thing he says and does that it's barely a blip when he does something that SHOULD be noticed.
Racism? Xenophobia? Fear? They've always been part of the American makeup. Trump didn't cause it. It caused Trump.
If you are screaming for Trump to get impeached....think. Then you get Pence who is infinitely more dangerous to you.

As long as no one is willing to find a mutual ground, we're weaker as a country.


"Are you ALL so dense to understand that the left is so entrenched that Trump could reveal a cure for cancer for free and still not get credit "

Well let's try it and see. Let him reval a cure for cancer for free and let's see if the left gives him credit for it.

So far he's taken credit for much of what Obama had set up for him when he left office, and the left has called him out on it to set the record straight. As for his other big promises, he has not made good on any.

So let's give him a shot - let him do something phenomenal and see if the left gives him the credit he would deserve, rather than you make such an egregious assumption that the left wouldn't.


You can't play the victim card...Trump has it.


No victim card, but a challenge.


If a cure for cancer were found tomorrow, I'm pretty sure Trump would try to take credit for it.


The alt-Repubs created this landscape and now acolytes like you claim it's a Progressive problem.
Freeking Bizarro World. Act likes jerks then blame the opposition for meeting them at their own level.
Man, I have to give props to the Republican operatives. They have brain-washed hundreds of thousands of cretins that, somehow, compassionate, moderate thinkers are the enema. I wish there was an enema for all those brains so filled with shit they can't think straight. Unfortunately, FOX spews is the only enema they will accept.




there could be a tape of him sodomizing Ivanka and they'd still excuse it?
Yeah, but that's easy. She wouldn't be able to feel anything. It wouldn't make it past her cheeks.


Do you ever read what you write before you hit 'add reply'?

Just curious.



1. You claimed that Kushner was caught putting classified info on a private server (lie).
It has not been proven that he didn't.

2. You claimed that the Russia investigation resulted in over a hundred charges for illegal acts by the Trump campaign (lie).
I said there have been over 100 charges brought by Mueller in his one year anniversary on May 17. Again, you're lacking comprehension skills.

3. You claimed that Melania made up a story about a kidney procedure to cover up for secret plastic surgery (lie).
No, I said the WH has done that, and so far there's no proof of kidney surgery - but she sure looks more like Caitlyn Jenner.

4. You strongly suggested that the President physically beat the First Lady (lie).
Again, lacking comprehension skills. I said there is a lot of speculation in the media that he beat her, and that is what sent her to the hospital. I said I wouldn't doubt it since Ivanna Trump accused him of beating her in their divorce - and raping her.

5. You deliberately misinterpreted a statistic on wage growth to claim that wage growth was negative (LOL). Another epic lie.
I pointed out the fact that wage growth has stalled at 2% since 2014, and T-rump told his supporters it's growing faster than ever.

Bottom line - You have zero comprehension skills, 3to10IQ, and just can't keep up with the intelligent people on this forum (like myself) who report facts - facts you can't understand or comprehend. So what do you do? You twist everything around and say people are lying - because you can't understand what they're saying.




If some Kardashian tells him to, I'm sure he will do it.
Gotta love reality tv people sticking together, that's what the future will be built on.


I like the fact that Ali’s survivors have told T-rump to F-off.


He's senile. Reagan 2.0


Is anyone surprised these days by what that moron says or does?
