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Trump ‘Upset’ He ‘Can’t Watch Porn in the White House’

Apparently the inconveniences of the presidency are getting to be too much for Hair Furor.

Morning Joe host Mika Brzezinski reported that Trump's "biggest complaint" is that he can't watch porn in the White House.

Sounds like he really misses Stormy. He must be a broken man.


Maybe Giuliani got rid of it for him. Next will be getting rid of Melania, as he said yesterday - he has no respect for any woman who would sell their body for sexual exploitation.

Yes Melania, he means you!


I don't think Giuliani has the authority of getting rid of Melania. He's the one that voiced his lack of respect for women who get sexually exploited for money. That's Trump's kind of woman.

Giuliani sounds like sour grapes.


Ya know, every time I see Guiliani on TV now, the only thing I can think of that's what a sphincter would look like if it could talk.



Yeah looking at him I can really see the resemblance.


God love MSNBC. More fake news from nonexistent news sources.

What’s next? Claiming Trump colluded with Putin? Or perhaps Trump smacked Melania?

Poor demokkkrat lemmings. The party of fail. The party of no ideas. No solutions. The party of obsessive hate.

Thanks for posting your ignorance. Post often. And welcome to


Your posts always have absolutely no substance. You also sound like a parrot with down syndrome and tourettes.

Trump is pissed he can't scope the pron for his next paid conquest!




i'd smack melania


She'd smack you back.


Those democratic devils. They planned this from the start. They knew he wasn't getting any from Melania, and they knew that bringing Stormy into the spotlight would lead the WH to panic and remove his access to porn. And here everyone thought they were going for impeachment. Nope! They've done far worse than impeach him. They've hurt him. And they wish to go on... hurting him. Mua ha ha ha haaaaaa...


Hey, don't count ol' Trumpie out just yet...maybe he's denied his daily dose of porn, but he still has his nightly feast of greasy McDonald's fast-food-fast-poop meals to eat while he watches Fux and Friends. And who knows what kind of perverted habits Trumpie might engage in while he snuggles up to a Big Mac and lusts after the blonde bimbos on FuxNews?


Okay well this is one time I'm with him. Being President is a tough job, and whoever does it deserves some porn. But it seems to me that he could just use a personal device, like an Ipad or something, with its own internet connection.

Is this "no porn" some kind of policy of the White House? Lots of information missing here.


I'm with you on the lack of information here.

The Vatican gets porn, why wouldn't the White House?

What's a Cory got to do in this world to see some titties?


I'm presuming the White House cable provider doesn't carry the premium porn channels or PPV options he's used to having.

It's true he could always surf the net on his ipad or phone, but can you really imagine him downsizing like that when he's used to surfing satellite porn channels on his wall sized flat screen?

Well, ok, yeah I could see him doing that in a pique of desperation. So maybe that's his real complaint. He hates having to surf his phone for porn rather than being able to watch it on a real sized display. He doesn't strike me as technically literate enough to figure out how to streamcast it to his TV.


Forget the WH. He needs to worry if he will get porn in the Fed Pen when he goes on his long vacation.

And Jared better watch his back door when he’s in Fed Pen, though it wouldn’t surprise me if he drops the soap on purpose.


Epic fake news. There is not even a remote chance that this BS is true.


And you know this how?


Thank you 3to10IQ for your unnecessary ( as usual) opinion.
