MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Giuliani says he has no respect for Mel...

Giuliani says he has no respect for Melania

Today, T-rump trainwreck attorney Rudy Giuliani addressed the Stormy Daniels / T-rump affair from 2007 and what Melania believes.

Said Giuliani: "She believes her husband, and she knows it's untrue."

Giuliani then attacked Stormy personally, saying adult porn stars hod no credibility with him.

Said Giuliani: "But I'm sorry I don't respect a porn star the way I respect a career woman or a woman of substance or a woman who has great respect for herself as a woman and as a person and isn't going to sell her body for sexual exploitation."

So that means he has no respect for Melania T-rump who sold her body for sexual exploitation in an explicit nude pictorial during her modeling days.

Bravo Giuliani!


Not to mention all the Arab sheiks that paid to take dumps on her chest while she was "modelling". Bahaha Kaiser Drumpt got Ali Baba's super sloppy seconds😂🤣


Not familiar - tell us more about these scenarios!


Melanoma is no different than any of the models, they all sell themselves to shieks in giant orgies. It's been known for decades.
