MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > T-rump loses his mind again!!!

T-rump loses his mind again!!!

T-rump - who also identifies himself as John Miller, John Barron, John Baron, and David Dennison over the years - slammed the “ lying failing New York Times” for making up a person they claim is a “senior White House official” in a “ fake report” about a WH briefing on the canceled North Korea summit.

Problem is, the person they referenced does indeed exist, is a senior White House Official, and did brief the press on Thursday afternoon. As a matter of fact, the WH released a transcript of the “fake briefing” following the meeting with the press.

At the briefing , the WH official asked the press to only refer to him as “ senior White House official” and not identify him by name. The NYT obliged.

Later, T-rump tweeted for the paper “to use real people, not phony sources” and claimed this person doesn’t exist.

Though the NYT decided to stay loyal to the WH official’s wishes, others in the meeting identified him. The briefing included 240 journalists on the phone, as well.

The outrage from those journalists was palpable. Many accused the President of losing his mind, as he didn’t know who works for him and what briefs his administration releases.

As of yesterday, T-rump offered no apologies or corrections.


can you stop referring to our POTUS as "t-rump?"
it's stupid


You want to take away my first amendment right away from me? Why?


It has nothing to do with 1st amendment. You make yourself sound like a retarded asshole.


Has everything to do with the first amendment. Too bad T-rumpkins can’t get a grasp on the meaning of the First Amendment, and the right to free speech and free press.

I’m curious as to how many times those if you who object to my calling him T-rump called him out for all the insulting nicknames he’s given all his vocal opponents over the past few years?

How many times did you tweet back to him and call him a “retarded asshole”, when he called Elizabeth Warren “ Pocohontas”, Marco Rubio “lil Marco”, “Lyin Ted Cruz”, “crooked Hillary”, “ sleepy Jake Tapper”, etc ?

How many times have you told him his tweets are “just stupid” for the name calling he does?

I’m guessing never.


The difference being he achieved the highest office in the world and you are nothing but an pissant internet troll.


Awwww. Now you’re sounding like the “retarded asshole” that you truly are.


those nicknames are apropos or at least mildly humorous!!


Yet childish and inappropriate just the same.

Is the White House a 3rd grade playground or the highest office in the country?


He’s truly brought down the WH to his low level -and his supporters are thrilled.


childish and inappropriate maybe,

but not annoying like doogiedaddy's t-rump stupidity


Maybe, but DD is not the president of the US. "The leader of the free world" should lead by example, not act like a rude spoiled brat.

DD being "annoying" in a random thread on the internet is not as impactful as the childish antics in the white house


fair point


To whom?


the hilary one, the ted one, the marco one


You think those nicknames were endearing?


do you always try putting words into other people's mouths?


I asked a simple question. I put no words in anyone’s mouth - just asked a question.

Why are you so defensive?


your tone and lack of "do" at the start of the question expose your true intent


Your misunderstanding of tone and lack of “do” at the start of my question indicates your comprehension skills has much to be desired.


Much like the people who say libtard.


can you explain it?
does gapping the T do something like make you think of a buttock?


Use your imagination on this one, like Rethuglikkkans use their imagination on reality.


I sympathize or even agree with most of your posts, but the T-rump thing makes you sound like an idiot. If you want to continue sounding like an idiot, by all means, continue doing it. I guess some of us who feel the same about Trump just want to let you know you are shooting yourself in the foot and not serving your point of view to continue doing that. I don't know, maybe you are really playing a game of discrediting the critics of Donald Trump by making them sound stupid or immature? A rational person or intelligence would think about this and realize it is not a productive thing to do ... that's all.


Thank you, Brux. I will continue to post as I feel, as it has everything to do with giving T-rump the respect he’s earned from me, and nothing to do with what you suggest.

Until he acts like a President, he will receive the same respect which he deserves.


>> Thank you, Brux. I will continue to post as I feel,

Of course you will, I expected your would. Because it shows
you are not a guy who thoughtfully reacts to facts and what
other people tell you ... which is exactly why you should really
re-think your life. That comes off in your posts, and the reader
thinks, why should I pay attention or listen to someone who
is so thoughtless? People can know that about you.


Thank you again Brux for being Judge and Jury.

Now back to calling T-rump “ Hitler” as that’s so acceptable.


You are so busy calling Trump T-rump a hundred times a day that you failed to notice that I referred to him as "Hair Fuerhrer", a couple times. And yeah, it is more acceptable, and more accurate, as we know that Trump has a copy of Hitler's books that he regularly reads, and he has a fascination with Hitler's style and tactics, and seems to be using them. But I guess you don't care as long as you get to trivialize the whole thing by calling him T-rump?


Can you stop referring to him as POTUS?

It's depressing.


It’s also ridiculous! He’s not a president in any sense of the word.


he is my president and i believe you should be more respectful towards him


I shall be respectful to him at the level he is respectful to others. It’s something earned, not entitled to.

Too bad you can’t comprehend that.


well, you went one reply without calling him t-rump so you're getting there


I’ll give up on calling him T-rump in replies to you if you give up calling him President which I , and many others here, find offensive.


but he is POTUS


Then he should act like one.


do you work here full-time?


Maybe. Who wants to know?


doogiedaddy, full-time movieorg troll worker



Lol! You are comic relief on this forum and I thank you for it.


OK, no "t-Rump". How about Chief Orange Head?


I liked the one I heard somewhere today .... "Hair Furor" ( Herr Fueher ) Hitler !!! That one is pretty good, and funny too.


Really brux? And you lectured me above about calling him T-rump but you’re ok with Hair Furor Hitler?



While not helpful, it does show creativity.

10 points for Gryffindor!


You do not see the difference in a a funny disrespectful joke, and deliberately misspelling Trump's name to emphasize the rump ... which is not really funny, even the first time you see it.


No I don't. I'm emphasizing his fat ass (which he has) in his name, while you're identifying him as Hitler. And that's funny to you? Wow - perception is indeed everything.


No ... I am not anything ... I though it was funny and I said it once or a few times to other people who also might think it is funny. You are being annnoying, neurotic and obsessive about it, not to mention defensive. Get a grip DD.


Ok Brux, thanks again for the armchair analysis! Wow, judge, jury and court psychiatrist. How do you juggle all that?


Not judge or jury, or armchair psychiatrist, just a messenger of an opinion you are free to ignore.


Good one!


how about "greatest businessman of modern times" or GBoMT for shot


LOL, that's hilarious. The old man is senile.

Did you see this mind-boggling Tweet from him this morning?

Donald J. Trump
Who’s going to give back the young and beautiful lives (and others) that have been devastated and destroyed by the phony Russia Collusion Witch Hunt? They journeyed down to Washington, D.C., with stars in their eyes and wanting to help our nation...They went back home in tatters!


Delusional President. I can’t believ the Rethuglikkkans are turning a blind eye to his ineptitude.


They turning a blind eye b/c tramp and putin are blackmailing their sorry azzes! Many of those republicans stayed in tramps hotels. Tramp secretly records folks in his hotels and let's not forget that Russia hacked the RNC, but didn't release the info. This is why republicans are silent on this maniac!


They went home in tatters?

So Ivankas merchandise is available at the White House gift shop now?


This is beyond stupid. He really is losing his grip on reality.


Actually, Trump has lost his grip on reality long ago.


What Trump has is a vicious grip on everyone else's reality.


I puke a little everytime I see his face on moviechat


Try watching him on TV with the title “ President” under his face. You will puke more than a little.


You must be puking a lot, every time I go the home page I see that slimebag's face -- and often it is thanks to Doggydaddy's continual comments. Funny how he is keeping Trump in everyone's faces.


You should puke a lot !


Keep on using the "T-rump" appellation, Doggie... It seems to have got under the skin of some of these Trumptards, so if reason, logic, and FACTS (yes, REAL facts) isn't enough to make a dent in their knuckleheads, at least this will.


I intend to keep using it for as long as he deserves it. As for offending the snowflakes on this board - that’s a bonus!!!


Stop spamming this page all the time. Don't you have other things to do?


I don't have anything better to do at the moment then keeping watch over this guy in the White House who is slowly and steadily eroding our democracy, and discussing his atrocities with others.

By the way - do you even know the meaning of 'spamming'? Apparently, not.
