MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump FINALLY admits that he is a pure F...

Trump FINALLY admits that he is a pure Fascist!

President Donald Trump has praised an NFL ban on players kneeling during the national anthem, questioning whether such protesters should stay in the US.

He said: "You have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldn't be playing, you shouldn't be there, maybe you shouldn't be in the country."


As a businessman, Trump is used to being a dictator, and he is bringing that into his Presidency more and more every day.

Let's not forget this:

President Trump told donors on Saturday that China’s president, Xi Jinping, was now “president for life,” and added: “I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll want to give that a shot someday.”

Oh but don't worry, THAT WAS JUST A JOKE! Really, just a joke.

Except that anyone who knows humor knows that no joke is just a joke. Humor largely comes from truth.


Safe to say most if all of his supporters have absolutely no problem with this

Long past time to start teaching civics in elementary school again


I have really come around to the idea that most of his supporters PREFER his Fascist elements. They think it's strength and it's different, and they have no clue what they're really getting behind.


i won't buy foreign cars and i believe we shouldn't teach any mechanical car things until junior high


...or have videos showing the basics on a loop at Cracker Barrel.


Lol. Why Cracker Barrel? Why not McDonald's?


It’s funny the demokkkrat lemmings that whine about a private company, the NFL, preventing its employees from acting in a way that damages the brand. Yet they have no problem when internet communications companies quietly ban free political speech which does nothing to damage their brand.

Those same lemmings having weekly tantrums on here to ban the Trump board. Lmao!

Poor hate filled lemmings. No credibility. No logic. No evidence of collusion. No evidence of a demokkkrat platform. Just obsessive hate and pornstar. Can’t wait for November. Lmao!!!!


I'll give you credit that you opted to dodge the topic instead of even ATTEMPTING to defend this clear-as-day example of fascism from Trump's mouth.

Maybe there's hope for you yet.


Reread your own post, and ponder the hate. That's straight out of the playbook. Spray hate at people you don't like, then remark about all the hate you receive. Your handlers invented this game, and you perpetuate it. Enjoy.


At this point, both sides have some fascist tendencies since I see both sides call each other out on fascism and shit. Left calling Trump fascist while the right doing so when liberal anarchists start burning shit and blocking free speech when conservatives want to speak at a university or whatnot.


I agree. Authoritarianism should be opposed whether it comes from either the left or the right. I'm totally opposed to the banning of conservative speakers on college campuses. The free expression of ideas should be allowed to succeed or fail based on their merits or faults, not from outright censorship.

But I think the key difference here is Trump is the first president that actually acts with open contempt and disregard for democratic institutions and free press that act as checks and balances designed to constrain executive power.

Unlike all past presidents, he openly praises dictators and will never reprimand their heavy handed tactics to quash political dissent. That endorsement only serves to give them a freer hand to commit their abuses.

And there is past evidence to suggest his obsession with fascism is no aberration. From a Vanity Fair piece published in 1990:

Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler’s collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed. Kennedy now guards a copy of My New Order in a closet at his office, as if it were a grenade. Hitler’s speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist.


Yep, I see him call out MSNBC, CNN, WP, NYT, etc. etc. saying they're fake news when it doesn't go to his liking. Kind of easy to deflect something going on by calling it 'fake'.

This is why people need balance and not be one-sided to one party cause then you can become blindsided to only 1 idea. Why I like hearing both sides of the story and go from there and why I like some liberal stuff as well as conservative. Best of both worlds imo. Right now we're being dictated and lead by more extreme folks of the political sphere while the moderates sit on the sidelines.


Regarding free speech on campus, I don't think people should expect to wade into an environment that is explicitly hostile to their views, then cry Censorship. There are places and ways people might promote whatever point they are trying to get across without baiting a group that specifically does not want their presence in their midst. It's not censorship, it's civility and common sense. It's the rhetorical bullies who want this freedom of speech in an environment that chooses not to engage with them.


Conservative speakers are invited to campus by conservative student groups who want to hear them speak. There is no obligation for any student who doesn't want to hear them to attend. Speakers are typically scheduled at a certain time in a certain lecture hall, and those interested can attend. So the ones you deride as "crying censorship" have legitimate reason. Because liberal student groups are intolerant of conservative speakers expressing their views on campus and get them disinvited or banned from appearing by threatening mass protests, civil disobedience, or even violence.

College campuses shouldn't be hostile environments for those carrying opposing viewpoints. That's the antithesis of the free exchange of ideas this country was founded on and is anathema to what college is supposed to be. College should foster an environment exposing students to new and different ideas as they learn to exercise their critical thinking faculties as they make their way into the world; so they can figure out on their own which ideas empirically succeed or fail. That doesn't happen without having your ideas challenged by opposing viewpoints. Uniformity breeds intolerance, and that's exactly what we're seeing now on many campuses. Liberal student activists are only hurting their own cause by demanding outright censorship. It just makes them look like they're afraid their ideas will fail if argued on the merits. They shouldn't stoop to giving conservatives the juice to cry censorship.


Again, you call it censorship, I call it not instigating an argument where it obviously doesn't belong.
Be as long-winded as you want (obfuscation !), but having a Nazi rally in a Jewish community isn't Free Speech, it's Provocation.
Let's let Trump University promote extreme Nationalism as part of their curriculum. They will have a receptive audience.
I don't go to an Art forum expecting me to talk about Hockey. They would heckle me, then I'd cry Censorship !! Oh the Lib-tard Snowflakes that don't see the Art in Hockey ! It's my Right to invade some community with antithetical ideas and expect to respectfully be heard.
That's bending the Rules BS.


Now you're just straw manning by engaging in absurd hyperbole.

No one is talking about holding nazi rallies in jewish communities. You're being ridiculous.


Here's a list of speakers who were disinvited or interrupted and shut down by campus activists during the 2015-2016 school year.

I don't know how you can even call that "baiting a group that specifically does not want their presence in their midst". Those speakers weren't baiting anyone. They were speaking to a group of students interested in hearing what they had to say.

The ones being uncivil were the protesters that kept disrupting those speakers and shutting down their speech. And yes, it is censorship, because as I explained earlier, NO ONE is forcing protesters to listen and attend a speech they don't want to hear. So your talking hockey in an art class example is just ludicrous. Instead it is the protesters that are interfering with the first amendment rights of a speaker that some students in that community want to hear.


Fair enough. I will take your argument into consideration, and respond to it in the future, while I've had a chance to think of the gaping holes in it.

O-K now that I've taken a moment -- You want to wade into a situation where you obviously aren't wanted to promote ideas no one wants to hear -- and you complain about censorship?
Makes me want to drop my pants in public and complain I'm just being natural by showing my junk to whoever is there.
Your Free Speech is Offensive to the General Populace, so You shouldn't be surprised no one wants to hear it.


What do you mean "obviously aren't wanted to promote ideas no one wants to hear"?

I just explained to you that no one that wants to hear them needs to because attendance is voluntary and not mandatory.

I also explained how some students in that community DID want to hear them, which is why they were invited and booked by student groups to come on campus and give a speech in the first place.

So how is it that protesters shutting down a speech in a private lecture hall given to students that are voluntarily there to hear it not censorship?


You don't need to Explain to me Anything.
That's just you stating your Opinion that every unpopular character deserves a platform to spout ugly, unpopular opinions just because some minority of contrarians insist it's their right to be heard.
Sure. be an Ugly example of humanity, -- that's your god-given constitutional right to be an out-spoken jerk, and be proud of it. Lay on, Mac Duff!


"Deserves" is the wrong word though. We don't have rights because we deserve them. We have rights because we need them. Shutting down ideas leads to oppression and social decline. Freedom of ideas leads to human progression.


Thank you.

People on the right I sort of expect, but I'm always stunned when I see people ostensibly on the left who so obviously haven't thought these things through.

There must be a lot of them though for the situation on college campuses to be what they are today. I hope it's just a symptom of the arrogance and stupidity of youth being 18-22 where their brains have yet to fully develop.


If you don't need me to explain things to you, why do you act like you don't understand the importance of the First Amendment and why it's the bedrock foundation of a free society?

You talk like censoring unpopular opinions is no big thing, and something you approve and endorse so long it's not your opinion that's being censored. You really don't see how that makes you an extremist?

Why do you think the Founding Fathers never included a hate or offensive speech exception in the First Amendment?


BTW, did you even look at the link I gave you?

If you did, how can you even call the speech of most of the speakers it listed as "Offensive to the General Populace"?!?!

There were no David Dukes or even Ann Coulters on that list. It was a mix of public speakers representing different perspectives that a number of outspoken campus activists shut down because they held strongly opposed opinions. How can that be in any way justified?

My point is that reasonable people would look at that list and conclude that liberal campus activism has gotten out of control when speakers like that are censored. Conservatives do have a point in this regard.


This is precicley why it’s commonly accepted that the left is completely incapable of persuasive speach and formulating arguments. They control pulpit in the classroom and newsroom. They don’t have to know the facts, speak persuasively, or provide an effective argument. It’s why their politicians are so completely worthless. That and they have no real world experience. Just experience being politicians who are carried into office by their demokkkrat media. It’s also why they’re going to get crushed in November. Why? Because hate is not a platform.


Campus radicals on the left who shut down free speech are no more representative of "the left" as neo-nazi alt-righters are on the right. Neither is a good look, extremism is always bad regardless of the ideological stripe. But they still represent a minority of those who call themselves liberal or conservative.

But I can't help but notice that when *you* specifically accuse the left of being "incapable of persuasive speech and formulating arguments" it rings pretty hollow coming from you. I NEVER see you attempt to formulate arguments to back up your endless stream of propagandistic posts ripped straight from the headlines of breitbart that are often littered with fictitious claims. I've called you out on a number of those occasions.

So no, by peddling fake news you're actually WORSE than the campus radicals you're criticizing. They're shutting down dissenting opinions while you're peddling outright fiction that you fail to fact check yourself. Right wing media's habit of doing this is exactly why many accuse the right of being completely incapable of persuasive speech and formulating arguments.

You should get your own house in order before criticizing the left.


Campus radicals on the left who shut down free speech are no more representative of "the left" as neo-nazi alt-righters are on the right. Neither is a good look“

The different is your so-called left wing radicals are not radical but mainstream demokkkrats. They’re lead by professors and encouraged by demokkkrat leadership. The so-called right wing radicals/Naziz barely exist. They’re laughed at and ignored by the right and Republican leadership from Trump down. Their existence is a joke. So you’re attemp at linking them to Republicans is a complete fail.

As for your opinion on my level of persuasiveness. I’m not a politician nor am I running for office. I come here to poke holes in demokkkrat ignorance. Embarrass and dishearten them by pointing out their ignorance and hypocracy. The lack of persuasiveness, ideas, solutions and platform I refer to is that of the demokkkrat party and their leadership. They’re only capable of obsessive hate and their actions confirm it everyday.

And because of it they’re going to get crushed in November. See any likely voter poll today if you’d like further evidence. The so-called blue wave is gone.


I think part of your problem is that you're just not very good at reading comprehension or you would have seen that not ONCE did I mention the word "Republican" in my last post, so you're just factually wrong about me linking them. Do you even understand the distinction between republicans and the "conservative right"? One represents allegiance to a political party, the other to ideology on the right side of the left-right political spectrum. There's plenty of crossover but they're not synonymous. I said the alt-right represents a minority among the right. This is an absolute fact. That's why they have the word 'right' in what they call themselves.

You also claimed that "so-called right wing radicals/Naziz barely exist" which is also just factually wrong and you'd know this if you bothered to fact check your claims. 10% of Americans supported the alt-right after Charlottesville according to polling.

FYI: In the field of statistics, 5% is the minimum required for a poll to be statistically significant. So the 1 in 10 Americans that support alt-right is DOUBLE that. They don't "barely exist" as you falsely claim.

So that's twice in one post that I'm pointing to specific, easily verifiable falsehoods you're pushing which only proves my point. What you're doing is WORSE than censoring speech when you're peddling outright and easily fact checked lies.

The left has their problems but like I said, you need to get your own house in order if you want to be taken seriously criticizing the left. That starts by also recognizing the lies and hypocrisy on the right, including your own.

And what is it with people on the right always pretending like they can predict the future like you're doing now? Polling 5 months out puts the House at 50-50 and the Senate as a tossup with a slight lean toward Republicans. Not 'crushing' as you claim.


Nothing you post here has any weight with anyone. You over-estimate your rants as being somehow legitimate. I'd rather listen to a baby make random noise than read your nonsense.


Commonly accepted? By who? By you and the people you choose to listen to.
I'm not defending college censorship, but I'd love to go to whatever ugly corner you call home and start advocating Communism (shudder !). I'm sure a bunch of radical neo-cons would disrupt insanely. How about your Joe Wilson yelling "You Lie !" while Obama was addressing Congress?
And that's coming from one of your elected officials.
So stop pointing fingers at the Democratic supporters when your own klan are hundreds times worse.


The selective logic with this guy is mind numbing, and seems to problematic within the leftist viewpoint. I've asked several times how many large companies would allow public political protest during work. They seem to have a hard time giving a straight answer. It's sad really. I wouldn't respect myself if I let blind hatred force myself to be ignorant.


Football players are paid to play football, not protest the National Anthem. And I always find it funny that football players only protest during the season and not in the off season.


Wrong thread genius.


President Donald Trump has praised an NFL ban on players kneeling during the national anthem, questioning whether such protesters should stay in the US.

He said: "You have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldn't be playing, you shouldn't be there, maybe you shouldn't be in the country."



Golden State Warriors Coach Steve Kerr about the NFL's decision to fine players who kneel during the national anthem:
“They weren’t disrespecting the flag or the military. But our (fake) president decided to make it about that and the NFL followed suit, pandered to their fanbase, created this hysteria. This is kind of what’s wrong with our country right now. People in high places are trying to divide us, divide loyalties, make this about the flag as if the flag is something other than what it really is. It’s a a representation of what we’re about, which is diversity, peaceful protests, abilities, right to free speech. It’s really ironic, actually."


"The Star-Spangled Banner" is the national anthem of the United States. The lyrics come from "Defence of Fort M'Henry",[2] a poem written on September 14, 1814, by the then 35-year-old lawyer and amateur poet Francis Scott Key after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British ships of the Royal Navy in Baltimore Harbor during the Battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812. Key was inspired by the large U.S. flag, with 15 stars and 15 stripes, known as the Star-Spangled Banner, flying triumphantly above the fort during the U.S. victory.

The Star-Spangled Banner" was recognized for official use by the United States Navy in 1889, and by U.S. President Woodrow Wilson in 1916, and was made the national anthem by a congressional resolution on March 3, 1931 (46 Stat. 1508, codified at 36 U.S.C. § 301), which was signed by President Herbert Hoover.

O say can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner, O long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.


And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country, should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved homes and the war's desolation.
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave![42]

I wonder how many men and women died so we can be free and protest the Flag and National Anthem at a football game.


No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
Yeah, let's see Trump demand we all stand for this part. Instead, it's swept under the rug... like most of the bible.


Obama used to stand for that part.


It's your right to stand. Only an idiot would conflate that with demanding others to do it.


So yes, we should be able to protest the Flag and National Anthem because all these people died so we could do it, right?
And looky, I actually capitalized Flag and Natty out of respect, which you didn't bother to.
So just gin up interest in a mind-numbing agenda where we see an American Flag or an Eagle and we fall right in line ... This Is Us, mindless lemmings, except on the anti-Progressive side.


Natty is Natural Light Beer so that doesn't make any sense. Athletes can protest all they want during the off season but they don't. I think people forget that athletes are employees and have no free speech rights.


Great response genius.


Thank you.

Yes it appeared to be off topic addressed to the wrong thread as there were at least a couple others specifically titled addressing the NFL issue at the top of the board when that was posted.


This isn't about their protests.

It's about the President openly implying that "Patriotism" should be enforced and that people who do not adhere to "Patriotism" should not be citizens.

It's the kind of thing a dictator would say.

Like when Trump said that some journalists should be jailed, or "joked" that perhaps the U.S. will try doing a President for life situation.

Are you comfortable with casual references to authoritarian concepts coming from the U.S. President? With him undermining the free press and using the LIBELOUS phrase "fake news" SOLELY to protect his own brand?

What's happening with him is insane. It's been a year and a half of insanity spewing forth from his mouth. He literally wants to be a dictator.


It is about the protests and you are taking what he said out of context. He is talking about paid NFL football players. Football players have every right to protest outside the game but they don't. They are protesting during the national anthem at a game they are getting paid for. Why don't they all get together during the off season and protest? I still don't understand what protesting the national anthem has to do with racism.

Trump is no more a dictator than Obama was perceived to be by the right wingers. Obama was supposed to implement Socialism and take away our guns and ammo. I did a tribute thread on IMDb which was epic. If you are a Democrat then the Republicans are evil and if you are a Republican then the Democrats are evil. They both can't be telling the truth at the same time.

If the news is not fake then what Fox News said about Obama was completely true for 8 years. The political agenda these days is so full of hate. Trump may say some stupid things but he does not want to be a dictator or become one.

All the stuff you are saying about Trump has already been said about Obama. Some people see the glass as half full and some see half empty, its all about what you perceive to be the truth, whether it is true or not.


EDIT: Sorry, replied to the wrong user.


Why then does Trump comment on their citizenship? What does that have to do with NFL/employee relations???


It has nothing to do with NFL/employee relations. Trump is an idiot and says stupid things all the time but that doesn't make him a fascist or dictator.

Have you begun to understand why you didn't comprehend the topic yet?

Do you SEE yet why your replies were not at all related to the subject matter of this topic?


I understand and comprehend what you saying. You are saying Trump is a fascist and wants to be a dictator because of the things he says. I could care less what Trump says because it doesn't matter. The Dems will make him out to be a evil dictator while the Repubs will make him out to be a demi-god that will save America. What I am trying to get people to understand is that all the hate you have for Trump is the same hate people had for Obama.

FYI, perhaps you have, but I have been hesitant to read more of your INANE, MINDLESS replies recently. You proved yourself to be absent of any standards, completely hypocritical, and using antagonism as a replacement for debate.


If you don't read my responses then how will you understand what I am trying to convey? I have drafted many great responses to people only to get the famous quote of "Thats too long and I am not going to read it." I usually put in a lot of time, energy and thought into my responses only to get TLDR.


OMG, I'm sorry, I confused your sub-thread here with Burk1487 or whatever numbers those are.

I need to repost this to him --- But other than that, I'm glad I made my point!

Sorry for the confusion.


You said it, "football players are paid to play football". They're not getting paid to stand for the anthem.

Your username and comments make me think of the "get a brain Morans" guy:


Trump makes a farce out of America, and that is why I think it is a fiction that he has so many supporters. I think it is a brainwashing, internet-trolling industry to fake the country and the world out that anyone with a brain likes this guy or supports his policies.

Face it, only about 50% of Americans even vote, and normally about 60% of voters are Democratic 40% are Republican. Republicans have better turnout in the midterms, Dems used to have better turnout in the Presidential elections.

So 40% of 50% is 20%, and that is how many Republicans there are, .... and maybe half of that is the number of people who support Trump ... maybe 10-14% -- that is the number of people who voted for Trump and support him. We cannot have the loonies of the country selecting the President/Government.

So there was major disinformation and hanky panky going on to get both George W. Bush and Donald Trump elected.

Grep Palast showed stats on ballot spoilage and how 80,000 voters, mostly black and working class in Michigan in the Detroit area had their ballots disappeared. That alone would have swamped Trumps 3,000 vote lead in that state, and likely tricks and Kansas' Chris Kobach's Interstate Crosscheck scam removed a lot of minority voters throughout the country.

Regular people are being cheated and screwed royally, and they have no idea because the media will not report it. And people think they have some idea about the truth of the media because they think the balance is between Fox News and the mainstream Liberal media ... but there is no Liberal media.


No Liberal media huh?

So all the Michael Brown and Treyvon Martin stories were just a coincidence? ESPN giving Bruce Jenner an award for being a heroic transgender wasn’t an agenda? The coverage of Michael Sam who was an openly gay football player wasn’t a Liberal agenda? He couldn’t even make an NFL roster lol. You’re pretty delusional there kid.


Many of us Americans are Moderate or have views that lean towards the right more than the Left. We're not really one side or the other, especially not Leftists.


People who try to pretend they are middle of the road in order to insult the Left are liars and trolls. You are no moderate, and whatever "shithole place" you come from is not representative of Americans in general.


Yes I am a Moderate, and I am America you idiot, so I don't come from a "shithole place". Most Moderates don't even like Leftists anyways, so I'm not the only one. Go use your ignorance to defend them somewhere else.


I'd say you come from Alabama. The shithole state. IGNORED


And I say you come from California, the biggest Leftist state, full of the most guliable fools, such as yourself


How can California be "the biggest leftist state" when they had a rebup governor for the longest time? There must be more blue states than that.

What's worse "guliable"
(gullible, that's no typo😂🤣) or stupid?


Why is xoxo spamming this board?


Don't labor under the illusion you speak for Moderates and that they somehow lean right and not left. I'd say most moderate thinking people are compassionate toward the dispossessed and favor social equality, not the platforms favored by Big $$.


If you told me that you have had a job with a large company that would allow you to make a political protest while working,you would be a liar. Why should the whiny millionaires get a pass? Enough with you're bullshit race baiting.


Completely off topic. This isn't about the protests or the NFLs right to require they stand or stay in the locker room.


Only you,in your selective feigned outrage, would say that was completely off topic. Assume it is off topic,is it not a true statement?


Why are you dodging a straight forward question? Afraid an honest answer will expose your bias?


Still waiting for an answer. We ALL know you get notifications when someone replies to a post,so what's a matter pumpkin? Afraid to answer a fair question? Answer the question or at least admit your bias.




I'll gladly answer your question because it's easy to answer.

This is not about "whiny millionaires getting a pass". The point is, as a private sports league in the free market the NFL can dictate the rules of how they want the players to conduct themselves, so long as they're not breaking any laws.

So when they gave players the option of not standing for the anthem in previous seasons, that was entirely their prerogative. Just as it is now that they've changed the rules. That's entirely their decision to make because it's their league.

Trump, however, is on record saying last season that players who don't stand should leave the country. That's pretty much what a fascist dictator would say who believes the league doesn't have the right to make the rules in their own league if those rules differ with his opinion. If the NFL wants to allow political protest as part of the entertainment they provide to consumers, that's their right to do that. If it hurts business, as they seem to think it has, they have the right to penalize players that do it. But for the prez to demand those that don't agree with him should leave the country ... that's fascist and anti-American. Political protest is as American as apple pie and enshrined in the First Amendment.


There is a big difference between suggesting that they leave the country vs demand that they do,or forcing them to. A fascist would use his power to force action on the players. He's just a uncouth politician suggesting, "if you don't like it leave". The difference is enormous.


There is a big difference between suggesting that they leave the country vs demand that they do,or forcing them to.

Yes of course there is, no one is saying anything different.

But the fact that you're defending this just shows how mindless you are.


So what's your point? No one ever said trump IS a fascist dictator, but that he acts like one. He's using his bully pulpit as POTUS to apply political pressure on those that don't agree with him to silence and censor their act of protest. He clearly doesn't care that Americans have the right to protest free of government pressure. He's behaving like a wannabe fascist and very petty tyrant, not an American president who respects our Constitution and rule of law.

Using the euphemism of 'uncouth politician' to describe a president of the United States acting completely un-American is highly disingenuous. The point is, a person reveals who they are by how they act.

“if you wish to know what a man really is give him power. “ Robert G. Ingersoll (1883, speaking of Lincoln)

Regardless, your original post WAS off topic since this wasn't about whether the NFL had the right to allow political protest. It was about Trump's reaction to those that engage in political protest revealing his inner fascist. Instead you went off on some bizarre unrelated tangent about "large companies" and "race baiting". It's perfectly understandable why Frogarama chose not to address such a weird reply.


My post certainly pertained to the OP, regardless if it was a direct reply to it. That's fairly obvious. Also, you are kidding yourself if you are suggesting that the left doesn't CONSTANTLY refer to him as a facist. I never see it predicted with "acts like one". Lastly, I really doubt you truly believe that a horrible person that has been groomed to hide their true intent is less dangerous than someone who wears their intent on their sleeve.


Of course the left refers to him as a fascist because, as I just explained to you, he acts like a fascist in all but name. He's only constrained by our system of government and its democratic institutions from carrying the label. Did you really not understand this was the very thrust of my last post? Again, try and understand Ingersoll's words. I'll provide the complete quote for context:

“Nothing discloses real character like the use of power. ... Most people can bear adversity; but if you wish to know what a man really is give him power. “ Robert G. Ingersoll (1883, speaking of Lincoln)

Also, you said: "Lastly, I really doubt you truly believe that a horrible person that has been groomed to hide their true intent is less dangerous than someone who wears their intent on their sleeve."

How is this even relevant? We've never had a president who constantly attacks the press and tries to undermine any critical coverage of him as "fake news". That's because all previous presidents respected the role of the free press as one of those very essential checks of oversight on government power in a healthy democracy. We've never had a president trying to silent dissent by saying protesters should leave the country. That's because previous presidents understood how essential the First Amendment was to protecting our liberties. The exception is the utterly corrupt Nixon, and even he wasn't as public in his attacks on the press as trump.

And only Nixon and Trump have tried to pressure federal agencies to hurt his political opponents, as Trump did when he met with the Postal Master multiple times in failed attempts to get her to double postage rates to hurt Amazon because Bezos owns the WaPO.

So I don't see your point. If a president doesn't act like a fascist trying to undermine our checks and balances then he's not one.

You're trying to draw a distinction without a difference, or without a historical precedent.

But I do have to ask, is your concluding sentence also an indirect admission that trump is a horrible person that wears his heart on his sleeve? I'll gladly give you props for honesty if this is what you're saying.

Also my point on your first post wasn't that it wasn't addressed to the OP, but it wasn't relevant to the topic subject or his point. I already explained why.



You're an idiot.

The NFL can do what it wants. I've never denied that, and I've defended it.

Besides that, your reply had nothing to do with the point of this topic.

You're claiming some false victory over absolutely nothing.

You're losing your mind.


I've always disliked blind patriotism, so if a private company requires employees to promote a political agenda, I'd call that coercion. I don't understand why we have all this Nationalist hoopla before sporting events, and we need to express our patriotism in a lowest common denominator fashion. "Oh say yadda yadda let's get this over with."
All this reverence for everything involving the Flag is a smokescreen for a bloated $$-making military machine and a Crusade for so-called Christian domination of the world.


What other "large company" makes their employees stand for the national anthem before they start working?

I guess we should only listen to the protests of whiny billionaires?

Way to support kleptocrats


They play the National Anthem for the fans. It's a spectator event,so that makes sense. The company is asking it's employees to honor the flag because the customers are offended when they kneel,hence the reason for insisting on it. So, if you want a list of companies that require this,here:

The US Olympic team
Pretty much every professional spectator sport,which, are usually owned by rich people because they are very expensive.
The US military

Since the national anthem is played for large spectator events,and it's actually played for the spectators and not necessarily the employees, these are usually big companies. Small spectator companies do this too,in case you've never been to a small town rodeo, motorcross, or any smaller sporting event.
But, obviously from your reply, you'd rather be offended than factual,so sorry to piss in your cornflakes with the truth.


Those are all sporting events (other than Nascar which is more of a hillbilly activity than anything else). What fortune 500 "large company" makes their employees stand for the national anthem before they work?

So what you're saying is, we should pay more attention to the offense blind patriots take to someone protesting institutional injustice, than to the offense taken when the government kills its own citizens without any trial or modicum of justice?

Who are the real snowflakes in this scenario 🤔

(And your not pissing in my cornflakes, more like pissing in your own mouth, otherwise known as the alt-right feedback loop😉)


Are you denying that the biggest spectator events in America aren't sporting events? Which,I might add have a TON of black employees and fans. Also, you sort of ignored the US military I mentioned. Yup,you have to stand for the anthem with them too. You also ignored my point about it being for the fans, more than the players,so that's why the fortune 500 comparison is dumb as fuck. If the players who don't want to stand don't like the rule,they can quit. Seems pretty simple. The problem with you lefties is, anytime a point makes perfect sense, you just ignore those aspects of it. It's almost like your emotional outrage isn't based on logic, but pure bitterness and twisted thinking. Your so twisted,you can't even see how fucking stupid you sound. Lol, go back to middle school and learn something about the employer/employee relationship.


(lols Nascar😂🤣 US military obviously an outlier organization)
I didn't ignore your point that it's for the fans.

The fans being offended are the "blind patriots" I referred too.

The fortune 500 question still stands, your original post spoke of "large company", those are large companies. You only picked organizations that fit your narrative.

The problem with you wrongies is you tend to have a low level of reading comprehension. That's why you like to get yelled at by talking heads.


You question my reading comprehension?! My statement said "political protest", you changed it to be specific to the national anthem.....almost like you picked something to "fit your narrative". Do you even realize how dumb and hypocritical you sound pumpkin?


Your original question asked:
"a large company that would allow you to make a political protest while working". To which I asked what large companies make you stand for the anthem before work. Your original question insinuates that we should be comparing atheles to executives at large companies like KPMG.

We hold atheles, at least attempt to, to higher standards as they are seen as "role models" for little kids. You may not like what he is professing, but he is acting how a role model should. He is standing up( or not standing) for what he believes.


I have no problem protesting, but to think it should be permitted at the workplace is nonsense. How would you feel if some racist assholes protest equality in the NFL or any workplace. We can't pick and choose, so if any protest is ok, then they all have to be. That's what freedom is,right?
They choose the national anthem because it's part of the event, but nothing says it would stop there or be limited to that. That is precisely why I used the term political protest, because that's what it is,and to allow this means you have to allow it all. How do you not see that as a slippery slope?


If you told me that you have had a job with a large company that would allow you to make a political protest while working,you would be a liar. Why should the whiny millionaires get a pass? Enough with you're bullshit race baiting.

Because you think this is some kind of huge question, I'll answer it directly:

1. First off, I've never disputed the NFL's right to their decision. I didn't even imply it in this topic. You have simply assumed.

2. I doubt any company would care if an employee, for example, wore a ribbon to protest police shootings.


THAT is why I said it was irrelevant to the topic: Because it IS IRRELEVANT TO THE TOPIC.

I never "avoided" your question, it's just that your question was based on nothing and had nothing to do with the topic, and I didn't CARE to answer it "directly" because it was a meaningless question.


This is why your phone. "I didn't care to answer it" is exactly my point,and it's practically a synonym for avoidance. You avoid questions that don't serve your agenda. I'll never never dodge a question, because I'm not biased. If you only answer questions that serve your viewpoint, you obviously can't claim to be unbiased,hence, you are dishonest.


If you told me that you have had a job with a large company that would allow you to make a political protest while working

So it's ALL about their job, okay.

Why then does Trump comment on their citizenship?

What does their citizenship have to do with NFL/employee relations???

Do you get it yet?

Have you begun to understand why you didn't comprehend the topic?

Do you SEE YET why your replies were not at all related to the subject matter of this topic?

FYI, perhaps you have, but I have been hesitant to read more of your INANE, MINDLESS replies recently. You proved yourself to be absent of any standards, completely hypocritical, and using antagonism as a replacement for debate.

Do you also realize you're defending the President wasting his time commenting on football players? The same guy who bashed Obama for commenting on the Redskins' name in 2013?

I guess you like hypocrites... =)


A reference to the topic is not him "literally" saying it. Words have meanings.


I have a feeling this will be the quote that gets him removed from office. Along with Roseanne's cancellation today, America has seen the Empire has no clothes! Vote in November! Vote for Women! Join me in Harlem, NY where I will be protesting in front of $2M homes and making sure we never sink this low again! VOTE In November! We Want Change!


LMAO! Fail. November it’s going to be awesome! The demokkkrat party of hate and blame is going to crash and burn.

Stop being a slave. It’s your choice. And the demokkkrat party is more than happy to keep you on the plantation.

They run Harlem. Chicago. Pittsburg. Detroit. South Central. Oakland. All those places that provide black people the great opportinities of dying and welfare living. Slaves.



Let them believe their own bullshit, then laugh in their face in 2 1/2 years when they lose to Trump's second term



You all are such unfathomable hypocrites that it makes my head hurt.

Every little event or slight story for or against your party or candidate is either the end of the world, or the greatest thing that has happened in human existence. It's so fucking played out. No wonder so many people despise politics.

Unbelievable extremists, damn near every one of you, and the part that makes me laugh the most, is that none of you realize you are the way you are. You have no idea of your extremism. You think it's normal to take every tiny little insignificant detail about a political figure and turn it into the biggest most outrageous story you can, all the while generalizing as many people as you can in the process.

Seriously, get a fucking life...please.


No response at all to the 3x disturbing implications of A) questioning the citizenship capabilities of people engaged in peaceful demonstration, B) once again turning a peaceful kneeling into "disrespect" for the Anthem, and C) then suggesting that citizens are EXPECTED to show respect and patriotism, AKA "nationalistic devotion should be enforced," or else they should not be allowed citizenship.

No response from you, nope, just a bunch of BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH, meaningless ignorant dribble with no substance and not addressing anything at all.


Does that make you feel comfortable when compared directly to Trump's EDICTS toward a sports team about nationalism, citizenship, and forced patriotism?

Eat it, learn something, and grow up a little today.


I completely 100% stand by everything I said in my earlier post.

You have no clue how much of a hypocritical party stooge you are.

But hey, to each their own. Go change the world. Have fun. Find more people who slurp up your political BS and tell you what you want to hear to make you feel justified in thinking the world is going to end, or that we're going to turn into a country of Nazis, or whatever extreme vision you take from ultimately meaningless news stories about things like Trump sneezing at church (what an asshole), etc. that mean nothing, except to fire people like you up into a frenzy so you can get up your high horse and tell us all that what you believe is the only right way to think and your set of values is the only one that matters, yada, yada, yada.

Listening to people talk politics is stand up comedy at this point. Keep twisting and spinning those words.


You stand by what? You didn't say shit, you just bitched and moaned.


Oh yeah, and Trump has a LIST of pure Fascist directions he has engaged in. This was just the most direct: Implying that nationalism should be a requirement of citizenship.

If you want to be blind to facts and history, then that's on you, but you have ZERO clue what you're saying when you toss around "hypocrite." I doubt you could even back that up with a lick of logic, seems like you just plucked a buzzword out of thin air so you'd have a name to call me with no actual meaning behind your blather.


Whatever helps you sleep at night, because it's becoming pretty obvious you must not sleep well when you feel the world is going to end or our country is going to become Nazi germany because a dude from a different political party than you is in the White House, and an employer is choosing to have its employees stand for the national anthem. That's gotta make sleeping difficult.

If you know so much, you should know that the NFL owners have every right to make players stand if they want to. THEY own the teams and the league. No matter how you or I feel about the kneeling personally. First amendment doesn't cover that one. But I'm sure you already knew that. Go to work and start protesting and see what happens to you.

You are most definitely a hypocrite, but we all are in some ways...some just WAY more than others.

Take care, and good luck with your political battles about unimportant minuscule events and turning them into doomsday tales.


and an employer is choosing to have its employees stand for the national anthem.

If you know so much, you should know that the NFL owners have every right to make players stand if they want to

Yes, employers have the right to do things like that. I've never disputed it, in fact I've upheld it! I can link you to topics I have made recently where I have defended the NFL's right to do that.

Here's one:

However, that is completely irrelevant to this topic. It's now quite obvious that you experience basic comprehension difficulties, since you CLEARLY don't know what this topic is about.


"You are most definitely a hypocrite"

So not only did you fail to comprehend this topic and what Donald Trump said, but you never explained your use of hypocrite.

As I said, you wouldn't be able to back up your bullshit, because it's just bullshit.

You're ignorantly spewing meaningless drivel and you have no clue what discussion is even happening here.

Nice job, moron!


Donald Trump says a lot of dumb things. I just don't take them as seriously as you do.

Spewing meaningless drivel? Goes back to my original point of overly political people having no idea that they are extremists when calling other political figures out as being extremists.

Let the Merry go round continue. You clearly don't get it and can't comprehend it.

Take care.


You still never explained how I was a hypocrite. You've had enough chances, so thank you for admitting that it was just a meaningless buzzword you were throwing around ignorantly.

You're a joke.

"You clearly don't get it and can't comprehend it."




If you don't take what the President of the United States says seriously, you're part of the problem. His position alone should dictate more maturity than one would get from a morning AM Zoo.
