MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > NFL caves to TRUMP!

NFL caves to TRUMP!

The NFL has decreed that every NFL player must stand for the national anthem when on the field. Another epic victory for the great and powerful TRUMP!


Well the NFL is within its rights to require certain behavior from their players. Of course the gesture of standing during the anthem loses all meaning for NFL players since now it's impossible to distinguish between those standing out of respect for the anthem and those who are standing out of fear of losing their jobs. But you boiled it down to the only thing Trump cares about; a perceived victory in the eyes of people like yourself who hail him as if he were a god.


The NFL used to wait in the locker rooms during an anthem. It was an Obama program to have them come out and stand. I am surprised people do not remember this it was not that long ago. So it is ironic that you accuse Trump of what Obama was guilty of whereas Trump is most likely deliberately making a spectacle.


I admit I was unaware of any such change and according to politifact "But this change only affected primetime games. For all other games -- typically held at 1 p.m. or 4 p.m. Eastern -- players had already been stationed on the field for the national anthem. So the 2009 change simply applied to primetime games the rules that had already been in place for daytime games."

Given this information that I was previously unaware of, I still don't feel I'm accusing Trump of what Obama is guilty of for the following reasons. First, since there was no kneeling protest in 2009 we can't say how Obama would've reacted. I can point to several instances where Obama was poised and gracious to even those protesting him so I imagine his reaction would've been quite different than that of Trump. Second, Kaepernick did begin kneeling during the anthem while Obama was still in office in 2016 and to my knowledge Obama did not speak publicly on the issue at that time, certainly never stated Kaepernick should be fired. And that's what this comes down to is how Trump behaves toward anyone who crosses him on anything. His behavior wouldn't be tolerated if he were a 5 year old; why are so many people willing to tolerate it from a Presidenet?


Please share a link for when this happened. Please. I can't find it. I did find a response by President Obama that supported thought and reflection by all on both sides.


Why is it that Trump cultists always resort to making up bullshit, like you just did about an "Obama program to have them come out and stand"?


False Equivalency.
Confirmation Bias.


Criminal-ly (Willful-ly) Ignorance or Ignorant.

Cognitive Dissonance?


What about those players who are practicing Jehova Witnesses and do not salute or honor the flag. How will the NFL treat them?


Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf (born Chris Wayne Jackson ) sparked controversy for refusing to stand for the national anthem, and calling the flag of the United States a symbol of oppression.

Abdul-Rauf is perhaps best known for the controversy created when he refused to stand for "The Star-Spangled Banner" before games, stating that the flag was a symbol of oppression and that the United States had a long history of tyranny. On March 12, 1996, the NBA suspended Abdul-Rauf for his refusal to stand, costing Abdul-Rauf $31,707 per missed game. Two days later, he worked out a compromise with the league, whereby he would stand during the playing of the national anthem but could close his eyes and look downward. He usually silently recited Islamic prayer during this time for those who are suffering from all walks of life and ethnic backgrounds.

In an apparent publicity stunt linked to this controversy, four employees of Denver's KBPI radio station were charged with misdemeanor offenses related to entering a Colorado mosque and playing "The Star-Spangled Banner" on a bugle and trumpet, in a provocative response to Abdul-Rauf's refusal to stand for the national anthem. Like Abdul-Rauf, the DJs were briefly suspended but ultimately they publicly apologized and reconciled with the mosque community.



Or the players that are protesting will not come onto the field until after the anthem. An empty field will speak volumes just the same.

Have to love these right wing zealots cheering the oppression of freedom of expression *facepalm*


Yup, very true.

"In the internment camps, we were forced to face the U.S. flag each morning and recite the pledge of allegiance from behind barbed wire fences. Patriotism is earned by a nation that lives up to its promises. It is our sacred duty always to speak out when it does not. #TakeAKnee"
- George Takei


America doesn't have to "earn" anything from that Jap POS.



Hey, remember to pick-up your robe from the cleaners before the cross-burning this weekend!


Murder any cops and/or babies lately, liberal?


Again, classy.

You must be the life of every party. Especially the Nazi one.


I thought you were just a troll, but I really do think you're a dangerous sociopath.

You're the one who masturbates to the thoughts of North Korean people dying in nuclear fire, including plenty of babies.

Hitler would be very proud of you, as would other genocidal dictators.


And Godwin's Law proves correct yet again.


I said it because it's accurate. Yuma endorsed genocidal nuclear war today in another thread:

ThreeTenToYuma (581) 3 hours ago
If NK really wants to test Trump's trigger finger, I say go for it. He's the first President in a long time with the balls to use the bomb.


Then it would be more accurate to compare the person to Truman.

Either way, Godwin's Law again holds true.


By all means, compare these shitheads to Nazis. Again and again. I'm with you.

~~Mike Godwin 13 Aug 2017

Mike Godwin explaining on his facebook page that if it walks like a Nazi and talks like a Nazi, you better let people know what it really is.


From his description the person he is calling a Nazi sounds more like Harry Truman.

Again, Godwin's Law.


George Takei was born in California. He is an American by birth and represents the spirit of this country far better than a racist like yourself.


And the ugly truth of 3to10 IQ revealing himself to be a racist POS like so many Trump supporters. Not surprising in the least


Takei is a decent actor. It’s a shame the demokkkrat icon FDR chose to expose the demokkkrat parties racist roots and lock up Japanese Americans. It’s a further shame Takei exposes his Hollywood ignorance every time he opens his mouth about politics.


Yes, it was wrong (and racist) for FDR (a democrat) to have done that. That democrat has been dead for over 70 years though. If you're truly concerned about racism, how about calling out fellow Trump supporter ThreeTen for his racist comment from a couple hours ago?


Yes, well the obviously conclusion is that he's clearly not concerned about racism except to use as a cudgel to be applied only on Democrats.



I hope each player stands with their AK 15 rifles! They need to stand up for their Second Amendment rights - no better place to do so than on the field.


They're called AR-15s dummy. Another Dem who knows nothing about guns.


Thank God, I don’t know or need to know anything about guns. Living in a trailer park, I’m sure you do. Gotta protect them Val-ya-bulls. Those Reagan coins you invested in need safe keeping.

But I’m glad you agree the NFL players should stand with their rifles.


Keep telling yourself that. Truth is, you couldn't buy a gun even if you wanted to with your pitiful janitor's income.


Could and would are two different words with two different meanings. I “ wouldn’t “ buy a gun under any circumstances.

Now you’ve realize those Mc Shamrock Shakes you’re downing at Mc Ds is no good for you, right? Neither are the fries you pilfer during your shift. It’s best you stay away from them while you work and dream of the $200 paycheck T-rump promised you.


Does your building not have security? There are people with guns to protect you and you pay for it.


Does my building not have security? I have no idea what you mean. What building?


Oh, I bet I know a lot more about guns than you do.


Back of the bus


The issue has zero to do wth Trump. He has a right to comment on it like anyone else. Standing for the flag is about honoring those who’ve made and make the ultimate sacrifice to protect all of our freedom.

It issue further exposes the demokkkrat party’s deep hatred for the country.

Goodell and the NFL screwed the pooch. They’re way to late at this point. The damage has been done. Between this and the concussion crap the NFL is done. Just a matter of time. Like the demokkkrat party this November.


Funny, I spoke to a few veterans when this first became a thing. The majority said they they fought for the country and our rights and not for a flag and a song.

But's you. What more can anyone expect?


See, this is why you're just an idiot. Forget Trump for a minute. An organization just made a move to penalize free speech over something they only do for financial gain. That's right, do your reading...the National anthem is only played at sporting events because the government has that part and parcel of the deal that allows them to put recruitment booths in all the stadiums (because sporting events are where you should go to find military volunteers?).


There is no free speech in a privately owned business.


I have to agree with Bubba (those words don't come naturally). Just as an organization has no obligation to keep someone employed who spouts off racist remarks, the NFL is within their rights to require their members to adhere to certain standards...including standing during the SSB if they see fit.

Personally I feel it takes away all meaning when standing is a requirement and is counter-intuitive to the very thing the anthem supposedly stands for, but that doesn't mean the NFL is interfering with free speech. The 1st amendment protects against government infringement on free speech, nothing more. If the players don't like the NFL's rules regarding this, they have the freedom to leave.


trump won as he always does,
the lowlifes of society are finally getting in line


With losing North Korea's trust and busting the Iran Deal, Trump has to scrounge up a victory somewhere. It might as well be with stomping on our First Amendment right to protest.


The First Amendment doesn't guarantee the right to political protest while at work. Try again.


So what Im gathering is 310 is a troll.

One of those loves everything Trump does types. Got it.


