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Mueller's pitiful haul!

Mueller's investigation has resulted in a whopping two charges for crimes committed by Trump associates during or after the 2016 election:

Mike Flynn - Pled guilty to a single charge of making false statements to the FBI. He lied about a perfectly legal meeting with the Russian ambassador, no doubt because of the intense media hysteria over Russian "meddling". Mueller is a disgrace for bringing such a chickenshit charge against this man. Flynn will almost certainly be pardoned by Trump and enjoy a successful career as a Fox News host.

George Papadopoulos - Pled guilty to a single count of making false statements to the FBI. His crime was to lie about various meetings with Russians where he tried to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. Of course, there was nothing illegal about trying to dig up dirt on Hillary from the Russians, or the Dems who funded the Steele dossier would all be in the slammer. Poor George should've done something less criminal like stockpile classified information on a private server.

Manafort was charged with various financial crimes having nothing to do with the campaign, some of which date back to 2005. Rick Gates was charged for lying about a 2013 meeting with Manafort and for lying about his status as a foreign agent. Alex van der Zwaan (a Dutch citizen) also lied about an old meeting with Manafort. In addition, they charged a guy named Richard Pinedo for selling bank accounts created using stolen identities (normally the FBI wouldn't give two fucks about identity theft, but they're pulling out all the stops on this one).

The other charges relate to the much-hyped Russian "influence campaign" on Facebook, and which are being vigorously contested in court by one of the accused companies. These make up the vast majority of Mueller's total charges. None of them are connected to the Trump campaign in any way. In fact, they were filed to make this sham of an investigation look more important than it actually is.

There you have it! One year and tens of millions in taxpayer money have resulted in TWO measly charges against former Trump officials for crimes with even the slightest connection to the 2016 campaign. Way to go Mueller!


Flynn took $500,000 from Turkey to keep the Kurds out of Raqqa. The Kurds are the best fighters in the world at defeating ISIS, and they are our allies. Turkey doesn't like the Kurds, so Flynn took the money and said ok...allowing ISIS to remain. That's textbook treason. Lock him up. Yet to you, Flynn is a good man... because he shouted "lock her up" at the convention. Hillary's deleted emails aren't even 1/10th of what Flynn did.


if the world leaders had a "tallest" competition i know my president Trump would win,
eating 3 big mac's per meal every day has had him grow up long and strong


Yet he was only charged with a single count of lying to investigators. Something tells me your allegations are just a load of horseshit.

And in case you didn't know, Turkey is a member of NATO. That means they are allies of the United States. The United States listens to the input of NATO allies when planning military operations. It doesn't mean anyone is committing "treason" against your precious Kurds (which would only make sense if Flynn were Kurdish, but you clearly don't have any sense).


God you're so dumb.

It's called a 'plea deal' you fucking moron. He flipped.


Former US Attorney Preet Bharara doesn't agree with you. He thinks it's highly unlikely that Flynn got a sweetheart deal, and much more likely that Mueller simply doesn't have anything else to charge him with. To be fair, Bharara raises the possibility that Mueller didn't want to spook other targets by charging Flynn prematurely, but he pours cold water on that theory as well (Flynn did not plead guilty under seal, as in standard in such cases).

Read it and weep dummy. His comments apply equally well to the other targets of the investigation who pled guilty. The idea that Gates or Papadopoulos got a "sweetheart" deal is pure fantasy. You are setting yourself up for an epic disappointment.


I never said Flynn got a "sweetheart deal" you tool.

I said there's no denying RICK GATES got a sweetheart deal. I then proved to you that was the general consensus on the plea from Gates, even from conservative rags like the National Review.

But the reason Flynn was only charged with one count is because he flipped and struck a plea deal. This is a fact. Why are facts so difficult for you to understand?
Therefore you citing him only getting charged with one count means absolutely nothing in light of the FACT he plead guilty in a plea deal. He would have been charged with much more had he not.


And one more thing;

Rick Gates getting an actual sweetheart deal is not speculation. It's an ironclad fact because we actually saw his original indictment that included 35 felony counts withdrawn and replaced with an indictment on 2 counts when he struck a plea deal in exchange for his guilty plea.

Having 33 felony charges withdrawn for 2 is the VERY DEFINITION of a sweetheart deal you colossal dumb fuck.

What Mueller is getting from Gates in exchange for dropping 33 felony counts is Trump's head on a platter from Gates. Defendants don't get 33 felony charges withdrawn in a plea bargain unless they give up a high value target.


Wrong again!

As Bharara points out, the public perception of "sweetheart deals" is basically a myth. Prosecutors need cooperating witnesses to plead guilty to as many charges as possible to lend credibility to their testimony in court. You can't trot out a witness who refused to own up to their own criminality and expect it to stick with a jury.

In this case, Gates has pled guilty to lying to investigators and conspiring with Manafort in various financial schemes pre-dating the election, as well as acting as an unregistered foreign agent. That's it!

If Gates and/or Manafort were secretly conspiring with Russians to throw the election, the government would certainly want relevant guilty pleas before using their testimony against Trump. Neither one has been charged with anything of the sort.

The charges against Gates were designed to secure his cooperation regarding the case against Manafort. The charges against Manafort are also unrelated to Russian election interference. The idea that these guys will be testifying against Trump regarding some illegal collusion scheme in exchange for having tax fraud charges dropped is just laughable. You must literally know nothing about the criminal justice system if you believe that.


Dude you're an absolute idiot AND you're wrong as usual.

First, Bahara NEVER said "sweetheart deals" was a myth. Once again you made that up. In fact, in your link the 1st of possibilities he describes is that Flynn got a sweetheart deal, even though he thinks that's unlikely for Flynn.

So once again, you're pulling things out of your ass because you're desperate and you know you're wrong.

2nd, he never even comments on Gates because this is far before Gates even cut a deal, so all the crap you're saying about Gates is stuff you're pulling out of your ass.

I already told you it was widely reported Andrew Weisman, who led the prosecution against Gates, already was VERY CLEAR with Gates from the start that he had both HE and Manafort DEAD TO RIGHTS on tax fraud and money laundering chargers with a mountain of paper evidence. In other words, Mueller's team telegraphed they would NOT be interested in a plea deal from him to testify against Manafort who they already had.

3rd, I followed the negotiation of the Gates plea the whole way through. He fired his team of 3 lawyers, and kept returning to the table to renegotiate with Mueller against their advice. That's because he was eager to get a deal done with Mueller even though Weisman told him they didn't need his testimony against Manafort. He also knew he was in a game of chicken in a classic prisoner's dilemma. Either he flip first on what he and Manafort both knew about Trump or he was screwed and would be left holding the bag unable to deal. Especially about all the info they knew from their Russian GRU contact Konstantin Kilimnik. Hard evidence that Gates is cooperating far beyond Manafort is the indictment against Alex Van Der Zwaan who was sent to jail about lying about Kilimnik which could have only come from Gates. There is no other way to explain this.

Stop making up bullshit to fit your crazy stupid thesis that Gates only flipped on Manafort. It's not accurate and you're just an idiot.


Peeing my pants laughing! 3to10IQ is the geriatric monkey on the site!


Yes he really is.

What's clear is that after seeing Mueller's huge haul tightening the noose 3to10IQ pissed his pants and wrote this pathetic post as his rebuttal.

His problem is it doesn't stand up to the barest scrutiny.

He's far better off investing in some big boy diapers Depend® briefs & underwear for men. He'll need the security it provides him.


The more Mueller tightens , the more they scream “ still no collusion “. Too bad T-rump didn’t stick to collusion as a solo journey - this would have been over.

But no, he had an entourage of campaign workers, family members, low life’s, high life’s and their associates do the dirty work for him and branch out to every possible illegal activity.

And here we are.


Except "collusion" isn't a crime. The FBI doesn't launch investigations into non-criminal acts. They are looking for specific criminal acts related to Russia's alleged criminal interference in the 2016 election. All indications are that they have found none. You mad?


No, I’m quite happy. Muellers team has done an excellent job and look forward to what he does in the future.


You said that 100 charges had been filed, and that they related to illegal activity by the Trump campaign. What happened Doggiedummy?


What happened? If only you could keep up!


And once again you're an idiot.

The indictment against 13 Russians spells out exactly how "collusion" will be charged by Mueller in the future for your reading pleasure.

The crime is conspiracy to obstruct and defraud the FEC from being able to enforce election law.


Manafort filed a false tax return in 2010! Stop the presses!!!


The 32 count indictment filed against Manafort for your reading pleasure:

You should try and get a handle on what you're even talking about instead of constantly broadcasting your ignorance and getting things wrong.


lol! I posted something similar to 3to10IQ. If only he could keep up with what’s going on. Poor bastard is always about 6 months behind the rest of the class.


"How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie. You probably need to take a look at that one.


"Turkey is a member of NATO."

Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel are allied with ISIS against Assad in Syria. That doesn't automatically mean it's acceptable to take money from those countries to help ISIS now does it?

If Obama accepted money from Canada to let Bin Laden live, you know damn well you'd accuse Obama of treason. But Flynn gets a pass, because he shouted words that make you jizz your pants.


We don’t even know what mueller has at this point. The investigation is in progress, so they aren’t going to go public with that information.


It is pretty funny to watch the complete failure of the Mueller witch hunt and the biggest lie and scandal in US political history be exposed more and more everyday. Demokkkrats are going to get crushed in November.

Their platform of hate and pornstar will get them the usual lemming vote which means they’re going to lose again.



Even I was surprised to find out how few of the charges have any plausible connection to the 2016 campaign. It's no wonder they're so desperate to make something stick to Cohen, because so far they've accomplished jack shit.


Of course you were surprised to find out. Your demonstrated ignorance is so gaping on this topic it's remarkable you know anything at all.


Can’t wait for 2019 when Trump tweets: in the tradition of Comey, Obama, and Clinton, his DOJ has placed spies in the demokkkrat presidential campaign to protect our election from those pesky Russians.

Don Lemon and the rest of the demokkkrat lemmings heads would explode.


If lying to the FBI is such a serious offence then why isn't Hillary Clinton in prison already?


Because Trump was never going to charge her, it was obvious to anyone.
