Except none of that is true. The last thing ISIS ever does, is play the victim. The poor defenseless Muslim being attacked by big bad America, is a narrative that leftists push to justify Muslim crimes.
ISIS themselves published and online magazine refuting this and saying what everyone else in the land of reason already knows, that the reason they hate us is because we aren't Muslim. Page 30, "We we hate you & why we fight you". Read it. They even go into depth to criticize politicians for twisting this narrative to appease the masses.
Another thing, Israel NEVER plays the victim. I don't know how in the world you're getting this. The reason we support Israel, is because they're the only ones in a sea of shit that shares our values and morals to a hint of success. No other country in the middle east as a liberalized, westernized democracy like Israel is. They're doing the best they can with what they have to work with. And we respect them for it. Of course we support Israel. It certainly isn't because they go whining about how big of a victim they are. If they're strong enough to have survived these last 1400 years without being swamped by the onslaught of Muslim savages, there's no possible way they could get away with claiming victimhood. I would call that nothing short of a monumental success.