MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Happy there's SO MUCH EVIDENCE OF COLLUS...

Happy there's SO MUCH EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION ALREADY in spite of Trump's constant claims otherwise...

The evidence speaks for itself.


Trumpistas can never dispute facts and evidence.

That's why they make up their own.




I like how that article delineates the difference between evidence of and proof of a crime, and how when the preponderance of evidence is enough to justify having proved the crime. It's clear we're at the point of preponderance right now, and we don't even know what Mueller knows yet. If Trump and his administration were a building with smoke pouring out of every window but not a lick of flame to be seen, I'd be willing to bet they'll be proof of fire very soon.

And the part about the Devin Numbnuts and his House Intel Committee of bend-over Republitards not bothering to subpoena the phone records of Don Jr. to find out whose blocked number he called in between his calls with Agalarov will come back to haunt those Quislings because I'd bet my next two paychecks Mueller DID subpoena the records and the call will turn out to have been to daddy.

EDIT: I also want to add this comment about the Republitard House Comm, too... I know that Obstruction of Justice is a hard case to make, but at the very least by not subpoenaing Jr's phone records to see the recipient of that call, he and his toadies are guilty of negligence and ineptitude in doing their jobs to investigate the full scope of this matter. And I ask any Trump supporter reading right now if wouldn't you rather know for certain if that call was placed to Trump or wasn't, or are you too afraid of what the truth would have revealed?


Do you think the T-rump supporters here understand one word of that article?



Well they don't have to actually read the article to answer my question...but I'm not expecting any replies anyway, because their modus operandi is to just ignore anything that might challenge or threaten their warped beliefs about their "hero."


It’s an excellent article. We went ahead and removed speculation and information from “unnamed sources” and listed the pure facts attributed collusion:

1st: Donald J Trump ran for president.

2nd: He had a campaign team.


[spoiler]There was no collusion.[/spoiler]

An outstanding example of how the demokkkrat news media consists of nothing more than speculation based on unnamed sources and regurgitating each other’s hypothesis. Cut and paste more please.



How about answering my question? I'll paste it below in case your reading attention faltered before reaching it:

Wouldn't you rather know for certain if that phone call [by Don Jr. in between calls to Agalarov] was placed to Trump or wasn't, or are you too afraid of what the truth would have revealed?


< crickets >


Where is the collusion?

< crickets >


The collusion is with White Water and Hillary’s emails.


Why are you responding to a month-old thread that was asking that idiot Gd to simply answer a question of mine?

You made no point other than making yourself out to be an idiot, too.


There is still no collusion. Its been almost 2 years now.


It's only been a year and a month since the investigation began, hardly "almost 2 years."

And 13 members of Trump's campaign and administration are documented as having met with Russians offering information and/or help on winning the 2016 election. That's certainly a basis and justification for investigating collusion.'re wrong on both statements. But I'd guess you call it "being almost right."


Comey says FBI began investigation into Russia meddling in July.

That would be July 2016, almost 2 years now.

I found only 4, who are the rest?

That group is composed of four former Trump advisers, 14 Russian nationals, three Russian companies, one California man, and one London-based lawyer. Five of these people (including three former Trump aides) have already pleaded guilty.

None of the charges against Americans or Trump advisers so far have directly alleged that they worked with Russia to interfere with the campaign.

Looks like you are wrong on your statements.


The 13 Trump lackeys are not the indicted defendants (although 4 of them are), they are persons of interest in the investigation who are on record as having associated with Russians known to be direct or indirect agents of Putin's regime.

And the investigation I was referring to is Mueller's--it's the only one that counts and it began in May of do the math.

Hey, looks like I was right on my statements!


Looks like we are both right, so two rights equals a right? And 3 rights ends up making a circle.


Wahaha. You just proved you were too stupid to read the article since there are no unnamed sources EVEN USED!!@$@!

NOT ONE!!!!!






All excellent points, and there is NO DOUBT that Nunes hands are dirty and he's been doing everything in his power to obstruct the investigation like his own career depends on it.

I think his behavior lays in part in his participation on the Trump transition team, a period in which Mike Flynn is known to have been actively negotiating lifting sanctions with Russia ambassador Kislyak. According to multiple sourced reporting at the time, Flynn was quite open about his active negotiations with everyone else on the transition team. Perhaps Nunes played a part in those machinations, because he's certainly been acting exactly as if he himself were compromised and has been doing everything in his power to actively interfere with Mueller's investigation by issuing subpoenas to DoJ and shutting down the House investigation, refusing to call key witnesses like Flynn to the committee who could point the finger right at Nunes.

I find it particularly hilarious any Trump supporter that tries to maintain the fiction of "no evidence of collusion" when the circumstantial evidence we know about so far is just overwhelming. People are convicted in courts and serve substantial prison terms all the time based on purely circumstantial evidence alone far less damning than the evidence we've seen that Trump colluded.

But like you pointed out, all that needs to be confirmed for there to have been collusion is for Trump Jr to have informed his dad ahead of time about that meeting.

So it's no wonder they were dead set against issuing subpoenas for the phone records of whose blocked number he called. When asked behind closed doors in congressional hearings, he refused to answer the question.


Wow, you've uncovered massive evidence of non-criminal activity by the Trump campaign. Do you want a cookie?


Hint: You have to read the article to know about what evidence I'm even referring to.

Regardless, this is over a month old and there's even more evidence today than back then.

So get to it! You've got a lot of catching up to do boy. Heeyah.


LOL! He wants us to teach him what's going on in the world. I'm telling you - he wants to get a free education out of us (smart liberals). Which is why he asks for sources, explanations, and then accuses (me) of lying and making stuff up - so I can do his homework while I teach him.

I guess his $96K job didn't require a basic education.


The biggest piece of circumstantial evidence against Trump is that he, as President of the United States, seems desperate for this investigation to stop instead of uncovering the truth of what happened. There's simply no reason for him to feel that way if he's innocent.


That, and also the fact that the strongest evidence of wrongdoing to this point isn't primarily about any collusion (although it's growing) by Trump and his stooges, it's the fact that most of them seem to have obstructed justice towards the investigation about it. They only compounded their trouble by trying to nip something in the bud, basically putting out a fire with gasoline.


Couldn't agree more.

Who would bother risking criminal obstruction of an investigation into himself if he didn't commit the underlying crime? We've witnessed firsthand the constant attacks and attempts to derail an investigation that prosecutors would call "consciousness of guilt".

He acts exactly like a desperate guilty man would act trying to cover up his own crimes. That's really the most obvious evidence of all.


Every tyrant in history has used that rationale to justify investigating and locking up their opponents. The desire to have one's rights protected does not constitute evidence of guilt. It doesn't even constitute circumstantial evidence of guilt. The entire idea is antithetical to democracy and the rule of law.


No but risking criminal obstruction by pressuring the FBI director to drop the investigation and firing him when he doesn't absolutely is what prosecutors would call "consciousness of guilt" and is exactly what constitutes "circumstantial evidence" sherlock.

Then going on national TV and saying he fired the FBI director because of "this Russia thing" is what prosecutors would call "confirmation of guilt".

