All excellent points, and there is NO DOUBT that Nunes hands are dirty and he's been doing everything in his power to obstruct the investigation like his own career depends on it.
I think his behavior lays in part in his participation on the Trump transition team, a period in which Mike Flynn is known to have been actively negotiating lifting sanctions with Russia ambassador Kislyak. According to multiple sourced reporting at the time, Flynn was quite open about his active negotiations with everyone else on the transition team. Perhaps Nunes played a part in those machinations, because he's certainly been acting exactly as if he himself were compromised and has been doing everything in his power to actively interfere with Mueller's investigation by issuing subpoenas to DoJ and shutting down the House investigation, refusing to call key witnesses like Flynn to the committee who could point the finger right at Nunes.
I find it particularly hilarious any Trump supporter that tries to maintain the fiction of "no evidence of collusion" when the circumstantial evidence we know about so far is just overwhelming. People are convicted in courts and serve substantial prison terms all the time based on purely circumstantial evidence alone far less damning than the evidence we've seen that Trump colluded.
But like you pointed out, all that needs to be confirmed for there to have been collusion is for Trump Jr to have informed his dad ahead of time about that meeting.
So it's no wonder they were dead set against issuing subpoenas for the phone records of whose blocked number he called. When asked behind closed doors in congressional hearings, he refused to answer the question.