MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > DOW up 1,200 in last 10 days

DOW up 1,200 in last 10 days

The thunderous Trump economic boom rolls on.

Unemployment the lowest since 1973.

Black/Hispanic unemployment all time record lows.

1st quarter corporate profits a landslide victory for America.

Foreign policy knocked out of the park with the cancelling of Obama’s unsupported unilateral 150 billion dollar giveaway to the #1 sponsor of terrorism, Iran.

Historic Korean Peninsula peace talks for the first time in our lives.

Numerous courts enforce the law and disgrace the Mueller witch hunt with it’s 18 demokkkrat contributors which has become a world wide laughingstock and fail. Zero evidence of collusion.

Trump’s approval steadfast over 50%. Consumer confidence off the charts.

The demokkkrats contribution? A porn star and the usual, obsessive hate, anger, blame, whine, complain. Zero ideas or solutions. Poor lemmings.



Don't forget his new drug plan. Elderly Americans such as Daddydidmedoggie stand to benefit quite a bit.


nice one!


I'm so glad that you are using that. I really hope it catches on!


3to10IQ don’t forget the soaring gas prices where we are now paying at least $3 a gallon. It’s expected to hit all time highs this summer.



Trump boom just keep rolling. Dow up 8 days in a row. 1400 it’s In 2 weeks. Poor hate filled demokkkrat lemmings.



So you'd sell your soul for some stock options, okay.


When Greed is your primary motivation behind everything you believe in, it's easy to put a price on anything. Including "souls."


The stock market is up because of the billions of dollars that the middle and working class gifted to rich people and corporations. That money is now going into the stock market as buybacks instead of helping American workers.


Lol, tell that to the 400 million in bonus money that is going to Walmart employees because the tax cuts are helping the company save so much. But don't let facts get in the way of your blind,stupid,hatred.


I've got some facts for ya.

Since Walmart is saving about $2 billion in taxes per year, and there are 7 key Walton family members with stake in Walmart, that leaves $229 million for each of those family members after subtracting that $400 million.

But wow, they gave each of their employees $174 a year, which means the majority of those employees are still under the poverty level.

Walmart has also been caught buying life insurance on their dying employees and cashing out upon their deaths.


Your numbers are bullshit, and taking out insurance policies doesn't affect anyone negatively...which has nothing to do with tax cuts or bonuses. Or are you one of those types just itching to be pissed at anything to do with a big corporation.


You say the numbers are bullshit, but your site doesn't counter them. It only counters your $400 million figure.

If the $560 million went to the full 2.3 million employees, then that's still only $243 per person (on average) instead of $174. But it doesn't go to all 2.3 million. It only goes to 890,000 out of Walmart's 2.3 million employees. The remaining 1.4 million employees get nothing from Trump's tax cut.


Why would every part time employee,or kid getting only a few hours deserve that bonus? Your dismissing almost a MILLION employees getting money. No companies work that way. And your right, the article shows they gave MORE money.


Everything you are praising Walmart for began before Trump was president. It started with their hourly wage increase, which had begun before they even knew Trump's tax cuts would exist. The bonuses were for employees that were in states where the hourly increase wasn't instituted. It was all being paid for by Walmart's massive profits. Now, on top of those profits, Walmart is receiving an extra $2 billion.

Credit where credit is due... It's good that Walmart wants their employees to earn more, but other companies like Costco did it way earlier. Giving Walmart praise because of Trump's tax cuts is ignorance. All $2 billion of those tax cuts to the Walton family is profit on top of profit.

It's sad when the massively wealthy have you on a string, but here you are lying for them when they aren't even asking you to.


Your blind hatred for Trump without logic is truly pathetic.


What a stupid comment. I've shown no disdain for Trump in this conversation. It's all been about Walmart. Are you somehow confusing the two? You sure seem pissed off about it. But instead of coming back with facts, you just dribble on yourself.


Are you literally retarded? You clearly inferred that Trump had nothing to do with the motivation for Walmarts bonuses. You even brought up his name multiple tines.They are giving bonuses because him in office is helping them as a corporation. It doesn't matter if it started before his term. If Trump hurt them financially, they would most likely stop. Fairly obvious logic.


The Trump boom continues...

- Industrial production climbs 0.7% in April for third straight month of gains

- Capacity utilization rose to 78% in April, a three-year high.

- Demokkkrat Obama, “manufacturing jobs are not coming back”



We're still in the Obama boom. The effect of Trumps policies and leadership haven't been felt yet.


True. Unemployment reached 10% in October 2009. That's when the Obama bailout started to kick in. From then on it just kept lowering and lowering.

When you add to the debt, unemployment usually drops. However, when you add to the debt by giving the top 1% the majority of the benefit, the bump in the stock market is more artificial since the stock market revolves around speculation. All the big companies are reveling in their tax cuts, but as those tax cuts shift over to their off-shore bank accounts, the middle class begins to pay for them... usually by working for less wages than they did a decade ago.


Russell 2000 hits all-time high.

The Russell 2000 index is an index measuring the performance of approximately 2,000 small-cap companies in the Russell 3000 Index, which is made up of 3,000 of the biggest U.S. stocks. The Russell 2000 serves as a benchmark for small-cap stocks in the United States.



What's good for the stock market doesn't necessarily benefit your average American.
