MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > CNN literally has a section called Race ...

CNN literally has a section called Race in America..

And it all blames the white people.

Literally just scroll down from top stories and it's just this:
Woman says she called police when black Airbnb guests didn't wave at her

A black student was reported to police for napping in her dorm. This happened at Yale.

White man accused of trying to hire hit man to kill black neighbor

Opinion: At Yale, Starbucks and everywhere else, being black in America really is this hard

Cause you know, whites don't have it hard and that when a particular group commits half the crime, one can get spooked , go 'meh, typical', or 'annnd he's black'.

Another reason why diversity will never really truly work.


Yes the white man, a T-rump supporter no doubt, hired a hit man for $500 to kill his black neighbor. That is T-rumps America. It made headlines everywhere but T-rump didn’t tweet about it. Wonder why?


Only reason that would be mentioned is we hold whites to a higher standard. Blacks commit a highly disproportionate rate of crimes of all type and independent of socioeconomic status. Nightly news doesn’t even have local crime report section anymore and explicitly admit this is because it reinforce negative stereotype about black crime.


More so that T-rump put the fear of the black man in the soft heads of his supporters. If someone is not the same color as you, T-rump wants you to believe he’s the enemy - and his supporters fall for this.

Never ever heard your alleged claim about nightly news and their explicit admissions. Must be something Hannity told you.


GTFO with that "we hold whites to a higher standard" crap. You are so full of shit.

If there were a black guy hiring hitmen to take out white people you can be sure Fox News would be sensationalizing the fuck out of the story and Hannity would have an APB out on the new public enemy #1 for white America.


"Yes the white man ... hired a hit man for $500 to kill his black neighbor."

What a steal! I bet the hit man was black or illegal, perhaps a junkie.


So you're betting he hired a black hit man to kill his black neighbor for being black?

You're not the brightest pipe in the crack house are you?


Lol! Does he even read what he typed before he hits “ add reply” ?????

Maybe he beads to read it out loud first.


Because it generates headlines better than 'black person does mean thing to white person.' As long as the truth gets reported, I'm ok with those type of sensationalist headlines. Yes, it would be better to even it out, but as long as they don't fabricate their own news like Fox News does, then it's really not that big of a deal. Terrorist fist jab indeed.


I ran away because I saw a guy in a tan suit with dijon mustard on his lips doing terrorist fist jabs to everyone he met!

Him being black PALED in comparison to all those other scary things!



Haha... that gave me a chuckle there.
