Couple that with ending of the Iran deal, and the truce with North and South Korea, and you really have to wonder what it is that he's doing that makes democrats hate him so much. It's just win after win after win with this guy and it seems the hate for him grows ever more vitriolic.
It's beyond ridiculous. I get if they want to hate him because he's an asshole and doesn't give a flying fuck about what he says or how his words affect your feelings, but for God's sake man. They need to take a moment to look past their grievances with him and accept that he's better for America, faults and all, than we've had in a very long time.
And yes, Trump had a lot to do with North Koreas truce as much as democrats refuse to admit. They just can't give the man any credit. Even South Korea's president admitted Trump did good with North Korea. Stop being stubborn libs and just admit you were wrong about him. No he's not a nice person and you probably wouldn't invite him to your BBQ but just give credit where it's due.
It's beyond ridiculous. I get if they want to hate him because he's an asshole and doesn't give a flying fuck about what he says or how his words affect your feelings, but for God's sake man. They need to take a moment to look past their grievances with him and accept that he's better for America, faults and all, than we've had in a very long time.
They are my friend. Not all obviously, but they are. His approval has surpassed 50% even in leftwing polls.
And all this despite 24/7 anti trump propaganda in the mainstream demokkkrat media for 2 years. But nothing they have predicted has come to fruition. It never does. It’s been that why my whole life. “Reagan will start world war 3” etc...”Republicans will take away everyone’s rights” blah blah.
It’s been the same old hate and no ideas demokkkrat party since JFK died. They have nothing to offer but hate and blame. People are tired of their miserable worthless existence. Let the lemmings live in misery and hate. They have no platform. They are anti freedom anti free speech. It’s a losing platform of hate.
You don’t need 100% to keep power, you need 51%, and Trump and Republicans easily have that right now.
The demokkkrat media and education industries need to be eradicated. They are evil and worthless propaganda machines. It started in the 1950s with communist infiltration of the United States, and it’s going to take decades to clean up these miscarriages. Trump is just the beginning.
It’s been the same old hate and no ideas demokkkrat party since JFK died.... They are anti freedom anti free speech.
The demokkkrat media and education industries need to be eradicated.
Wow, you say the "Democrat media" is against freedom and free speech, and then you advocate forcibly shutting down all "Democrat media."
That's free speech to you? Eradicating all alternative views?
You're literally a Nazi. No wonder you're a Trump fan. You're also sitting here agreeing with an avowed White Supremacist, Mr. virus there.
You trolls are so worthless, I don't even see how you find it entertaining to constantly post the same boring B.S. The only alternative I can imagine is that you actually believe the insane crap you post.
So yeah, you probably actually ARE a Nazi.
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You mentioned 3 things:
1. ISIS Leaders - Brand new, as you said "just announced."
2. North Korea - This is a work in progress, the summit hasn't even happened, plus it's been attempted before and it's fallen apart before. Don't count your eggs yet.
3. Iran - Questionable overall. Also new.
You sound like you're desperate to support Trump, which is what I hear from every one of his supporters. You seem to be expecting brand new and unfinished business to have not just an immediate effect of swaying opinion, but some kind of retroactive effect.
I mean, with all your race-baiting posts, I already knew you were a bit slow, but think about your timing a little bit.
Oh and FYI, I do applaud you backing off the race-baiting and doing more normal posts lately. I don't want to take credit for it, but I did notice it immediately followed me calling you out more regularly and criticizing you.
You're reading what you want to read I'm afraid deary. You've been harking down my back for weeks, months infact, long since before Black Panther was even released in theaters about my race baiting posts and I never once backed off. Now I do and you want to take credit? lmao. Would you like some velvet gloves to go along with that back patting? Let's try not to look too desperate to achieve something shall we? Just give it time. Once I see another black actor cast as a white character you'll hear from me again since you love following me around like a lap dog.
Anyway, I would have listed all of his earlier accomplishments such as the travel ban, getting out of DACA, recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital, getting illegal immigration down 70% since taking office, but I didn't feel the need to list the entire encyclopedia of the great things this man has done in his short time since becoming president. I just seems like water under the bridge now.
all of his accomplishments nothing like doing something good like free Trump kids clinics, or helping out hospital with a Trump run emergency wing so we can say Trumpcare
How else am I supposed to take it? You follow my every single move. It's at the point where I'm already planning a response to a reply of yours that you haven't even made yet. I just know you'll be there. You cant help yourself. You can't, unlike most people, just see my name and move past it. Every inch of your body is telling you to reply to me. It's incredible. I wouldn't know what this place would be like without you. You...complete me..
You could just explain what it is that Trump did here.
At least Obama authorized the final moments of the Somali pirate hijack, and also gave the authority for the Bin Laden raid. Did that garner support by the GOP? Hell no. What did Trump do? So far all we know is he sent some tweets. Maybe that's a good thing, because when he authorizes raids, he tends to ignore his generals, and that's how 8 year old American kids get killed.
He gave the pentagon full reign to get their shit done without any of the lovey dovey restrictions imposed on them prior. The man has gotten more done in just a year and a half than Obama did in 8 full years.
What did the Pentagon do? You can say Trump has gotten more done, but you cannot explain what was done that adds up to more. It's a nice little trick that you guys like to play... on yourselves. More holes in one perhaps, and definitely more tweets.
It's not that I have a hard time listing his accomplishments, it's that you don't like to acknowledge them. Did you not see my previous post above laying out Daca, the travel ban etc? You know what? Here. You don't like to listen or acknowledge anything great he has done, so the Washington Examiner has laid out a cohesive list for you to enjoy.
Worked to do this, worked to do that, expanded this, expanded that. Uh huh. He killed TPP and renegotiated NAFTA. Right? What does that actually mean? Nothing, because he killed TPP and inserted it into NAFTA. You don't want to hear that. Some of our previous president's accomplishments actually meant something to real people. Since Trump doesn't have any of those helping the working class, they go to the "worked to do" nonsense. If you're gonna go with that nonsense, any president is going to rack up accomplishments, including even Jimmy Carter.
Immigration is worse now, but you don't want to hear that either. Illegals are in hiding, so now we have more coming in than are leaving. Under Obama, more were leaving than entering, because they weren't afraid of ICE and left themselves out in the open to be deported.
Of course, I'm talking to the idiot that thinks a civilian cannot obtain a machine gun.
See? Even when his accomplishments are staring you in the face, you refuse to acknowledge them. This is why it's futile to have an honest conversation with people like you. "Illegal immigration is worse than ever before, we just can't see it because they're in hiding!" lmao. Anything to make this guy look like a failure eh? The desperation is just embarrassing.
if Trump has so many accomplishments why is he still campaigning I am so tired of his waving his arms about I don't watch the local what is called world news I watch pbs and bbc at least they are not paid off by some political group also who pays for the hats at the rallys and that same black man is always behind him and just for the record the minimum wage would still be at five dollars if big business has anything to say about it
Warning. not_a_virus.exe has stopped working. The program must be restarted in order for it to continue spewing more lines of BS. To avoid future shutdowns, please refrain from asking it questions regarding the Pentagon.
Yeah, it's pretty stupid. Kim Jong Un begins shaking hands with South Korea, Trump tries to take credit. Iraq captures 5 key ISIS members, Trump tries to take credit. Iran has no nukes because of the Iran deal, Trump tries to take credit by removing it.
Oh, and the capture of the ISIS leaders is actually all thanks to Turkish special forces who captured the first one in February, and his capture lead to the rest via interrogation.
So you are correct, it's definitely nothing Donald Trump did.