"Citing a person briefed on the meetings, the Globe reported that Kerry had met with Iran Foreign Minister Javad Zarif at the United Nations in New York two weeks ago, their second meeting in about two months, to discuss ways of keeping the deal limiting Iran's nuclear weapons program intact."
He’s such a sack of shit. Who can forget this Kerry classic...
He testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971 and had this to say about his fellow brothers in arms:
“They had personally raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan, shot cattle and dogs for fun, poisoned food stocks, and generally ravaged the countryside of South Vietnam.”
Be sure to let us know when Iran hacked Trump's data to allow Kerry to make the deal.
This is the same thing as Trump having real-estate deals in non-allied countries. It's not collusion by itself, or he'd be the most corrupt president in US history.
Real estate deals have zero to do with national security treaties. Kerry is trying to undermine the President of the United States and the State Department utilizing his demokkkrat connections in the government. These people have not been elected to office to represent United States foreign policy. It’s treasonous.
”get a rope” - that guy in the Pace picante sauce commercial
Obama was undermined 24/7, and extending the Iran deal has nothing to do with illegal acts against one political party to help another. You're crying snowflake tears because Kerry is doing something legally and lawfully that you and Trump don't like. Wahhhh. Keep crying, and keep digging.
Because he was part of its creation. He worked hard on getting it done. Trump just wants it gone because it has Obama's name attached to it. I don't care if he's president. His motivations are misguided. Trump isn't even against the Iran deal as much as he used to be. Having learned what it's doing, he's warmed up to it. But he's still pissed off that his mortal enemy Obama played a hand in it.
Could you please tone down the partisanship? You are saying that Trump and Kerry both have the same motivation of pride, and yet you are using that as an excuse to bash Trump and to defend Kerry. I did not even ask about Trump. I simply want to know why Kerry is not swimming in the Virgin Islands with Obama, and pride is a reasonable answer but I wondered if there is anything more. Other evidence I see is that Kerry did not seem bothered by the question of whether or not the deal was actually being enforced.
Simple. Kerry is doing what demokkkrats and their media has accused Trump of doing. Colluding with foreign nations to help get elected. Problem is Clinton and Kerry have done it. Trump did not. As confirmed by the total lack of evidence produced by the Mueller witch hunt.
Kerry is telling Iran and Palestine to hold tight, he’ll be in the White House soon enough. Clinton did the same things as SOS. Hence the 2 billion In the so-called foundation that disappeared the moment she lost.
How long until you kids get to something important like the Washington offices of a pro-Iran deal organization being burglarized Watergate-style?
Seb Gorka's got some explaining to do. The government is literally hiring thugs to do their dirty work, and you're here whining about Kerry using his words. Pathetic.