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Deathwatch: Giuliani’s career

After a Sunday morning disastrous interview in which he dug the deepest grave possible to bury his client T-rump, Rudy Giuliani was summoned this afternoon to meet with the President at his T-rump National Golf Club in VA. Looks very possible he will be booted first thing tomorrow.

On ABC this morning, Giuliani suggested T-rump May have paid off multiple women during his 2016 campaign over alleged affairs, may invoke his 5th Amendment right rather than talk to Mueller, and will probably ignore any subpoena to appear in front of a Grand Jury. He then ended the interview once he was happy the grave was deep enough to bury his client.

Bye bye Rudy!


Please. He sent word ahead......"Come and take it."


If Trump paid off multiple women in 2015 and 2014 then I could see him getting a pass.

If it was just 2016 during his campaign... yikes.


"bush" don't count, lancerPERIOD


Yet again, you type words, but no message comes out. It's like you're testing out excerpts of your latest fanfiction that you're not quite ready to unleash on the Dick Van Dyke Show board.

Everybody should go see it though. It's quite the masterpiece.


Thank you.


There’s non-Hannity conspiracies going around saying Giuliani is doing this purposely to get back at T-rump for not making him the AG as promised, after working so hard on his campaign.

There’s a ring of truth to that.


That's you talking to your mirror.


Doubt it.


You're full of beans, daddy. It's some cockamamie idea that came to you over Sunday dinner. It has nary basis in fact. Have your dessert and shut up.


Doubt it.


I think Giuliani's in a tough spot. He's got to keep all Trump's lies straight. Very challenging task.


He can’t do it. He’s a goner. Once T-rump finds out his true motives he’ll rip him to shreds.


You want to put down a wager on that, big daddy, or, are you just squattin' on the plain?


Giulianis take after the golf course meeting : “ everyone is happy with the attention we’re getting”.

Yes because if there was one thing this President and his administration was lacking was attention from the press.


Yes, it is quite the challenge. It also delves into the argument I was having with ThreeTen a month ago.

Back then, Trump said he didn't know about the payment, or how it was paid for, and that we'd have to ask Cohen. As I was explaining to ThreeTen, there's no way Cohen can pay for it out of his own pocket and not be a campaign contribution due to the timing of the payment.

Giuliani realizes that, so he now has to admit it was reimbursed by Trump. To avoid campaign fund violations, they have to admit Trump is either a liar or is too stupid to know he's paying Cohen $35,000 a month.

No matter which narrative they go with, Trump gets hit.


Now Guliani is saying that 'even if it was listed as a campaign contribution, it's OK because T-rump reimbursed it.'


Exactly. Giuliani was doing damage control. Trump doesn't want to admit he's a liar or an idiot, but avoiding it violates the law. So he has a surrogate admit it for him.


Nope, not buying it. Guess what, America? You're seeing the Rudy New Yorkers saw for YEARS. This is why on September 10, 2001 the city was more than ready to show him the door.


Droppin' 9/11 in here. This is a dirty rotten shame is what this is.

Hold me back, Gd!!!


TJLamb0518 is right. He actually redeemed himself because of his leadership on 9-11. Before that, he was a joke.


whoa, whoa, whoa....i never said he redeemed himself.

He just showed that while he was a horrible mayor, he had one skill-set he REALLY excelled at. Crisis management. I said then and I say now, GW Bush made a mistake not just making him the head of FEMA.


Agreed. What was I thinking?


I always thought Rudy's biggest contribution as a public servant was lowering crime rates by bringing on Bratton as his police commissioner. In the 80s, NYC had a rep as a dangerous city. Central Park was considered too dangerous to walk through. After significantly tightening penalties with no-crime zones the city actually became quite safe. I never felt there were areas I needed to avoid after that.

I know Rudy likes to take credit for all of it when credit should go to Bratton. But he did make the hire.


But much like how Trump is was HOW he did it and how much he did to get on camera. Britton DID clean up the city...Rudy went after street carts and art shows he didn’t like. Remember 9/11 WAS supposed to be Primary Day for Mayor and people were READY


Rudy transformed Times Square into Disneyland, with Disney buying up much of the properties and evicting many of the little businesses which were there forever. Why? To make larger spaces for The Gap, Tots R Us, and other Big Name Corporate stores which you could find anywhere.

They also filled the theaters with over-produced musicals (“Frozen”) pushing out many creative writers and talent who could have taken these theaters.


Rudy, you are the weakest link. Goodbye.
