MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading...

Trump has made 3,001 false or misleading claims since becoming President

"In the 466 days since he took the oath of office, President Trump is now averaging nearly 6.5 false or misleading claims a day — a number that keeps creeping up. He also has a proclivity to repeat, over and over, many of his statements, according to a Washington Post analysis."

That means he'll probably top over ten thousand lies by the time his first term is finished!

Oh damn, nevermind--he's never going to last 4 years. Should probably mange to hit five thousand most likely, though.


Sorry but why are you bothering with this here? Trump bots know he's a bullshit artist and they don't care. There's no need to give them fodder.


Sorry but I post for myself. If you agree with me--fine. If not...fine, too.


But what are you hoping to achieve posting that here? I'm not a Trump supporter obviously or else I wouldn't have called him a BS artist.


It's a benchmark figure, buddy. You know...history.


It's not going to change anyone's minds. It only brings up the worms to the surface and allows partsian fighting to distract from millions of other topics. That's just my opinion. It just seems all rather pointless for a movie forum.


He also has a proclivity to repeat, over and over, many of his statements,

I'm confident he does this on purpose. (Americans) love that. Makes 'em feel secure that they didn't hear it wrong the first few times he repeated it. Reinforces their belief in him & what he brings to them & for them.

There ain't much that old man does on accident.


Yes, that's undoubtedly true. Repetition of talking points for Trump--no matter if they're truthful or not--is crucial for Trump to communicate with his voter base...considering most of them are either too geriatric to hear him correctly, or too stupid for the first statement to have sunk in.


I'm gonna ignore that geriatric comment because, Sand, you will get there by & by. & then you will know.

Middle class, lower middle class, lower class make up the vast lion's share of the (60). There is nothing wrong with courting your base. Dance with who brung you. We brung him, we set him there in that House. Go home with who brung you. He dances with us. Every nite he goes home with us.

& I wouldn't have it any other way, Sand.


It's pathological.


Yep. Still not a single shred of evidence of Russia collusion.

2 years. Illegal wire taps. An unconstitutional investigation. Hundreds of millions spent by the demokkkrat media, Mueller witch hunt, and what evidence have they produced. Jack squat.

How many thousands of times did the Amazon Post lie about collusion. Or the rest of the demokkkrat media.

Economy booming!
Foreign policy booming!
National security booming!

And still all the little close minded hate filled demokkkrat lemmings like yourself can do is whine and complain. Cutting and pasting from their favorite demokkkrat media sources. With their “unidentified sources”. Poor hate filled lemmings. Life so miserable. Maybe it’s time to jump off a bridge sweetie.

Demokkkrats have zero platform.
No ideas.
No solutions.
Incapable of open debate.
The fascist left has failed. They are dying. Everyday the ignorant hate intensifies.



You're getting nervous, aren't you? Wait until summer, or fall at the latest, when Mueller releases his findings....and get back to us all then about there being "no collusion."


Lol, we've been hearing "any day now, they'll get Trump" for a year and a half. The left is a broken record. All the while, completely ignoring the fact that collusion isn't a crime,which regardless,there is no evidence to support. By all means, please continue. The salty tears of the left are just a pleasant serum for everyone else, including the middle,which is progressively moving away from the left to add to Trump's supporters. Enjoy 6 more years!


Mfw Trump supporter just to get at crazy lefties like the op. Get fucked op.


Hey'd ya like the release of the "Essential Consulting" list of palm-greasings to Trumpie's sleaze-bag "lawyer" (aka, bagman)?

Stick that up your rear (where your brain is).


How'd you like that Trump will go down in history books as the one who facilitated peace between 2 koreas


Putting the cart before the horse, aren't ya? The summit hasn't even occurred yet, and Trump being Trump, there's still plenty of time and opportunity for that jackass to come up some new idea that will sink the whole endeavor. And let's see if North Korea actually agrees to inspection of their nuclear facilities to certify that they have indeed given up on making weapons.


The only country to ever attack anyone else with a nuclear weapon is the US


He gets away with everything Harvey Weinstein didn't. There was no evidence against Harvey or Kevin Spacey, or the gazillion other stars. Just accusations. Yet their careers are over. He gets to keep going. Because he's richer then Hollywood. And has better lawyers.


NK solved! Next!


Hillary falsely claimed that women make 70% as much as men for the same job. I don't recall the phoney "fact-checkers" giving her grief over that.


Come on, hypocrisy,lies and ignoring facts and evidence that don't support the pathetic bitterness from liberals? Would they do that?


And the Trumpistas want him to get a Nobel Peace Prize. . . . .. no way!!


The Republicans in Congress right now know their days are numbered (six months and counting), so lunatic efforts like nominating Trumpie for a Nobel fits right in with other unbelievably stupid and immoral things they've done (like white-washing the House Intel investigation, or failing to condemn Trumpie's racist and misogynistic behavior).

I expect more insanity to come from them before November gets here.


Unfortunately you are probably right. Can't wait for the idiot in the White House to be gone. He is a disgrace.


I wonder if it was that 1 that just set the AmazonPost off and inspired them to write the propaganda story that the demokkkrat lemmings could cut and paste.

Author to the chief editor at the AmazonPost: “he’s made 2,999 false claims dammit cmon!”

Chief editor at AmPo: Nope, still fake news.

Author: “he’s made 3,000 claims dammit”

Chief editor at AmPo: nope still fake news.

Author: “3,001! Cmoooooon”

Chief editor at AmazonPost: “yes, light the candle!”

Damn that last one was just the straw. The icing. The don lemon.

Still 465,767 less false claims than CNNMSNBCABCNBCCBSNYTINES and 456,098,789 less than the Demokkkrat party.



Hilarious retort. You come up with that all by yourself, or did someone in the home help you?
