MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Veselnitskaya outed as Kremlin Informant

Veselnitskaya outed as Kremlin Informant

Meets with a Russian informant at Trump Tower.
Openly says the Russians would be rewarded if they found Hillary's emails.
A few days later, the DNC gets hacked by GRU cyber spy Guccifer 2.0.

But there's definitely no collusion, right? πŸ€”


It sounds like Mueller isn't even investigating collusion anymore. He's going to wrap up the obstruction of justice case (exonerating Trump in the process) and be done with it. You mad?


It's still open. New evidence can be examined. That's what happened to Hillary a week and a half before the election. The only case that ended was Manafort's case against Mueller. Ended before it began, lol.



Your posting habits are bizarre, clyons. Every time you've posted on this board, it's been a reply to me. I made a remark about it earlier, and now all your posts are deleted. WTF, dude.




Yeah that guy was weird. He replied to a question I posed in a different forum lecturing me about sounding "condescending" about a show he got his facts so wrong on it was obviously not something he'd ever watched himself.

After calling him out he replied but I never had a chance to read his response since his account and all his posts now appear to be deleted.

I take it that must be the self inflicted reflex of a wannabe troll clicking the "delete account" link after failing in his epic quest for superstardom one too many times?


No collusion! And he absolutely knows nothing about what Cohen did with Stormy Daniels! (Until he said differently on FOX yesterday).


What crime did Trump commit?


I've told you a hundred times - follow the story, be patient and wait for the ending. You want to skip to the last pages of a crime thriller book when we're less than half way through a well-written suspense. Be patient - grab some milk and cookies, and enjoy the book page by page. No one wants to ruin the ending.



Just nonsense kept at the ready till needed to blunt a Trump victory,,,i.e., this House report that came out yesterday. CNN reached for it then. They got a stack of this shit.


What I find most curious about this development is the question of 'why'?

Everyone familiar with this case already knew she was an operative working on behalf of the Kremlin. But the only reason for her to go public at this moment is because Putin explicitly wanted her to disclose her motives. She would never have gone to the press to disclose this without direct orders from him.

This appears to be an unmistakable message from Putin to Trump that in spite of all the assistance Russia gave him to get him elected, the Magnitsky sanctions discussed by Veselnitskaya in that Trump Tower meeting that Russia wanted so badly lifted in return still remain in place.

It's hard not to see this as a warning shot across the bow, that if Trump doesn't get his act together and reciprocate on their arrangement ... the PEE PEE TAPE IS COMING.

But the delicious reality at this moment is that Trump no longer has the political capital to remove Magnitsky act sanctions all on his own. He lost his best shot to pull that off by stealth during his first few months in office when alarmed State Department officials tipped off congress.


I wonder how Fox is going to spin this? BTW, I wouldn’t be surprised if she comes out soon saying she was one of the hookers who gave T-rump a golden shower.



WAAHAAHAHA. That is some funny shit!!!! I'm dying. ;D


lol! Thank you. You just never know in T-rumps crazy world.


"This appears to be an unmistakable message from Putin to Trump that in spite of all the assistance Russia gave him to get him elected, the Magnitsky sanctions discussed by Veselnitskaya in that Trump Tower meeting that Russia wanted so badly lifted in return still remain in place."

Someone has been reading too many Tom Clancy novels. Hahahahahahaha, what a joke!


Who the fuck reads Tom Clancy? You're revealing your age ancient one, no wonder why you're senile and incoherent.

All you're doing is exposing the stark limits of your simpleton mind that you lack the critical thinking faculties to even offer up a plausible alternative explanation of why Veselnitskaya would go to the press with this unless Putin wanted her to. Is it even remotely plausible that she would go to the press and claim to be a Kremlin informant if she wasn't one or without Putin's explicit instruction? rofl. Nope, but your 3-10 IQ limits you from recognizing that's really not even in the realm of possibility.

Add to that your raw stupidity for believing Mueller hands out sweetheart deals and gets nothing in return and it proves you're not exactly someone that can be taken seriously about anything. That you could be so obliviously clueless shall continue to be an endless source of amusement. Of that I have no doubt. :D


LOL! He’s going to have to take out the dictionary to understand your post.


"I am a lawyer, and I am an informant"

My God, you're right! Vladimir Putin himself is obviously sending a message to Trump, Corleone style. There is no other possible explanation for why a Russian lawyer would admit to being an "informant" for the Russian government. It's not like Veselnitskaya is a citizen of a country where being an informant for the government is about as remarkable as being a dog owner. No sir! Veselnitskaya and Putin knew that her comment would be construed by hyper-partisan American audiences as a contradiction of her previous statement, and therefore proof of a Trump meddling conspiracy. Brilliant!

Thank you for helping me see the light, eYeDEF. The guy who once stole a Super Bowl ring from Robert Kraft is obviously using his encyclopedic grasp of American cultural sensitivities to control elections and sway public opinion to his liking. HE MUST BE STOPPED.


3to10IQ still believing it was all about adoptions.


Yet you can't find a shred of evidence that they colluded to throw the election. Hahahahahahahaha


Throw the election? That's not what throw means.




LOL! phew, reading your post I could see just how taxed those tiny wheels in your 3-10 IQ brain were working overtime trying to make sense of things typically beyond your reach. I give you an A for max effort but damn, watching your stilted intellect reach for connections that just weren't there due to your piss poor grasp of the facts left me winded just reading it.

What your denseness misses is this wasn't just some random pee hooker informer. She's the key Kremlin operative Putin entrusted to spearhead an attempt to collude with the Trump campaign at a Trump Tower meeting accompanied (as we later learned) by a phalanx of Russian GRU agents in tow. It was apparently so sensitive that Trump went out of his way to fabricate a statement to the press by his clueless namesake that it was only about "Russian adoptions"! Waha! (lasting only until Fredo spilled the beans on twitter after his lawyers warned of the additional legal peril his dad just threw him in to coverup his own criminality) lololol. What a dense dunce. You two surely have lots in common. :D

So yeah, it's significant this key Kremlin emissary and Putin confidant who always maintained the giant LIE she was only a private lawyer AND Kremlin denied knowing is now publicly admitting her role as a liaison between the Kremlin and top Trump officials. Need I explain that Kremlin operatives don't just out themselves to the press of their American adversaries without Putin's explicit blessing? Or do I really have to hold your hand to walk you through why it is INCONCEIVABLE that Putin was not aware he was ratcheting up public and legal pressure on Trump by removing the last vestige of plausible deniability of a Kremlin connected COLLUSIVE LINK between Trump and Russia who hitherto as a Russian citizen was immune from any pressure Mueller's team could have applied on her to admit this? If your age addled tiny IQ brain is assuming Putin is as stupid as you are, I assure you he is not.


She’s so important the Mueller witch hunt still hasn’t even attempted to interview her.


Her claim is that Mueller is avoiding her because Mueller doesn't care about finding collusion. Since she doesn't have the power to exonerate Russia, her claim would only be correct if she had actual knowledge of collusion. If she has knowledge of collusion, and Mueller is refraining from interviewing her, that is the opposite of a witch hunt. That would be an example of Mueller looking at everyone except Trump so that Trump gets a pass. Remember, Mueller is a registered republican, appointed by Rosenstein, who was appointed by Trump. There's no witch hunt by that guy. The idea is fucking laughable.

You've said it yourself. Mueller has been investigating and investigating, and hasn't released anything to the public connecting Trump. Meanwhile, Roger Stone admitted he talked to Wikileaks, admitted he talked to Guccifer 2.0, and due to Stone's lifelong friendship with Trump and his connection with Alex Jones, he's an integral part of Trump's voting base. Stone is easily the linchpin in the whole thing, but Mueller's eyes are elsewhere. He's focused on Gates, Manafort, and Papadopoulis, three guys likely to be Trump's scapegoats. Mueller is probably working on a way to exonerate Cohen as we speak.
