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Trump's evangelical support hits all time high!

"A new PRRI survey finds white evangelical support for President Trump at an all-time high, with 75 percent holding a favorable view of the president and just 22 percent holding an unfavorable view."

I thought Stormy the Scumbag was going to ruin his support with evangelicals? Hahahahahaha!


They wish they could land a porn star, that's why.


This isn't a positive thing for Trump, it's a negative thing for white evangelicals. Supporting an unrepentant adulterer exposes them as hypocrites. It's that simple.


Think of it - only 75%??? His number should be higher than that with Evangelicals.


Maybe but I’m not sure what that number has been for past republican candidates or presidents. But considering what evangelicals claim to stand for, that is still embarrassingly high for them.

If I was in the 25% of non-supporters I’d be damn disgusted with the 75%


That's how i take it. Regardless of this being about Trump all this shows is that this segment of the population is practicing a faith of convenience.


Can ya blame them? The way I see it, Christians are a more tamed cult than Islamist types. Christians in general aren't as devoted (can easily, well, as you can see with your report, go against the bible teachings) of their god as Islam folks are (hence all the killings and covering up dem faces in the middle east).


It’s too bad all that support can’t bring him up to a higher rating than 40% of all Americans. Most unpopular President ever!!!


Successful and productive people approve of Trump. Unfortunately, we are a minority in this country.


I work in an office building full of successful people and very few of them approve of Trump.

Of course I’m in a blue state. I’m sure there are other areas that are different, but gross simplifications of voting blocks are delusional (And this can apply to both sides whether it’s Successful people support Trump or only racists support Trump...both are flawed arguments).


Same with me. The successful people I work with also have dignity, morals and values - which is why they don’t approve of T-rump.


Lmao!!!!!!! Yes because spending 24/7 posting hate filled ignorance on an irrelevant message board is what successful people do.



"Lmao!!!!!!! Yes because spending 24/7 posting hate filled ignorance on an irrelevant message board is what successful people do."

Sorry, but I wasn't referring to you as "successful" - never would do that.


White males are the most successful group and they overwhelmingly support Trump. It's not even close.


Not sure what your measuring stick for success is but there are plenty of unsuccessful white males. More college graduates voted for Clinton than Trump.


White college grads preferred Trump 48% to 45%. White male college grads preferred Trump 53% to 39%.

"College grad" isn't really synonymous with success anyways. Hillary trounced Trump with voters making less than $50k/year. Trump beat her with voters making more than that. Lower income workers have always preferred the Democrats.


White isn't synonymous with success either. Overall more college graduates voted for Hillary than Trump.


College grad now more than ever in history has no correlation with intelligence or success.



I agree that being a college graduate automatically doesn't make you a success. And while it does demonstrate at least a base line of intelligence, it by no means is an indicator of IQ or even common sense.

My point was that just as being a college graduate doesn't make you an automatic success, neither does being a white male.


High income people vote for tax cuts, simple.


The Bible Belt has the highest viewing of porn in America.


I'm sure you have evidence to back up that claim. LOLLLLLLLL


Evangelicals will worship anyone who sides with them and their tax exemptions.


Evangelicals support Trump because he has accepted Jesus as his Lord and savior.


You mean, because he said he accepted Jesus. It's always about words, never actions. They'll take a repeat pedophile back in their ranks in a second as long as he says the words they like to hear.


And those two words are “tax exemptions “.


Trump is a known atheist but he pretended to be a Christian during his campaign so religious suckers like you would vote for him. Apparently it worked.


The vast lion's share of men have fallen.

They're not going to cast down a fellow sinner, especially one whom they love and is giving them what they asked for & he promised he'd deliver.

Same with Clinton. We were more jell of him gettin' that chubby rascal to bend over Vs. him bending her over.


He promised them Golden showers with Russian prostitutes? Cause that’s about all he’s delivering.


Every man has a secret, has a fetish. I grudge no man his onions. You live once. Get what you want.


Very magnanimous of you. You should be his trophy wife, so he doesn’t have to live in fear. Poor T- rump.


He doesn't look like he's "living in fear" to me. He ain't forted up in that House. He's golfing, meeting people, doing Presidential things.


You’re rather naive. You’ve proven that more than once on this forum.


I can afford to be. My guy won. You're the one who ended up face ass down in the road.


Not exactly 'face down' in the road for me.

So far, I would say Manafort, Gates, Papadopolous, and Alex van der Zwaan (and soon enough Cohen!) woke up face down in the road, but not I.

Then again, who's keeping score?


Me. I'm keeping score:::

Trump: 1

Rodham: 0


Just speaks to how hypocritical evangelical christians are doesn't it.
