

Do you mean President Barack Hussein Obama?
Is that who you mean but can't identify too clearly?

And how did T-rump prevent him from going back into 'that House', what Americans commonly call 'The White House'?


I know how tempting it is to feed it but he's a troll man, not worthy of your time.


I know - we're attracting plenty of Russian troll bots here. Thought I'd play along and help him choke out the right name. LOL




...by stomping a good sized mudhole in Hillary's ass.


Makes no sense, just like the rest of your bot posts.


That's sour grapes talkin', daddy.


No, it literally makes no sense. "Trump won, Hillary lost" isn't actually saying anything other than you are team red against team blue. Unfortunately, that's what Trump has turned politics into. He is acting exactly like Hillary, and people that want her locked up are cheering him on for a job well done.

Pretty much the only thing he's passed are the tax cuts... for himself, his friends, and people just like Hillary, lol. Yeah I'm sure she's real upset at that one.

Then there's the TPP, which Hillary called the gold standard, and instead of Trump getting rid of it, he sneaked it into NAFTA when you weren't looking.

Then there's Syria where he is doing exactly what she wanted.

Then there's the wall which has now been downgraded to her fence idea from 15 years ago.

But yeah... Trump won. Ha. Ha. Ha?


Yes, Trump won. "I" won. I won. Yes.

& I like rubbin' "your" noses in that victory. You thought you had it wrapped up. Hell, so did I. That's why it has that extra sweetness to it.

You're gonna sit there and you are going to take it for at least the next 3 years, perhaps even 7 more years. You don't have to like it, but, by God you have to take it.


Since Trump is acting like Hillary, there was no winning or losing. You're just gloating about a silly game of red-vs-blue team sports. Like I said, that's what Trumpism has turned politics into.


That's your opine, lancer.

& you're damn rights:::I am gloating. You can't stand his Presidency, so, you just piss all over it, suspend any firewall, albeit temporarily so you can make him go away. Once away you'll erect those same firewalls, reinforce them in broad daylight so everybody can see that once & again it's business as usual.


Yes, it is my opinion, but it is not one you can argue with or you would've tried to give one of your own. Instead you took the easy way out and admitted I'm right. Thanks, btw.

Anyway, if he's going to be a Clintonista by engaging in her same "pay to play" schemes then he should suffer his own rhetoric as we "lock him up."

If he's going to be a typical establishment whore by filling his cabinet with Goldman Sachs and having the same ole ties to Wall Street while claiming he'll drain the swamp then we should flush him down the drain.

If he's going to continue Saudi Arabia's apartheid in Yemen and bomb Syria when he ragged on Obama for same, then it's his turn to take the heat.

You cheer when he rails against those things, but ignore it when he acts exactly the same. Then when you get called out for it, all you have is "Trump won, Hillary lost" which doesn't say anything except you are a partisan hack on the red team.

Thankfully it's an anonymous message board and none of your friends or family get to see you playing with your feces online.




You damn ass smootcher, you.


Yes, Trump won. "I" won. I won. Yes.

ROFL YOU won? I have never seen a sentence more perfectly capture the delusion that, unfortunately, so many Americans have in regards to politics. No one cares about you. Trump certainly doesn't care about you. You are not really on the "team". You didn't win shit. Had Hilary won, your life would be absolutely no different than it is now, the same way there was little to no difference in life between Bush and Obama. The whole red vs blue thing doesn't even exist. They are a team, and we are a team. The whole Republican vs Democrat thing is just a game they created to keep us divided and arguing (just like everyone does in all of these threads). The more divided we are, the easier it is for them to dominate and rule.

I know all of this is falling on deaf ears, of course. Brainwashing is a helluva drug. Powerful.


I agree with your notion that "there was little to no difference in life between Bush and Hussein Obama."


You are absolutely correct. I have always felt no matter who was in office, my life wouldn't change one way or the other. When President Obama won in '08, I didn't feel as though I'd be affected simply because he happens to be black like me.
As far as I'm concerned, politicians only care about votes, money, and power.


Dude, you are insane. Donny J might be the President but I don't have to "take" anything he does or "deal" with anything he does.

Do you realize that HE DOESN'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT YOU? Honestly. I hate knowing that people like you exist out in the world. Scary.


That's your opine.

I heartily believe he does care about "me" & me.


If he cares about you, does he send you a weekly check? Does he call you up and discuss all your woes and worries? Does he hold your hand when you take a hearty shit? I highly doubt it.


No, but, he does follow me on Twitter.

He doesn't race bait like Hussein Obama did.


...He follows you on Twitter.
I hope one day you realize how stupid you are for saying that.


That's your jaundiced view, waitress.


At least he hasn’t raised my healthcare costs 500%.

Why don’t some of you dumbfuck lemmings cite some stats. Tell us your solutions.

Answer: because you have none.
Just like the the demokkkrat party and their failures Obama and Hilary. Tell us how 95 million under employed and 1% growth was a big victory for America. The left has one solution, hate.



You're lost. Good luck in life.


Jackass troll.


Oh, I get it, when you do it-it's okay. When I do it-it's trolling.

Get used to it, sweetheart, you couldn't drag me away.


You’re like that old lady that called Obama an Arab at John Mccaine’s rally in 2008. Google that vid man.


Hussein Obama is his namePERIOD


Trump to rally in Michigan during Correspondence Circle Jerk.



It’s a fundraiser to pay his legal bills.


+ a kick in the face to Media.


Fake news burn.


+ a kick in the face to Melania.


Get your own shit. That's my shit.


You’re referring to Melania as your own shit??

Ok - you can have that piece of shit. No one wants her - not even T-rump.


Now you're being purposely obtuse.


Just repeating what you said: Melania is your piece of shit.

Fair enough.


Get us there & act like somebody!


Hussein Obama




Don't want to let this beaut fall off Page 1.




In respectable circles Mr. Obama will always be referred to as PRESIDENT BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.


That's the lasting payoff of Trump. He'll always be the President of the United States---just like the 44 before him.
