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Comey shoots his wad, congrats, it’s a another nothing burger

Comeys book came out. ABC did their interview, they will cut, splice and leak words to make it as sensational as possible.

Of course 60 minutes and Anderson Pooper will do their best to use it to go after Trump.

The media will orgasm for a few days until they realize no one cares and no one but the usual hate filled left cares about the latest empty story.

In the end, like the 10,000 other nothing burgers the media has failed in pushing for the last 18 months, no one cares. It’s nothing new. And most of it is just Comeys hate filled opinion with no facts to back it up.

By monday the media will have their next nothing burger they’re pushing, and the stock market will be up 400 points again.

Thanks for your worthless service Jim.



Is that what the Kremlin is telling you Russian bots to post this week? Discredit Comeys best-seller? Lol


Aye. I'm getting pretty sick of the ex-head of the FBI being in the news all the time. He's so unprofessional and a detriment to authority. It's no wonder the FBI is where it is today because of his leadership, stagnant and corrupt. Just imagine someone like Comey speaking out about the sitting US President a hundred years ago, or two hundred years ago, he would have been hanged for treason.

Today he's some sort of NYTimes/CNN celebrity, despite throwing Hillary under the bus just a few days before the November 2016 US Election, which they all forgot about.

Instead of retiring out in the countryside peacefully, Comey instead continues to be a detestable, hateful person, and has no place in any administration ever again.


"He's so unprofessional and a detriment to authority. "

For telling the truth? For not pledging loyalty to T-rump and being fired for it? WOW.

"It's no wonder the FBI is where it is today because of his leadership, stagnant and corrupt."

You're watching too much FOX NEWS. Don't forget FOX and Republicans didn't think Comey was doing anything wrong when they announced they were reopening the investigation into Hillary's emails again, just a week before the election. He was fine folk then, and the FBI was 'doing their job'.

"Just imagine someone like Comey speaking out about the sitting US President a hundred years ago, or two hundred years ago, he would have been hanged for treason."

If this was a hundred or two hundred years ago, our President would have been hanged for treason.


Well since Trump fired him he had to find some source of income. Nothing says America like striking while the iron's hot...can only imagine the book deal he got.

The question is whether or not the info in his book is truthful. Personally Comey strikes me as an honest guy but it will be interesting to see if anything in the book will be a verifiable lie.


Good for him! If he has an interesting story to share, let him make a deal and see if people buy it. SO far it's #1 on just about every best-seller list, so apparently there is interest in what he has to say. Nothing wrong with that.


Gee he doesn’t sound at all exactly like his fellow loser demokkkkrat Hilary Clinton does he. The party of losers.



Comey is nothing more than a dirty cop trying to sell his shameless book.


I agree he's trying to sell his book but I've seen nothing to indicate he was a dirty cop. Quite the opposite actually.


He single-handedly turned the FBI into the Clinton's Fed Bureau of Immunity and thereby making it nothing but a laughing stock.


I disagree but If he did that “single handedly” and he is now gone, you should be happy that this investigation is being run by Republican and Vietnam war hero Bob Mueller. Surely you trust a man of his credentials to conduct a fair investigation?


Comey had credentials too, go figure. Mule-er colluded in the emails and the uranium debacles.


Well not the way I see it but whatever. The next time Trump complains that the investigation is a democrat witch hunt just remember that Mueller is a republican.

“Mule-er” is a pretty lame insult incidentally.


Some pronounce it mule-er and some mull-er so that's all that is.


His name is spelled Mueller, there’s no reason you would be spelling it phonetically. You clearly meant it as an insult so at least stand by it.


If you mean he's a jackass, I agree with you.


Comey had a hero complex. He was honest to a fault, and wasn't loyal to anyone. That's why Trump was in love with the guy a week and a half before the election. The Comey letter was honest, but it went against protocol which is why some democrats were calling for Comey to be fired, but Obama knew it wasn't warranted.

Then it was Trump's turn in the hot seat. Instead of Obama watching Comey go after Hillary, Trump was now watching Comey go after Flynn. Comey said he would be honest, and admitted he would continue sniffing into Flynn's business even after Flynn was fired. That was the moment Trump realized Comey wrote the letter because of a hero complex, and not because he was a Trump supporter.

Comey didn't even break protocol under Trump, and Trump still fired him.


I would argue Comey is by the book, that type of person makes LOTS of enemies regardless of political ideologies.


It is absolutely not by the book to allow a lawbreaker to get off because of the intent of the crime.


"Comey had credentials too, go figure. Mule-er colluded in the emails and the uranium debacles."

This just proves the old adage - 'desperate times calls for desperate measures'. My God, you guys are really creative and imaginative when it comes to defending T-rump, no?


Comey admits in his upcoming ABC interview that the email investigation was influenced by his belief that Clinton would win. LMAO! Talk about destroying whatever credibility he had left.


Remember when Rethuglikkkans said “Fire and Fury” was a nothing burger and full of lies when it was released the first week of 2018? It stayed at #1 for 2.5 months until the other nothing burger “Russian Roulette” topped the lists. And now our third burger is #1.


Remember when Wolff said his book would bring down Trump? LMFAO


No when did he say that and to whom? Source?


Reuters: Trump book author says his revelations will bring down U.S. president


And he was right!


Hahahahahahahahaha, not a chance Doggiedummy.


No, he really wasn't.

The only person who will be bringing Trump down is Trump. And THAT is very likely.


You mean, he said that doing it prior to the election was because of his belief she would win, not the investigation in general. It (investigation of Huma's phone) was going to happen regardless.

If it turned out Hillary was guilty and won the election, and if the FBI had waited until after the election to investigate and find out, the shit storm that voters would have thrown at the FBI and our government would be through the stratosphere.

He figured it was better to get it out of the way before the election, and let the chips fall with the voters having the information.


Instead of titling the trashy book 'a higher loyalty', he should have been truthful and called it 'a higher royalty'.


God no! T-rump already believes he has sovereignty, the last thing anyone wants to do is associate that word with him.


I was referring to the millions that Comey receives for authorship of his tripe.


Lol... I checked out Amazon and his book has 0 rating... I wonder if anyone bought it other than the select few.


It hasn’t been released yet. How can it get a rating?


Ah yes, you're right. Didn't see the release date there for April 17, my bad. I just saw reviews already for it so I assumed it was released already. Comedy is appearing tomorrow on the Colbert show as well.


Comey is a popular guest right now. The only ones who are afraid of him are the idiots at FOX NEWS.


It's the new thing for disgraced career government employees to do when they lose everything; release an anti-Trump book. Because you know you'll get mountains of free publicity from the MSM. It's a no-brainer, easy money.


Can’t wait for Judge Jeanines book to come out. I’m sure it will tell us how big T-rumps hands are and his hair is real. All the important stuff in a T-rump world.


[spoiler]as predicted[/spoiler]


As predicted.


You're kidding right? you're citing THAT as a credible source?
