MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > US response to Syrian chemical attack .....

US response to Syrian chemical attack ... WW3?

Don't forget this incident a couple of months back:

Two US Navy destroyers armed with Tomahawk cruise missiles are in position and ready to be called into action, among other assets including jets and submarines should President Donald Trump make good on his threat to order a military strike on targets in Syria.

Turkey has the Northern part of Syria where 'Rebel Control' is.

Going to be an interesting fight on how well the missile interceptors of the Russian end operates and its successfulness.

Also, it doesn't make sense for Assad/Russia to launch a chem attack when most of ISIS is already being pushed back and that US was soon withdrawing. Why the heck would Assad/Russia risk something that stupid to give reason for US to stay in the fight? I bet it was by the US backed rebels or something. Just doesn't make any logical sense to do this.


Yeah that’s why people shouldn’t have voted for reckless Trump.


Yeah amazing. So is Putin ordering Trump to bomb Putin?

Dumbass. Go educate yourself lemming and come back in a few years when you won’t embarrass yourself. Or better just PM doggie lemming. He’s a good little ignorant hate filled lemming like yourself.



It’s not about wether Trump did or did not collude with Putin. I actually think the Dems should have dropped that crusade a year ago.

The guy is a loose cannon and ignorant to world history/events. He is run by ego and an endless will to front, like how a pimp fronts by possessing and showing off extravagant clothes and expensive cars but in all other aspects of life he is destitute.

You seem like an overly defensive angst ridden teen or pre teen. Your postings are juvenile and vapid, full of projection. Everyone is insecure at times kid and it’s ok. Don’t look for respect through being a dick to others, that what Trump does. Kindness is better.


quick question: Whats a lemming?


quick question: Whats a lemming?

rotfl.....hahahaha too funny a response! hehe..


"Yeah that’s why people shouldn’t have voted for reckless Trump."

RIGHT AS RAIN. HOPEFULLY those who made this colossal error and stained history will have learned a valuable lesson, before its all done. Then again, look at the other contender. Piglet, and her major lack of integrity. Not too many choices ffs....WE R F*CKED!


Whenever republicans control Congress, our government turns into a Neocon sausage party.




Russian Media was telling people to stock of on food and water.


So that’s where most of our pro-T-rump posters have been the past few days! Stocking up on food and water! They left the warehouse where they were doing their bot postings!


I like Trump's policy on illegal aliens and migrants... but this is bullshit !  the alleged gas attack was done by the rebels insurgents ISIS, call them what you want.  any sane person can see it.  they always use children in their propaganda,  only a fool would fall for it 


Assad already gassed his people once, why is it so hard to believe he did it again?


He already defeated the rebels. Gassing his own people at this point gains him nothing.


Look at the lemmings twist themselves into knots.

“Putin got Trump elected!”

“Trump is going to start WW3 with Russia!”

Here’s an idea hate filled demokkkrat lemmings. Go outside and get a life. CNN and the Demokkkrat party has you obsessed with hate because THEY HAVE NO PLATFORM. Don’t be sheep, it’s not to late to stop the ignorance.





And it has begun. US, UK, France engaging air strikes in Damascus. B1 bombers being used as well. Syrian air defense being fired in multiple areas.


Trump is now part of the Deep State that they so didn't want cause Hillary would've done the same. Awwww.

reply Strike happening lots of missiles making contact

Not sure how much of Russian propaganda is true but they said they intercepted 71 out of 103 cruise missiles (Tomahawk & Storm Shadow) the US & allies fired into Damascus, Syria on Friday the 13th. No civilian or military casualties and only destroyed abandoned or currently not in use buildings. This makes Trump and allies look weak if this were true or they had time to move the alleged shit underground or elsewhere after said chem attack.

Reminds me of the last time Trump ordered a cruise missile attack on a Syrian airbase back in April 2017 and most of the $1.87 million per missile cost missed most targets and only destroyed 20% of the air base that could still be used thereafter. What a joke.

Also, I thought S-200 was SAM only and can only target aircraft... don't see how they can shoot down missiles with low profile.


"Not sure how much of Russian propaganda is true but they said they intercepted 71 out of 103 cruise missiles"

Let's ask our Russian bot Gd5150! He works for them. Then again, he won't tell us the truth, either.

"Reminds me of the last time Trump ordered a cruise missile attack on a Syrian airbase back in April 2017 and most of the $1.87 million per missile cost missed most targets and only destroyed 20% of the air base that could still be used thereafter. What a joke."

Please don't bring true facts into the conversation. It drives the GOP nuts!


It's ironic that you spew so much hate about Russia, since you have no trouble believing Russian propaganda about the effectiveness of our missiles.


Why do Republicans call facts "hate" all the time?

I mention facts about T-rump, and right away I "hate" T-rump. How can I hate him when I've never met him?

I mention facts about other republicans, and right away i "hate" them. How can I hate any of them when i never met them?

Now there's facts about Russia, and I'm accused of hating a country where I've never stepped foot in or spent any time to experience the country. How can i possibly hate the country I've never been to in my life?

There's so much "hate" being tossed around in the conservative lingo - I guess it's just in their DNA to automatically 'hate' everyone and everything? No wonder the party is in the state it's in today.


Doubt on Syrian attack intel

Sky News Cuts off UK Assistant Chief of Defence Staff for Voicing Skepticism on Chemical Attack

Casts even more doubt on the military actions and political gains in such actions


Yeah, it's a shit sandwich. The problem is there really is no way for a sitting president to refute the UN's data. Trump could say so and so on this news program said this, but at the end of the day it won't be enough.

And to be honest, we don't really know for sure that Assad did not conduct the attack. I guess my point is that even if Bernie Sanders or Rand Paul were president, whose foreign policies are way less interventionist than Trump's, they too would be convinced enough by the data to do a one-time strike on the Syrian capital.

Though I gotta admit, it's funny as hell watching Alex Jones cry over this.


Boy in Douma ‘Chem Attack’ Video Says He Was Lured With Cookies, Then Sprayed With Water

They interviewed that kid there that was filmed in the chem attack. Shows both. Wish they kept the original language instead of the Russian translation cause I dunno if they just voiced over what he was actually saying.
