MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Dow Jones sinks amidst 'trade wars' and ...

Dow Jones sinks amidst 'trade wars' and 'jobs report'

In case T-rump forgets to Tweet this to his Republican minions:

The Dow Jones dropped 572 points on Friday, to close out a week of T-rump slapping more tariffs on China. It's been a week where investors have tried to gauge weather a trade war between China and the USA will worsen the global economy, and the DJ reacted. The Dow fell 2.3% on Friday, totalling to a 10% loss from the January high T-rump took credit for in his January Tweets.

On top of the trade wars, comes the March jobs report from the Federal Government, which indicated a far weaker job market than expected. Only 103K jobs were created, far below the conservative expectations of the 185K jobs economists predicted.



How does the lowest unemployment rate in 17 years equate to Russia winning? What a nutjob.


Did T-rump Tweet this morning about the Stock market sinking like the Titanic because of his inexperience and childish behavior?

Didn't think so.

Did he Tweet something stupid and inconsequential about Hillary or Obama? Most likely.


The economy is fundamentally strong. Short term speculative losses mean nothing.


"The economy is fundamentally strong."

Hahahahahahahahaha! Remember when McCain said that when Loehman Brothers went belly-up right before the 2008 election, leading us into the worst financial times since dinosaurs roamed the earth? Yeah, people had confidence in those words and voted him right into office - didn't they? Hahahahahahahaha!


Economists disagreed with McCain. Those same economists say the economy is strong now. Thanks for playing.




The tariff issue is what separates intelligent Republicans from trailer park Republicans. Anyone with a clue of economics understands that higher taxes ("tariffs") are bad for any economy, domestic or international.


It’s what saprates the ghettokkkrats from, Disregard, there are no intelligent demokkkrats.


non sequitur
(that's Latin for "you're a fucking moron")
High taxes hurt the economy. If you don't understand that, go play with a firecracker.


"non sequitur
(that's Latin for "you're a fucking moron")"

