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More "Smurt bidness" implies Dow futures to further tank by 400 at opening

Trade is supposed to be symbiotic. How can these idiots think China will just bend over and take it?

Choice quote:

"He (dimLightizer) also condemned China's retaliation and the harm it could cause American workers, farmers and businesses"

But he supported trumps punitive outlandish tariffs on China. How much hypocrisy can come out of one administration?
(Boohoo for American workers if their government is the one that started this whole nonsense - China is the one lifting 1million a month out of poverty whilst the US's middle class is eroding due to short sighted conservative(elitist) policies NOT China's supposed wrongdoings)


Am I bringing too much reality to the conversation for the Conservative mooks?? Pick it apart, I welcome it! What, brietbart hasn't told you what to say in this situation yet??


They deal with alternate reality as Conway told us last year. Forget truth and facts with them.


Yup. China already owns a solid portion of our country, and this bozo is threatening them with uneven trade deals. Dafuck?



The only country that gets put ahead of America is Russia.

"It's ok if Russia meddles in our election because America does it to other countries."

That's Trumpster patriotism right there.


How long have you been a Chinese sympathizer?


You idiot it's not about being a sympathizer. It's global economics. You can't take without giving and doing it in a balanced fashion.

How else do trailer parks in the US get filled with cheap BluRay players and other household goods?

Build everything in Merica and all the lower socio-economic Mericans can't afford anything and there would be a big problems when they start to really protest not being able to feed themselves.

Go screw yourself with your nonsequitor one liners. You add no substance to the conversation. 😀


We don't have a "balanced" relationship with China you moron. They commit industrial espionage on a massive scale and steal billions in intellectual property every year. They also manipulate their own currency to make their exports more attractive. Wars have been fought over much less. If anything, Trump is being generous with those rats.


It's pretty balanced and the ones really benefitting from the imbalance are the people like trump who makes his socks and ties there (as well as Mexico, but you Mooks are too stupid to notice the obvious). Technology will always proliferate you cannot stop it, it's always happened and the west has benefited from "stealing intellectual property" in the past, there were just no laws against it then. We put those in place when we got in the lead.

They actually manipulate the US dollar by keeping it artificially high through the purchase of about a billion Treasury bonds a month, something the US benefits from you stupid dick cheese.

China could sink the US without a single shot fired. All they would have to do is flood the international markets with US Treasury bonds and tank their value( they own over a trillion). It would hurt them as well, but the US more.


"China could sink the US without a single shot fired."

More hysterical exaggeration from the China sympathizer. China owns a whopping 5% of US debt. They couldn't "sink" the US in their wildest dreams.

The entire premise of your argument is nonsense anyways. Germany started a World War in 1939 despite owing massive amounts of money to the West. Wars are won with bullets, not treasury bonds.


Read an economics book. I know it will be hard, most of them are above the 5th grade reading level you're used to.

Supply and demand is pretty simple though. They flood the supply and decrease the demand in one foul swoop.

Different kind of war you warmongering Merican.


Treasury bonds don't work that way you imbecile. China sold off $180 billion of US bonds in 2015 and it didn't amount to a hill of beans. It sounds like you are the one who lacks an education (I have three degrees).


He's a Trump supporter. All they can articulate is "Trump won" and "fake news."


Don’t forget “Benghazeee”and “email server”. And that about wraps up their vocabulary.


When the economy tanks, Trump will have (almost) no support left.


And once again the market is up +250.

The demokkkrat lemmmings showing why no one who has any interest in a strong US economy, their job, their paycheck, ever votes demokkkrat. Well done! Lemmings be lemming.



They dropped by 150 you republikkkant dope

Republikkkant policies only benefit the rich. They package them in nice sounding names like "right to work" (for pennies an hour if they can get away with it). Have fun with no middle class you dummies


That’s just what Reagan wanted since 1981- no middle class. He called it trickle down economy. It only trickled up and wiped out the middle class. Look at us now.


Middle class thrived under Reagan dumbass. Sad lemming ignorance. It’s obvious by your stupidity you werent old enough to change your diaper in the 80s so as usual you dont know what the F you’re talking about. Eventually you’ll find someone dumb enough to fall for it. Ok lemming, go find another article to cut and paste with a link.


Can you cut and paste an article which proves middle class thrived under Reagan, Borris?

His trickle down economy - which his own VP warned America was 'voo doo economics' - never trickled down to the middle class. His idea was to wipe out the middle class, make the wealthy wealthier and make the poor much poorer. Which he accomplished.

We should have listened to HW Bush, Borris.


Did the 500% increased in healthcare costs thanks to Obama and the demokkkrats benefit the middle class?

Do tax increase after tax increase after tax increase benefit the middle class?

Hint: he answer rhymes with NO. Keep selling your lemming stupidity to doggie lemming, he’ll believe you.


There was a 43% increase in health insurance (NOT 500% Borris), and the rate which it rose was mush slower than under Bush/Cheney.

And yes it did benefit the middle class - nearly 16 Million people were now insured; some for the very first time because they were diagnosed with a previous illness and insurance companies once refused to take them.

Not sure what info Putin has been feeding you from the Kremlin, to be a Russianbot on this board, but it's not very accurate info. That's for sure.


Where do you Russian bots get your info from? Only the Kremlin?


And yet another Democrat rectum lemming post that missed by 100 billion suns.

Biden is now racing to re-enable all the Trump tariffs Democrats cancelled on day 1.

The Democrat party of fail.
