MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > NRA membership and donations skyrocket

NRA membership and donations skyrocket

NRA membership and donations skyrocket...

thanks to the latest flavor of the week lemmings the demokkkrats are hiding behind to push their fascist agenda.

Fortunately like the 2016 Hilary presidential campaign, the mueller witch hunt, the Hilary Clinton endless campaign for Hilary, it’s failing.

And thanks to doggie boy’s cut and pasted articles with no links, Trump stays at the top of the trending list.



Fascist agenda = Better gun regulation?

Second Amendment = "A well regulated Militia"

Thus I can only conclude that you think: "U.S. Constitution = Fascist"



Ya I love how all these cuckservatives don’t even know what the second amendment says.

They claim to hate liberal reinterpretation judges. Yet are the biggest anti originality pro interpretitists in America if it suits their insane agenda.



We already have firearm regulations, so its a question of how far those regulations should go, not whether regulation them is constitutional or not.
