Trying to show he is in a stable marriage (hahahahahahaha) T-rump praised his wife on the 'tremendous job she did' with the Easter Egg Roll the day after Easter. Inquiring minds want to know: "Exactly what did she do?"
The woman has barely made a public appearance since the beginning of the year when Stormy weather closed in, has publicly kept her physical distance from T-rump, was in Mar-a-Largo for the week leading up to Easter, and didn't say a word to the press.
Aside from not filing for divorce last week, what exactly did she do?
Democrats justified Bills infedelity left and right, they are in no position of moral high ground. Trump is your president so sit there and suck on it like a little bitch.
Guess who stood by her husband after he raped women....Yep that's right that loser crybaby cunt of a woman Hillary Clinton. Michelle Obama said however that after Barry won that she was proud of her country for the first time which is treasonous and I am so surprised that President Trump hasn't had her locked up yet. I guess he took pity on her because he is a class act. Neither Michelle or Hillary are worthy of my respect, they have to earn it.
Democrats have completely lost any moral high ground they ever had as it turns out they are the ones who are sexist misogynists. Donald and Melania's love life is none of your damn business so learn your place.
Just face it buddy, we won, you lost, accept it and suck on it like a little bitch.
Oh and lay off the fake news, it kills brain cells and a retard like yourself can't afford to lose any more.
If they are going to act like cunts then I’m going to call them cunts. Why is that hard to understand? I’m simply calling them that for the sake of accuracy. You might want to read what I said about watching fake news buddy
Sure I do. I think her approval is somewhere around 55-60% which I agree is where it should be.
Nobody here has called her a cunt. So far all I've seen are comments that she hasn't done anything. Whoopdie fucking do.
But you can't help yourself from being triggered over nothing, and call Michelle Obama a disgusting cunt because she said she was proud of her country when her husband was nominated.
Well congrats on being the most pathetic fucktard on this board.
Clearly your reading comprehension isn’t very high because people on here have insulted her and the presidents love life which isn’t any of their goddamn business. What did I say about the fake news? It is sucking out your brain cells and turning you into a fucking retard.
Insulting is one thing, but misogyny is much different. If you're going to take the route that every comment against a woman is sexism, then you are guilty of doing the exact same thing Hillary does.
She’s not the First Lady so no I don’t owe her any respect nor will she receive any. She’s a worthless crybaby loser and you are too if you stick with her. Maybe if she stops going on tv making up every excuse in the book why she got her ass handed to her then maybe I’ll lay off but I don’t see that happening any time soon.
In the meantime you need to sit down shut the fuck up and learn your place because Donald trump is your president and you owe him your respect and your support.
The only worthless crybaby loser here is you. No one else is crying over Melania being criticized for "doing nothing." No one else is crying because Michelle said she was proud of her country. Then you go and do the same shit Hillary does by condemning all political criticism against a woman as sexism.
Oh yeah you'd want me to shut the fuck up, but you'll never do a damn thing about it. You're too cozy in your little safe space here on an anonymous message board where none of your friends or family members can see your autistic screeching.
Only a basement dwelling pathetic fucktard like you would hide your own comments from your own kin.
Now go slob on Trump's knob some more to get your daily dose of protein.
Hahahahahaha WTF do I need a safe space for? I am perfectly happy with the election results and even when they don’t go my way I don’t need a fucking safe space. I’m not crying about Michelle but I don’t want the president to take legal action against her because she intentionally undermined the United States and needs to be held accountable while her husband and Hillary belong in federal prison
You're happy with the election results yet you're here all day spewing garbage at people that makes no fucking sense.
This is your purpose in life. To sit there and just say random shit. "Trump won hahaha" and "respect the first lady," but if it's a president or first lady you don't like, then they're just cunts.
Trump doesn't want Hillary in a federal prison you autistic little fruitloop. If Hillary goes, then he goes. Anyone with a functional brain already knows that. Trump only brings up Hillary because he's afraid he might go first.
But you're so fucking stupid that after he's done bending you over for an hour, you gladly flip around and suck his shit-stained dick.
Again if you watched anything other than fake news you’d know the Russia story was fabricated by the butthurt left in this country as a means to undermine the president because they just can’t accept that they got their asses handed to them. There was no collusion all of the corruption is on Hillary’s end. You need to get your head out of your ass and stop watching the fake news you cocksucking retard.
You will respect the first family and you will learn your place which is the back of the bus.
Nobody said a damn thing about Russia in this thread, fucktard. Or fake news. You keep throwing random shit at the wall because you know Trump's accomplishments are just as phony as his Rasmussen numbers. This is why you constantly say "Trump won hahaha." On the Obama board, people weren't saying "Obama won so you should respect his authority," and that guy crushed his opponents in landslide victories, popular and electoral, and had a legitimate 50% approval. But all you have to cling to are fairy tales while you play with your feces on an anonymous message board.
Oh then why else would he be going to prison, I only mentioned Russia because that is all the left has talked about straight for a year and a half. And I am demanding the same respect for trump that the left demanded from obama, everything I am saying comes straight from the liberal playbook. It’s very refreshing to watch President trump clean up after the 8 years of the obama disaster despite democrats and republicans in Congress undermining him at every opportunity. What the hell happened to you? Did you receive one too many kicks to the helmet? Wouldn’t surprise me
You only mentioned Russia because you're a retard who can only parrot things he's heard somewhere else.
If Trump says it, you repeat it. If someone disagrees with it, you say "Trump won hahaha."
That's your whole purpose for being on this message board. Nobody did that on the Obama board on IMDB because that would embarrass the hell out of anyone, and nobody would let them get away with it if they tried. But you Trump supporters are on a whole different level of brainwashed.
Nope only mentioned Russia because that is all that the fake news talks about and I assumed that is all you watch.
Oh how quickly we forget on the obama board back in the day if you even dared to try to hold him accountable for all of his failures you were automatically some kind of horrible racist, clearly memory loss is a side effect from mental retardation. I really do feel sorry for you deep down.
Blame repubs for Russiagate. They created the landscape with Benghazi. Dems are just playing the same game, except repubs couldn't get an indictment because there was no illegal activity found.
On top of Benghazi, Hillary had to deal with Pizzagate, and stooges like you fell for it. Not a single indictment.
Obama was dealing with birtherism, and stooges like you fell for it. Not a single ounce of proof.
Indictment after indictment with a republican leading the investigation into Trump's campaign. Of course "fake news" is all you have. You're a stooge.
Kind of hard to get a conviction when the FBI drafts her exoneration before even investigating her, you know damn well that she destroyed evidence and that commey covered up for her. Lol birtherism? Is that really the best you have? All he had to do to put a stop to it was just release his damn birth cerificate and the whole thing ended when he finally did. You know he enjoyed it because it made the right look crazy so don’t act like that was a challenge he had to overcome. I now can decide if you are retarded, a liar or both? I am leaning towards both
Lol yet you completely ignored everything else I said you you cocksucking retard. Tell me this, when you run out of lotion to you just masturbate with your own shit?
I’d love you to show me an argument that would convince a jury that a ham sandwich robbed my house, balls in your court.....
To get an indictment, nobody would have to convince a grand jury that so-and-so robbed your house. Indictments and grand juries don't work that way.
To get an indictment you basically just have to ask a grand jury for one, and they almost always say ok, which is why lawyers say "you can indict a ham sandwich." It's not meant to be taken literally.
Oh so you lied then, you can’t get an indictement for a ham sandwich robbing my house? Maybe at retard camp they can teach you the difference between things that are living and things that are not living and that ham sandwiches can’t rob houses
A lie is something you tell to make others believe. Indicting a ham sandwich is a common phrase lawyers use that nobody is stupid enough to take seriously, but gets the point across of how easy it is.
The real question is, why did you take it seriously?
You see, this is what your problem is. You see something written and your brain is incapable of doing the heavy lifting. That's why whenever Trump tweets you take it to heart even though it's always the opposite of what's going on. Then when you get caught in a jam, you declare "Trump won hahaha" or "fake news."
Lol the question marks were added because I was pondering whether rerard camp would be a good plan for you. Now I am convinced it is, hence why there are no question marks in this post.
I’m also very happy to hear that you are excited about going to retard camp, I have a feeling you are going to fit right in.
You added question marks because you are a coward who didn't feel comfortable declaring it as a statement, so you hid behind question marks like a bitch.
I never said I was excited. I said I would acquiesce to you sending me there. Of course, you're too stupid to realize the difference.
You said you wanted to see it and that was the very first thing you said after I offered the suggestion. Clearly you are excited about it and I am happy for you. Now keep in mind the first rule they have at retard camp is you can’t watch the fake news as they would hinder your progress and send you in the opposite direction, are you ok with that?
No, the first thing I said was "Do it. Send me away."
The "it" obviously referred to you sending me away. I want to see you send me away to retard camp.
I'm fine with having zero access to fake news. I've lived my entire life without reading the Enquirer or watching Infowars or Fox News. There's no reason for me to start now.
That’s great then I’m glad you are looking forward to it, lol Fox News is the only news network you’ll be allowed to watch, CNN, MSNBC, etc will only make you more retarded. Ito kind of like how they don’t allow heroin at drug rehab
I actually used to work with a lot of special needs children so I am very good at recognizing who needs to go to retard camp, and you are most definitely retard camp material
I actually used to work in a pet store with a lot of hamsters so I am very good at recognizing who needs to be in a glass cage with a hamster wheel, and you are most definitely hamster cage material.
Lol. But in all seriousness drooling out the side of your mouth and slurring your words while playing with your feces doesn't count as you working with special needs children.
That’s why you start at a very basic level with retards like yourself and then work your way up. In your math class you will start with 2 plus 2 equals 4 and then work your way up to long division
Ha no I in no way consider yo mamma to be a successful comeback but with a simple mind like yours it’s pretty much the best we are ever going to do. And if you want someone to stop being retarded you aren’t going to show them things that will kill their brain cells like the fake news at CNN and NBC that’s just common sense bit of course you don’t understand this because you’re retarded
He's been a known troll since the IMDb days. He's one of those types with nothing better to do, and lacking the kind of intelligence that makes normal conversation possible.
So he just trolls, all the time, constantly, for endless years. Can you imagine a life like that?
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"Michelle Obama said however that after Barry won that she was proud of her country for the first time"
It's a compliment. The U.S. has a long history of racism. She was proud that Americans rose above hatred to vote for the first black president. Personally, I didn't think that would happen in my lifetime either.
BTW, you don't know what treasonous means. Look it up and when it applies.
You don't seem to be aware that autocrats use the term "fake news".
Democrats don't walk around saying their morally superior. Only the Republicans.
"Donald and Melania's love life"
What love life? LOL.
Ha democrats act like they are morally superior all the time, example they act like they are racially tolerant yet they called Herman Caine an Uncle Tom and the N-word.
So Michelle wasn’t proud of her country for ending racism? Defeating the Nazis? Becoming the most prosperous country in the world? Ending the Cold War? Someone like her didn’t deserve to be First Lady, she’s an embarrassment to the position and she makes me want to puke.
Lol ok buddy, well maybe if you think the US is so racist you should just move to Saudi Arabia, I hope you aren’t gay though because they’ll stone you to death. I hope you aren’t non Muslim or a woman either.
White supremacists recently marched in Virginia and murdered a woman and you believe all is fine. So did racist Trump who called neo-nazis fine people. Of course, he would like them since his father belonged to the KKK and was arrested for rioting.
He said there were fine people in the crowd, ie not everyone in the crowd was a neo nazi and that is absolutely true, and he stated time after time that he denounced the neo Nazis. Can it with your lying and your dishonesty you fuckwit.
Lol! She has zero respect for herself, other women ( she’s compliant with her husband of the dozens of women he sexually molested), her son or the sanctity of marriage.
And I’m sure you apply that same standard to Hillary who not only stood by her husband after he raped women but even attacked his victims. You have no moral high ground on this one doggiestyle however to be fair if I was married to a dried up skank like Hillary I’d probably cheat on her too.
You keep mixing up consensual sex with rape. Ask Ivanna Trump what the difference is - she explained it all in her divorce from the cheating Cheeto. He did both to her.
Tell that to Juanita Broaddrick. She says bill raped her in 78and by Hillary’s standard all women deserve to be heard and should be believed so that should be good enough for you
And ivankas marriage is none of your business but of course you inject it into this conversation because you have no respect for women you sick fucker
Just google it buddy she’s still saying he raped her as of last year. Did you miss the part where she said she just didn’t want to relive the whole thing and that bill was too powerful and that’s why she denied it? Makes sense to me
Doesn’t matter if it’s in the public or not you should not be injecting ivanka into this discussion , you don’t give a shit about women, you use them as political props and it goes to show that you are a sick mysoginist.
Again I understand why bill cheated, Hillary has to be lousy in bed but the way both of them treated the victims is sick and disturbing.
I did google it. She swore under oath he didn’t rape her. Again you need to understand what consensual sex is.
And why do you keep bringing up Ivanka? I’m talking about Ivanna and her sworn testimony that T-rump raped her ( after he hit her) at the end of their marriage. When he was screwing Marla.
I guess Ivanna , Marla and Melania are lousy in bed , too, since T-rump cheated on each wife.
And the way Melania has treated the victims he sexually assaulted is sick and disturbing.
Again she stated that she didn’t want to talk about it and said she would deny it if suppeoned. It was obvious she wanted to put the whole thing behind her and didn’t want to be slandered by the Clintons and their cronies. If you weren’t a sick mysoginist you would realize she was traumatized and was being bullied. You’re the one who brought up ivanka and that again shows you have no respect at all for women.
Even if it was consensual it doesn’t matter, Bill was in a position of power and he took advantage of women who were much younger than him. Doesn’t at all change how deplorable his behavior is and what a despicable cunt Hillary is for sticking with him
You are a disgusting, deplorable piece of human garbage. You have no respect for women, and you should be sick to your stomach. I know you and everyone like you makes me want to vomit. No woman who isn’t a dried up hag like Hillary is ever going to want you.
I thought all women are supposed to be believed and not bullied and intimidated? Guess that only applies to women who you agree with you gutless coward. And the personal lives of anyone in the trump family is none of your business, you only bring it up because you have zero respect for women and you are a sexist bigot , maybe we can send you away to tolerance camp?
The sad truth is if Hillary was better in bed this would all be a complete non issue because bill never would have had a reason to cheat.
"I thought all women are supposed to be believed and not bullied and intimidated? "
You are correct. And the bullying and intimidation that T-rump has done publicly to Rosie O'Donnell, Megan Kelly, the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct, Stormy Daniels, Summer Zervos, etc. is DESPICABLE. And the fact that Melania sits silently by his side, complicit with his despicable behavior, makes her despicable as well.
As for Broaddick, we do believe her. She said under oath that Clinton never raped her. I believe her.
"And the personal lives of anyone in the trump family is none of your business"
Since when? He's the President, has chosen a very public role, so everything in his personal life is fair game - including the fact that he was accused of spousal rape and wife beating by wife #1. Just like every President before him, and their personal lives and histories.
"The sad truth is if Hillary was better in bed this would all be a complete non issue because bill never would have had a reason to cheat."
Likewise for Ivanna, Marla and Melania. T-rump can not get any satisfaction in bed from any of his three wives - so he must look to porn stars and Playboy centerfolds. I betcha Melania wants to spank him now with his magazine !
" you have zero respect for women and you are a sexist bigot , maybe we can send you away to tolerance camp?"
And she also said before being subpoenaed that she would say that because she felt intimidated, that the Clintons were too powerful and she didn't want to be intimidated and slandered all over again and I believe her. Too bad you want to discredit her and her story because you are a sexist motherfucker. I am just going by the Hillary Clinton standard that you should always believe women and sexual misconduct against any woman is deplorable. The ball is in your court now, you now have to prove that she wasn't raped and that she was telling the truth when she denied it.
President Trump is fair game because he is the president and he is part of the public eye, although you have to attack him on his politics not his personal life (afterall what we learned from the Clinton impeachment was that the Presidents personal life says nothing about his ability to run the country and President Trump is too big to fail). Any other member of his family is off limits unless they are actively attacking the presidents opponents. Example: Michelle Obama is fair game because she campaigned with Barack and she threw herself into the public arena and it is completely fair to call her a Nazi sympathizer because she said her husbands election was the first time in her life she was proud of her country, therefore she wasn't proud of the US for defeating the Nazis, therefore she agrees with Adolf Hitler.
The truth of the matter is you don't give 2 sh!ts about women's rights or respecting them, you see them as political props because you are a disgusting deplorable scumbag.
"And she also said before being subpoenaed that she would say that because she felt intimidated, that the Clintons were too powerful and she didn't want to be intimidated and slandered all over again and I believe her. "
WOW! So you don't believe in the American justice system nor someone's sworn statement under oath to tell the truth and nothing but the truth? You believe in perjury instead? T-rump should have no trouble counting on your support when he eventually perjures himself under oath. What a dumbass you are.
"The ball is in your court now, you now have to prove that she wasn't raped and that she was telling the truth when she denied it."
She swore under oath in a court of law that she was never raped by Bill Clinton. 'Nuff said. Just like Ivanna swore under oath in a court of law that T-rump slapped her across the face, pushed her, and then raped her at the end of their marriage. It's all on public record - and I believe it. Why wouldn't I?
"I am just going by the Hillary Clinton standard that you should always believe women and sexual misconduct against any woman is deplorable. "
Thank God she talked some sense into you - so you believe Stormy Daniels and her affair with Donald T-rump. You also believe Karen McDougal and her affair with T-rump. And then there's Summer Zervos, from Celebrity Apprentice, and more than a dozen other women who say T-rump sexually assaulted them (as well as a 13 year old girl). Connect all the dots and this means you agree that T-rump should NOT be in Office because of these horrible violations against these women? !
He should resign like every other man who's been accused in their position (including Al Franken) and not call these women liars, threaten with lawsuits, and bully them. Correct?
"Example: Michelle Obama is fair game because she campaigned with Barack"
Example - Melania is fair game because she has stood by the President's side, campaigned and said "When he gets punched he punches harder". Complicit.
Nope I believe that all women have the right to be heard and they should never be discredited. I am taking the Hillary Clinton stance and if you even so much as question her it is because you have a problem with women. As for Donald Trump the American public knew about it and they clearly thought that he was a better candidate than that bitch Hillary Clinton. It was out in the open and he still won the election. Were his actions immoral? Sure assuming they are true, does it have anything to do with his ability to lead the country? Absolutely not so case closed. He should resign??? LOL ain't ever going to happen, again if Bill can keep his job then so can Donald who is a far better president. Again his personal life is a non-issue here.
Are you mentally retarded or something? I said if you have a problem with Melania before attacking her she must have attacked the presidents political opponents first, standing by his side doesn't mean dick. And secondly you have to attack her on the issues. This entire thread is a personal attack on her private life and furthers my point that you are a deplorable sexist.
I'm also glad you agree with me that Michelle Obama is a Nazi sympathizer.
The truth of the matter is you don't give a sh!t about women, you are a crybaby butthurt liberal who needs to go back to his cry room so he can have his diaper changed. President Trump absolutely raped Hillary in the election and it is just eating you up inside and I am loving it.
"As for Donald Trump the American public knew about it and they clearly thought that he was a better candidate than that bitch Hillary Clinton."
With a $130,000 "hush money" payment to Stormy Daniels just days before the election, you claim the American public knew????? You're a real dumbass.
"I said if you have a problem with Melania before attacking her she must have attacked the presidents political opponents first, standing by his side doesn't mean dick. "
Maybe Ainsley Earhardt can teach you viewers the meaning of the word 'complicit' next week? Because you're a real special kind of stupid.
"I'm also glad you agree with me that Michelle Obama is a Nazi sympathizer. "
Where did I say I agreed with you on that? Wishful thinking?
"President Trump absolutely raped Hillary in the election and it is just eating you up inside and I am loving it. "
Apparently he has raped many women in his life - it's what he does best.
I gave concrete evidence that Michelle is a Nazi sympathizer and you ignored it, therefore you must agree with me. Or are you trying to say she lied when she said her husbands election was the first time she was proud of her country? We weren't talking about Stormy Daniels, we were talking about Ivanna, I love how you change the subject when you don't have an intelligent response, the public knew about what went down and they still thought he was a better choice than that lying bitch Hillary. Donald was tried in the court of public opinion for that and he still won so suck on it. Hillary stuck by Bill after he took advantage of several young women and then intimidated them to keep them quiet which she even took part it, you have no moral authority in this matter so drop it.
Actually cleaning up the disaster that Barack Obama and the Democrats left him with is what he does best, I think you have confused President Trump with the Clintons. Damn you're so retarded I bet when you masturabate you use your own shit when you run out of lotion.
"I gave concrete evidence that Michelle is a Nazi sympathizer and you ignored it, therefore you must agree with me."
You equate ignoring someone agreeing with them? Really? How in the world can you be so stupid?
"Or are you trying to say she lied when she said her husbands election was the first time she was proud of her country? "
No, she proudly said that and I can understand why - the first time in her life she had seen a Black man become President, despite the overwhelming racism which had plagued her life for years. That really went up Republicans' asses - especially yours.
" We weren't talking about Stormy Daniels, we were talking about Ivanna, I love how you change the subject when you don't have an intelligent response, the public knew about what went down and they still thought he was a better choice than that lying bitch Hillary. "
The reason we didn't know a thing about Stormy is because she was paid hush money on behalf of T-rump. And to clarify - Hillary won 3M more votes than he did.
"Hillary stuck by Bill after he took advantage of several young women and then intimidated them to keep them quiet which she even took part it, you have no moral authority in this matter so drop it. "
I have more 'moral authority' than anyone who voted for pussy-grabbing T-rump. "So suck on it".
"Actually cleaning up the disaster that Barack Obama and the Democrats left him with is what he does best, "
Hardly. Sexually abusing women and cheating on his wives is what he does best. Ask Ivanna, Marla and Melania. Bitch.
No I'm taking her at her word, before her husbands election she said she wasn't proud of her country so therefore she wasn't proud of the fact that we defeated Nazi Germany so therefore she must admire Adolf Hitler. You can't talk your way out of this one. I'm also curious as to know how she was a victim of racism??? Not that I know much about her past but in all probability it is my best bet to call bullshit on this one as I know Democrats love playing the victim and have milked racism for all its worth.
President Trump has denied that he knew anything about the payoff, we need to take him at his word until there is evidence to refute that. Afterall I know you wouldn't want to accuse the president of corruption until you know all the facts? This Stormy Daniels story is a complete non-issue and is another pathetic attempt by the left to discredit their president. Again it has nothing to do with his ability to lead the country, I learned that from Democrats during the Clinton Impeachment.
Oh so you decided to bring up the popular vote??? Guess what it doesn't matter and it never has, by the US Constitution Trump was the rightful winner of the presidency, go cry me a river dickhead.
You have no moral authority because you defend Bill who took advantage of many young women when he was in a position of power and then his bitch wife for destroying and slandering their character because they dared to refuse to be victimized. You really are a sick fucker.
Everyone knows that President Trump has some moments in his past that he isn't proud of (like how Obama spent years in a racist church), they knew that and they still elected him. He was tried in the court of public opinion and it was determined that wasn't enough to keep him from the presidency. Respect the outcome of the election and learn your place bitch.
"before her husbands election she said she wasn't proud of her country"
Source? I never ever heard anyone say she said anything of the kind before the election. And if she did, I can understand why - check out 'slavery in America' and 'civil rights' in your history book. If I were a Black female, I wouldn't be too proud of the way my ancestors were treated either.
"President Trump has denied that he knew anything about the payoff, we need to take him at his word until there is evidence to refute that. "
Indeed, you are correct here! Which makes any NDA immediately null and void as he proved it to be a fake, since he did not ask for that or know anything about it. And which makes Cohen a criminal for falsifying the documents. Isn't this fun? Gets better and better every day.
"Again it has nothing to do with his ability to lead the country"
It speaks of his character. Clinton had an affair with Lewinsky when he was 20+ years into his marriage with a grown child. T-rump had an affair with Stormy just 18 months into his marriage, and just three months after his fifth child was born. It's called "Lack of moral character".
"You have no moral authority because you defend Bill who took advantage of many young women when he was in a position of power and then his bitch wife for destroying and slandering their character because they dared to refuse to be victimized. "
Again, sounds like Donald and Melania.
"You really are a sick fucker. "
Yes, you are. You prove it every day.
"He was tried in the court of public opinion and it was determined that wasn't enough to keep him from the presidency. "
Next he will be tried in a Court of Law. That should keep him in the Prison.
"Respect the outcome of the election and learn your place bitch."
Speaking of which, aren't you tired of bending over for T-rump? He's not going to make you wealthy.
It's right here: , for the first time in her adult life she is proud of her country so therefore she isn't proud of the fact that we liberated the jews and defeated Nazi Germany, she therefore must be an advocate of Adolf Hitler and the fact that someone like this could become the first lady is scary, and the fact that her husband spent most of his life in a racist church. I am pretty sure that slavery ended over 150 years ago and most racism was deemed socially immoral by the 1970's so I'm not quite sure what her beef is. I mean it couldn't be a liberal trying to instill feelings of guilt into people so that they can get what they want now could it? Like that's never happened, lol dickhead.
EDIT: Actually now that I think about it liberals don't really have any room bringing up racism until immoral scumbags like Hillary Clinton stop taking money from Arab countries that treat women and homosexuals like shit and speak out against all of the bigotry in the Muslim world. (that is unless they were of course a victim of racism at some point in their lives and there are very few people around today who meet that standard)
There is nothing to suggest President Trump is lying, he has come out on the issue and laid it to rest, it's pretty much a non-issue now until you can provide evidence otherwise, when that happens we can discuss it further, until then shut your goddamn mouth dickhead.
HAHAHAHAHAHA so let me get this straight, it's OK to take advantage of a female intern considerably younger than you when you're in a position of power as long as you've been married long enough??? I'm sure you're also aware it wasn't just Lewinsky that he porked. Please tell me you're trolling me, at least then I can have a beer and a good laugh about it and not have to pray for humanity.
President Trump isn't going anywhere, not to jail and he will at least finish his first term if he isn't re-elected. The people who need to worry about going to jail are that filthy cunt Hillary and our joke of a former president Barack Obama. The American public knew about his sexual misconduct and they didn't care and why should they? According to Democrats a politician's personal life has nothing to do with their ability to lead the country so therefore case closed dickhead.
I believe it was you who said that the President claimed that Nazis were fine people and I called you out on your lies. Why should I ever believe a word you say?
"I believe it was you who said that the President claimed that Nazis were fine people and I called you out on your lies. Why should I ever believe a word you say?"
Probably because I tell the truth here. T-rump referred to the neo-Nazis as fine people back in August. Do you want to try and rewrite history?
More lies from Doggiestyle, President Trump made it quite clear he was referring to the people who weren't Neo-Nazis and there were plenty of Non-NeoNazis in the crowd, not to mention Anti-fa who are just as bad if not worse than the Neo-Nazis. Not only that he denounced the Neo-Nazis at least 10 times yet that isn't good enough for you because you are a liar and a coward.
So why did he denounce them? If you want someone to support you why would he speak out against them?
He certainly was more aggressive than any Democrat against any liberal hate groups like AntiFa, The Black Panthers or BLM who are all either equally or more morally repugnant than the Neo-Nazis.
I think we need to face the reality that the Democrat Party is the party of hate.
Hillary didn't marry Bill for his money. Both Michelle and Hillary are lawyers who graduated Ivy League universities. Melania is a former mediocre model who couldn't find much work because she shows no emotion. A bit of an air-head. She looks like she can't stomach being around Trump.
Trump cheats so much that he has the women sign confidentiality agreements. What a sleaze! Shall we discuss the 13 year old girl that he raped? No wonder he supported a pedophile for Senate.
Looks like it’s happening. T-rump went rogue today on AF1 and now Mueller is looking into that $130k payment Cohen made. See what happens when T-rump doesn’t follow advice? Lol
Cohen is being investigated by Mueller because of his Russian ties too. At this point, just assume everyone surrounding Trump is in bed with Russian mobsters/oligarchs.
He also broke campaign finance laws if he paid 130k out of his own money which he had admitted. He should be disbarred for being a really stupid lawyer since he got himself into this predicament.
Actually, he can't. It doesn't sound like you understand campaign finance law.
Another issue is that Trump said he didn't know anything about the agreement which means that his lawyer acted WITHOUT his client's knowledge or consent therefore Trump never made an agreement with Stormy so she can't be sued by him for talking. His lawyer is also practicing legal malpractice.
Realistically, I think we both know that Trump slept with Stormy and gave his lawyer 130k hush money for her. Instead, there is a stupid lawyer and a stupider client who are digging themselves deeper with each lie.
Except it isn't illegal because he wasn't acting as an agent of the campaign. You have no evidence that he was acting as an agent of the campaign. Just another hysterical accusation that fall aparts under scrutiny.
I do believe that is the weakest argument I've ever seen.
Cohen pays $130,000 on behalf of Trump right before the election, but uhh, it wasn't because of the presidential campaign or anything like that. Oh no, it was because Cohen just forks over $130,000 to anyone who claims they slept with Trump. Actually, he forked it over to someone who hadn't even said it in four years.
"The proximity to the election was purely circumstantial. You have no evidence that he was acting as an agent of the campaign."
Check his email correspondence to Stormy's former lawyer when the payment was made. Then tell us the proximity was 'circumstantial' (which I think you mean 'coincidental', btw) and that he was not acting as an agent of the campaign.
You are a dumb ass - just the way T-rump likes you.
"Acting as an agent of the campaign" is not a thing. Either you are a party to the campaign or you are not. There is no flipping a switch that lets you say "right now I'm not acting as an agent of the campaign so I can give this much money to X." If you are a lawyer to a presidential candidate, you cannot give $130,000 on that candidate's behalf to anyone during that candidate's presidential run.
For Trump to get in trouble, we would need to find out he lied about knowing about the money. But we're talking about Cohen here. He's in trouble regardless... because we know he knew about the money. It's only a matter of time until Trump (and of course, you) throws Cohen under the bus.
Once again, he didn't pay her on behalf of the Trump campaign. The agreement was signed between Stormy and Cohen. You have literally zero evidence to back up your ridiculous claim.
He paid her to keep quiet. "Behalf of the Trump campaign" is something you are inventing. It holds no meaning. Either he paid her to keep quiet, or he didn't. He did, which is against the law if there was an election going on. It doesn't get any simpler than that. That is why Trump fucked up just by admitting the payment existed. The payment was its own evidence.
This is why they are so scared for T-rump to meet with Mueller. He can't open his mouth under oath otherwise he will be charged with obstruction of justice in less than 60 seconds.
Wrong. Cohen is in the clear if he didn't pay her on behalf of the campaign. There is no law which prohibits giving money to a porn star during an election year. LOLLLLLLLLL. What a fucking joke.
You argue like a little coward. You know silencing her could potentially help Trump's public image during the election, but you avoid it like a bitch by saying that wasn't Cohen's intentions. Intentions don't matter, actions do.
It's the same if I bought you a Lamborghini as a present right before the election, and you were seen driving around in it. It doesn't matter if I said "I didn't buy it on behalf of the campaign." It has the potential to help your public image, so it violates campaign finance laws. It doesn't get any simpler than that.
Wrong again. Establishing intent is critical in any criminal investigation. Punishing someone for unintentional acts goes against everything our justice system stands for. What an idiot!
Intent doesn't matter when you're talking about breaking campaign finance laws though. Either you broke them or you didn't. It doesn't magically go away just because you didn't intend to break them. Ignorance is not an excuse.
Plus, there's no way in hell Cohen is going to prove he didn't know Trump was running in an election that was right around the corner. Yeah good luck with that one.
Cohen doesn't have to prove shit. It's up to the government to prove that he made the payment as an agent of the campaign. You really haven't been paying attention to the news coverage. The government will have a very hard time making a case for campaign finance violations.
Of course Cohen doesn't have to prove it. He wouldn't even claim such a stupid thing. He just shuts his mouth and leaves it up to anyone's own interpretation.
Not that it really matters. The campaign finance stuff is bush league. It would be a slap on the wrist compared to the bank and wire fraud he's up against.
Cohen could be spending time on a Federal vacation if he lied about the intent of his loan.
Now, how many of us think he put on his loan application the true reason for the money was to "Pay off a porn star who has absolutely no dealings with the President in the past, but I want to pay for her to be quiet any way, this close to the election".
And after reading his truthful, honest answer, the loan officer at the Federally insured bank stamped it "Approved".
When she was paid hush money from the T-rump campaign just days before the election, she became part of the T-rump campaign. Sorry to burst your little bubble.
You know that's a lie, he said the people in the crowd who weren't Neo-Nazis were fine people. What was he supposed to do? Call anyone within a 1 mile radius of them a scumbag? That wouldn't be fair. You are being intentionally dishonest and is disgraceful. You also failed to mention that Antifa was in the crowd who are the furthest thing from fine people as you can get. The First Lady speaks 5 languages, your retarded ass can barely comprehend one, she's a lot smarter than you.
Michelle Obama on the other hand stated that she was an admirer of Adolf Hitler, she wasn't proud of the US defeating Nazi Germany so therefore she must agree with them. Sick and twisted bitch.
The difference between you and me is I would never attack Obama's family who didn't get involved in politics like his children, despite them having the stupidest names I have ever heard of.
Melania still speaks in a monotone and shows as much emotion as Mr. Spock.
"I would never attack Obama's family who didn't get involved in politics like his children..."
Wait for it...
"despite them having the stupidest names I have ever heard of. "
What a liar and hypocrite you are! LOL.
Who defended racism? Both myself and the president condemned it in the harshest possible terms. You are a dishonest fuck who is trying to slander the president and you belong in prison.
When you can speak 5 languages then you can critique her voice, until then shut your retarded face.
If I treated the Obama family with the same disrespect that you have treated the Trump family I would be attacking their childrens idiotic names and that Barry and Michelle should have been arrested for child abuse for naming them that but I have a sense of honor and dignity so I'm not going to go there.
I'm glad that you agree that Michelle is a Nazi sympathizer.
Melania plagiarized Michelle's speech and she didn't think anyone would notice. What a dummy!
The botox overload explains the lack of Melania's facial expression.
Trump had Melania programmed to speak five languages. It's obvious that her monotone is because she is a Stepford robot wife.
86% of job loss caused by Trump's trade wall will happen to his base. I'm laughing at you!
"trying to slander the president and you belong in prison."
Freedom of speech scares Nazis like yourself and Trump. He attacks Amazon because the CEO owns a newspaper. Continue to support your senile president.
"Melania plagiarized Michelle's speech and she didn't think anyone would notice. What a dummy!"
Yes that was a mistake, calling her a dummy is sexist and bigoted you fucking deplorable
"The botox overload explains the lack of Melania's facial expression. "
Attacking a womans looks is sexist, you are the biggest offender in Hillarys basket of deplorables
"Trump had Melania programmed to speak five languages. It's obvious that her monotone is because she is a Stepford robot wife."
How the fuck do you program someone to speak 5 languages? You still have to learn them. Again your retarded ass can barely speak one and she is a lot smarter than you.
"Freedom of speech scares Nazis like yourself and Trump. He attacks Amazon because the CEO owns a newspaper. Continue to support your senile president."
No saying things that you know are false as a way to hurt someones reputation is slander and it's against the law.
Please tell me something, how do you live with yourself? How do you look at yourself every day in the mirror and not vomit? That cannot be easy.
You mean a mistake because she didn't intend to be caught.
If a person is an actual dummy, then it's descriptive.
Sexism is marrying a man for his money.
Sexism is allowing him to cheat and publicly humiliate her because she married him for his money and that's all she cares about.
Sexism is being a bad role model for your son who will learn to treat women like dirt because that's all he has witnessed in his life.
You do know that robots are programmed, right? Sheesh!
She can't be too smart if she flunked out of a crappy Slovenian college after only one year.
Melania sits on her butt all day doing nothing for years. Of course, she has time to learn languages. She should be fluent in twenty by now with all her free time.
"No saying things that you know are false as a way to hurt someones reputation is slander and it's against the law."
Hopefully, Trump will be indicted for it soon. Go Mueller! Lock him up!
She's not a dummy, she's a hell of a lot smarter than you and according to liberal logic you are a deplorable sexist for calling her that you fucking scumbag.
How do you know she married him for money you retarded cunt? Again more evidence of your bigotry and sexism, you need to be sent away to tolerance camp you fuckwit. By the way I’m glad you admitted that Bill is a sexist glad to see we’re making progress
Um I'm not sure if your retarded ass is smart enough to understand this but she really is a human so you can't program languages into her, she actually knows them and as started previously she's a hell of a lot smarter than you.
Hahahahaha, well all you do is sit on your fat ass and wait for your welfare check so why is it you are pretty much incapable of knowing one language and forming a rational thought.
You are probably the most pathetic excuse of a human being I have ever come across, you are not even worthy to lick my shoes after I step in dog crap, you have no respect for women and you are going to die sad, miserable and alone. I truly feel sorry for you and even though I hate you I promise I'll pray for you and hopefully one day you 'll find a way to live with yourself.
I google celebs who are fluent in foreign languages all the time like Carrie Fisher, Jodie Foster, Jackie Kennedy, Bradley Cooper, Sandra Bullock, Natalie Portman, Mick Jagger, Viggo Mortensen, etc. I'm impressed by them. Not her.
You're too gullible.
Also, you're ignorant for assuming that I only spoke one language.
Since I can now criticize her, I will. She's a pathological liar like Trump.
no no no, you don’t get to walk away from this. You said she was programmed to speak different languages and i asked you do you think she’s a robot or a cyborg? You don’t get to deflect and launch more sexist attacks against her
Now I've caught you lying about both the President and the First Lady, you don't get to move on with you bigotry until you apologize and admit you lied. Also tell your mother to stop kicking you in the helmet, I completely understand that it's got to be incredibly fun but a retard like yourself obviously can't handle it and this is starting to get scary.
You didn't give me any links SHOWING Melania speaking those languages. Journalists repeating her lies are not proof.
If you haven't, please watch my prior videos and listen carefully to her speaking to the children. If she knew fluent French or Italian, she would practice instead of speaking English to them or using a translator.
I provided at least 3 links, apparently you don't know how to read, but this one has a pretty low reading level so hopefully this is dumbed down enough for you: Your attack on her is also very anti-immigrant which is something I thought the left hated, guess that only applies to drug dealers from Mexico you fucking hypocrite. Melania Trump made history by being the first immigrant First Lady and you should respect her. You provided links showing other celebrities speaking other languages which is completely irrelevant (apparently you don't know how to stay on topic either). You are a deplorable sexist as you attacked the First Lady (who is a far better person than that filthy bitch Michelle Obama) who was doing her very best to read to a group of children in English which is her fifth language. Again I want you to learn English, French, Spanish, German and then Japanese and we will see how well your Japanese comes out. You also lied about Donald Trump calling Nazis fine people and you never addressed the fact that Michelle Obama openly admitted that she sides with Adolf Hitler. I'd also love to watch her try to live in Saudi Arabia since she apparently thinks America is so horrible however guessing by the fact that she's a woman I am betting that she isn't going to like it too much.
I don't want excuses, I don't want personal insults, I want you to apologize to both the President and the First Lady for lying about them. You don't seem to have a whole lot of class however so I'm not expecting you to comply.
Because you're too stupid to know how to read a prior post, I will copy it here with the video links of her NOT speaking French, Italian or German.
"...She visited children in a French hospital, but spoke to them in English only using a few basic French words, "Bonjour. Je m'appelle Melania. Et toi?"
In Italy, she greeted the children in incorrect very basic Italian, then spoke in English with an Italian translator.
Quelqu'un doit gifler ta mere pour ta naissance. Je n'ai pas de problème à continuer notre communication dans un autre langue, sot. Je n'ai pas de besoin de menter comme ton robot favoris, Melania.
Do you not know how to read or something? Choosing not to speak in a certain language doesn't mean that you can't speak that language you nitwit.
Unless you are ready to apologize to your President and your First Lady for your sexist and bigoted personal attacks against them then I am not going to entertain your nonsense.
Until you are ready to apologize to your President and your First Lady for your sexist and bigoted attacks I am not entertaining your nonsense you fucking liar. I've caught you lying 3 times.
"The Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Trump"
by Pulitzer Prize winner Mary Jordan states that Melania knows only two languages, Slovenian and English. She lied about the others during a job interview many years ago.
She has repeatedly used translators when given the opportunity to prove her language skills.
The Pope spoke to her in Italian and she didn't understand him so he had a translator help her.
Again, in France, she wore headphones in order to understand President Macron as he spoke French.
Again, she used a translator in a foreign hospital with children.
At the same time, she lied about her modeling history.
You FUCKING LIAR, she started speaking in English because one of the children spoke to her in English and she said "you speak English very well" (or something to that effect). She switched to English because the child spoke to her in English.
Now she clearly speaks more languages than you do or any other First Lady, even if you had your way she is still a lot smarter than you and most Democrats so show a little class and apologize for your sexist and bigoted attack. And I don't really care to read whatever you downloaded from or whatever. I'd love to just drop you in Slovenia and watch you bumble around like a fucking retard because you're too stupid to know their language.
Tell you what, first fully learn English, then learn Spanish, then French, then German and then Japanese and I will critique your Japanese with the same enthusiasm that you launched a sexist and bigoted attack against Melania.
You can repeat the same retarded nonsense to yourself over and over again and if that convinces you its true then go right ahead, it's not however going to work on anyone with an IQ higher than your shoe size.
Now you're just plain rambling. I'll answer one tirade.
Trump waited an unusually longtime to respond only to say that nazis were fine people. Only after he was criticized did he give a sorry excuse, then retracted it.
Whenever he wants to become popular with his 'base", he says something racist which means he believes his base is racist. Either you're too stupid to know when you're being insulted or you are a racist.
"Does he need to tattoo "Racism is evil" on his head?"
It would be more appropriate for him if he had a swastika on his head since that's what he is.
Yeah of course he waited, he wanted all of the facts first. This isn't difficult to understand, I mean he wouldn't want to be like Barry and say the Cambridge Police "acted stupidly" when in fact they didn't.
I used to think that Doggiestyle was the biggest retard on this board but I want to congratulate you because you may very well take that honor from him.
More silly excuses that you're making for your Nazi sympathizer Putin puppet. You're not too bright. Go back to your Fox "news" and Brietbart in order to stay clueless.
Please tell me your trolling me, if so then I'll laugh at the joke, move on and I'll be able to sleep tonight knowing there isn't something as mentally incompetent as you.
There were people who didn't want the confederate monument torn down who weren't Neo-Nazis dumbass.
Antifa was on the other side and President Trump also pointed out that there were fine people on that side as well because calling them all racist and evil wouldn't have been fair.
It's OK, I don't expect someone who is as dishonest and intellectually devoid as you to understand.
It depends what day it is. He changes his mind daily on what capacity he actually served T-rump and the campaign, as T-rump continues to roll all four wheels on the bus over him.
Leftwing lunatic Doggie lemming mimicking the the demokkkrat party, demokkkrat media, and demokkkrat lemmings, throwing around moronic accusations of Russia this and that with no evidence.
It’s not his fault he’s the product of the demokkkrat party, and demokkkrat media who’ve been practicing this farce for 2 years now. And still have ZERO evidence of Russian collusion. Evidence doesn’t matter. Reality doesn’t matter. Obsession with Trump hatred is all that matters to today’s demokkkrats.
GD5150 - Russian tweeter bot at IMDB since 2004. (Twitter came out in 2006). Trump didn’t Run until 2015. Doggie lemming, confirmed demokkkrat lemming obsessed with hate who is only capable of cutting and pasting other people work.