Trumps approval hits 50%
Haha!!!!!! MCs resident dumbass left wing lemming wrong again. Poor doggie boy.
Anyone who is educated in the arena of modern political polling knows all of these polls have demokkkrats over sampled. These same polls had Hilary winning by 10-15%.
Conservatively one can deduce a Trump approval rating poll at 50% is really closer to 60% approval.
To the demokkkrats and the their media and their lemmings that follow this might be puzzling. Well it’s not that shocking when you consider some of the things the Demokkkrat media minimizes or or simply refuses to report all together.
Things like:
- zero evidence of Trump/Russia collusion after almost 2 years of illegal wiretaps and investigations.
- economic growth 300% higher than what occurred under Obama.
- record drops in illegal immigration.
- record stock market up 30% under Trump.
- record lows in unemployment to levels not seen for half a century.
Don’t fret lemmings, there’s only 7 years more of American greatness under Trump.