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T-rump will be miles away from Melania for 'Stormy' interview

T-rump has flown back to Washington, DC solo this afternoon and has left Mar-A-Lago, while wife Melania stays behind with their son Barron. Looks like T-rump doesn't want to be in the same state as Melania when the Stormy interview airs on '60 Minutes' Sunday night.

So far, T-rump has denied the affair with Stormy, whom she says had a nearly year-long affair with the President shortly after his third wife gave birth to their son. There's legal questions as to whether or not T-rump's campaign paid off the porno queen to keep silent before the election, which could jeopardize his presidency.

Most likely, Melania will be watching the interview with her legal team of divorce lawyers.


The interview didn’t seem to poke much of a hole in his presidency.


Avenatti just said if people didn't learn the most important thing - that a Goon working for T-rump threatened her physically. He also points out that T-rump has not Tweeted anything about Stormy since the interview.


I’m pretty sure it went down like she said. All we have is her word though. She’s said things and signed things that conflict with what she’s saying now. Trump camp is already deflecting this saying she’s been inconsistent which is unfortunately true even though it’s through no fault of her own. She was intimidated legally and physically. I’m mostly playing devils advocate here. There is no national outrage over over the Cohen payoff or the interview so I think Trump dodged another bullet here. Even if she releases an incriminating dvd I don’t think trump would resign. Actors don’t stop acting when their nude cell phone photos leak. It’ll just prove he lied about an affair and he’ll say “well of course I lied, i wanted to spare my wife and family the pain. It was a mistake, it happened over 10 years ago, I apologize and now let’s move on.”


Everything depends where this $130,000 hush-money payoff came from. If it's connected to him or his campaign at all (since he announced his candidacy in June, 2015) then it's a criminal offense (interference with a presidential election) - one that congress can not turn a blind eye to this time. He will either have to resign, or they will have to impeach. So far, the evidence Avenatti has revealed shows the money came from Cohen, acting as a lawyer for the Trump campaign, with an address at Campaign HQ in Trump Towers.

Not looking good for T-rump.


That’s the most positive take I’ve heard. I also heard that if found guilty of breaking campaign finance law that all he would have to do is pay a fine. So who knows? In a dream he would resign.


This is more than breaking a campaign finance law. By paying her hush money NOT TO TALK PUBLICLY ABOUT HER AFFAIR WITH TRUMP DAYS BEFORE THE ELECTION is considered a crime - illegally interfering with the election.


"show me the money" :o) They should be able to produce some kind of proof. A bank transfer, a money order...okay...I have no idea how people with gobs of money pay for things but that would be the smoking gun IMO. Where is it?


There’s no questions about proof of payment by either side.


Who cares about that woman anymore?




Ah I get that....



Yeah that interview was a bit of a dud, at least Stormy got a kick out of it at the expense of 60 minutes.


Whys anyone surprised. The last 18 months have been one left wing nothing burger after another. The piece de resistance being Trump/Russia collusion fantasy.

The left has ZERO to offer the country in the form of ideas or solutions. Just look at the lemming posts here. It’s either brainless shitposting or cut and pastes by doggie lemming.

This place is no different than any other massage board on the interwebs. The demokkkrat party only serves to enrich and empower themselves. And the demokkkrat lemming followers do as they’re told.


Yay! Our daily message from our Russian Bot. "Lemming" included.


Probably not worth arguing with you but what party chose to enrich themselves and their donors when they passed tax reform? It wasn’t the Democrats. There’s a lot not to like about the Dems but they’re far less evil than the Republicans. Republicans have turned this country to shiz.


It's all lies! Trump's lawyer just gave her money out of friendship.
