Trump's lawyers are pushing the case into Federal court, where Stormy could face damages of $20 million for violating her non-disclosure agreement. For the first time in her life, Stormy will be coughing up instead of swallowing.
I have a feeling Stormy is going to be justttt fine. In order for this lawsuit to be pushed through, Trump will have to go on the record regarding several embarrassing issues regarding this case. I'm guessing if worse came to worst and a $20m judgement was handed down against her (unlikely), she'd be capable of raising the money (I'd donate $50 to a go fund me page toward this and I doubt I'd be alone). Ultimately Stormy is a porn star and I doubt she's concerned about her reputation amongst moral America. Trump on the other hand is the President of the United States and the ranking member of the GOP (who claims to be the party of family values). The further this proceeds the tougher it will become for Republicans to defend Trump without revealing themselves to be total hypocrites.
You're stuck in the 80's. Republicans haven't pushed the "family values" thing for a long time. It's the Dems who claim to represent "working families" even though most married people are Republicans. LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
That's true, I remember all those conservatives being outraged over the legalization of gay marriage and over monuments of the Ten Commandments being removed from public places back in the 80s. Aww damn, that wasn't the 80s...that was right here in the 21st century. Hell even their outrage over Clinton's infidelity was in the 90s, so your 80s exaggeration couldn't be more off the mark (well unless you said the 70s but no one had family values in the 70s...But I digress).
Every misstep that Trump makes has people like you moving the goalposts further to appease him. Move them far enough and you'll find you're no longer even on the playing field.
"That's true, I remember all those conservatives being outraged over the legalization of gay marriage and over monuments of the Ten Commandments being removed from public places back in the 80s. Aww damn, that wasn't the 80s...that was right here in the 21st century. Hell even their outrage over Clinton's infidelity was in the 90s, so your 80s exaggeration couldn't be more off the mark "
Which proves once again that ThreetoTenIQ is as dumb as fvck!
The rethuglikkans will come out in droves to oppress gay marriage, but T-rump's affair with a porn queen? That's acceptable and within their family values.
What I think a lot Trump haters don't seem to grasp,is how many of his voters aren't Republican or Conservative. Like myself, many are Ani establishment, anti status quo, and anti politician. Regardless of if you approve of his actions,his election victory has changed the system forever. Hillary represented an end to smiling,talking point, politics with no real substance,styled politicians. It has been shown that enough Americans are fed up,and will put someone in the Whitehouse who, regardless of how you view him, is obviously not very polished at being a politician. We want someone who we feel will improve America, and you are going to see very unorthodoxed candidates moving forward from both parties. This sex nonsense won't matter anymore, because as adults we know that some people might have some personal sexual preferences in the bedroom that might not appeal to everyone, and that's OK. It's their business and doesn't make them a horrible person.
"This sex nonsense won't matter anymore, because as adults we know that some people might have some personal sexual preferences in the bedroom that might not appeal to everyone, and that's OK. It's their business and doesn't make them a horrible person."
I agree that what someone does in the bedroom is for the most part their own business. The problem is that many Republicans do still believe they are morally superior to liberals. It's becoming impossible for these folks to support Trump without looking like total hypocrites. People can't claim gay marriage is an affront to traditional family values while supporting a man who has unapologetically had multiple extramarital affairs.
I believe Trump's constant lying and erratic behavior is doing long term if not irreparable damage to the Republican Party but only time will tell if this is true.
I can't stand hardcore Republicans OR Democrats. The further out you get on either wing, the more you have to allow yourself a great deal of hypocrisy and self delusion.
'The problem is that many Republicans do still believe they are morally superior to liberals. It's becoming impossible for these folks to support Trump without looking like total hypocrites. People can't claim gay marriage is an affront to traditional family values while supporting a man who has unapologetically had multiple extramarital affairs. "
Don't you ever get tired of lying? Both Stormy and Cohen signed the NDA. This is easily verified since the document in the public domain.
The signatures can be seen in Exhibit 1, page 14 of Stormy's lawsuit. Stormy signed under the pseudonym "PP" and Cohen signed for EC LLC. The lack of a Trump signature doesn't invalidate the agreement.
As you have proven, it had the faux corporation initials, "EC LLC" on some pages, (while others were not signed off at all). Corporation name / initials is not considered signed. If it's someone legally authorized to represent the corporation, they would have to sign or initial it. Neither Cohen, nor Trump - not even 'Danielson' - initialed it.
I seriously doubt she'd have to pay anywhere close to $20 million for violating an NDA that wasn't even signed by the guy the NDA told her to not talk about.
The damages would go to Trump's lawyer since he's the one who entered into the NDA. She signed a legally binding agreement and violated it multiple times. Pretty simple concept to understand.