MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Mueller crosses T-rump’s Red Line

Mueller crosses T-rump’s Red Line

Mueller has crossed The Red Line: He subpoenaed financial documents and contracts from the T-rump Organization. This means “tax returns” which T-rump has kept hidden. Looks a lot like how Nixon went down in 1974. Something called Watergate, I believe. LOL!


Yep! He did it back on February 27th!!!! Always ten steps ahead!!! LOL!!! I believe that Feb. date was when Tramp tweeted, "Witch Hunt"! LOL.


This is T-rump's Achilles Heel. The one thing he didn't want them to get to - his financials. So like a petulant child he gave a stern warning last year - 'do not touch'. Which is an open invitation to Mueller.

Reports this morning are that the WH was in manic disarray last night over the news. I wonder if Pence will get fired today, after all -it's Friday and Pence has been doing fine on this game show. Someone's getting fired.



I agree. And he's entertaining his minions, known as 'Trumpsters' as you can see on this forum.



"That's one thing he's good at: marketing himself. Too bad too many people fell for it."

You can only fool people for so long. He was fine on TV fooling people with his 'marketing', but others knew the real him by his private life, and his private dealings in business - and they warned everyone during the campaign.

Those who could not differentiate between the real T-rump and the 'brand' ended up believing him, and voting for him. Now they are slowly (or reluctantly?) admitting what a mistake that was.



I can’t see his brand doing anything but tanking because of his presidency. I don’t really know why it had value in the past, but now, his name has been permanently politicized. This polarizes consumers, which doesn’t work in business. This is why corporations, and to a lesser extent, pop artists/celebrities rarely make strong political statements... they don’t want to lose half their customers.

Not that anything makes sense right now.




"Clinton didn't use her emails for classified information" -Doggiedummy


"Let me repeat what I have repeated for many months now," Clinton said July 2, 2016. "I never received nor sent any material that was marked classified."


It was her legal responsibility to protect classified material no matter how it was marked. Anyone with a security clearance will tell you this. You simply don't know what you're talking about.


More like Benghazi.
