This unprecedented and irrational fear of Russian collusion is insane. You now have Trump being forced into hostility with Russia just to look like he's not colluding even though collusion is the crazy idea that two countries work together towards common goals. You know, this old fashioned thing called world peace. Suddenly the Dems and Anti-Trump campaign hates super-powers co-operating. What is this insane world we're suddenly living in? The Left and Right establishment would rather send us to the brink of nuclear war than have Trump president.
It is mind boggling how irresponsible the Dems have become. They're throwing away a half century of diplomacy with the Russians to advance some nutty conspiracy theory about Trump. I truly believe some of these loons would support military action against Russia. Crazy stuff.
You obviously know nothing about the Cold War. The US and USSR maintained full diplomatic relations during that time. Try opening a history book dummy.
Do you even know what diplomacy is? The article you cite has pictures of American and Soviet leaders meeting at summits and signing treaties. The USSR had ambassadors to the US and vice versa. What a fucking idiot!
There is still diplomatic relations! Their consulate is on 91st Street in NYC so what are you blathering about? That still doesn't diminish the fact that Russia aka former Soviet Union has been and still is an enemy of the United States. Having diplomatic relations and being an ally is not the same thing!
Have you even read the Manafort and Gates indictment? Or the indictment of the 13 Russians? I suggest you do because more people will be arrested and Trump & co will be among them.
We are living in an alternate reality. The GOP use to claim ownership of family values and patriotism. Now they're defending a guy who paid hush money to a porn star and publicly kisses Putin's ass at the expense of his own Intelligence agencies.
Right,we should have elected the person who supported her rapist husband and knowingly took debate questions in advance. She showed a ton of moral fiber.
I have no problem saying I find Bill Clinton of sketchy moral character. While Bill Clinton and Donald Trump have both been accused of rape, neither has been charged, tried, or found guilty (though if accusations were true about either I wouldn't be surprised, but nothing has been proven).
As for your other point, how Hillary being provided with a debate question in the primary against Sanders is somehow worse to you than Trump, as President of the United States, publicly doubting U.S. Intelligence agencies while supporting Putin is beyond me. Like I said, GOP use to claim patriotism as if they owned it. With Trump that ship has sailed.
If something doesn't add up to him he should privately ask questions or seek clarification of them (maybe attend those daily briefings he wasn't so fond of). Casting public doubt on them while supporting Putin? Just not right.
Not sure how far down the Russian rabbit hole you're willing to follow Trump but deep down you gotta know he's just not worth it.
Intelligence agencies will do whatever it takes to justify their own existence. If the powers that be want a case against Russia, they'll make a case against Russia. We've seen this again and again over the years.
Well if you think all American Intelligence agencies are lying for no apparent reason about Russian meddling and Putin is telling the truth I'm pretty sure there's no reasoning with you so I'll bow out of this conversation at this point and wish you a good day.
It isnt a simple matter of lying versus telling the truth. They are making a mountain out of a molehill to support a pre-determined narrative. This is precisely what happened before the Iraq War. Trump is wisely putting a check on their stupidity.
They have turned-off so many people with their hatred and hypocrisy, but they're too stupid to know it. November 2018 elections will be payback for all the groups who have been attacked by them.
Wait....EVERY intelligence agency says conclusively that Russian at LEAST attempted to influence our election. Just today we're hearing about Russian propoganda talking about nuclear weapons that can hit Florida. But....the democrats are just making this all up?
I'm not even talking about whether or not US parties were involved in working with the Russians to influence the election. I'm JUST talking about (again) the overwhelming proof that Russia was working to do this. And will continue to do so because we were unable to effectively stop them.
THAT'S insane?
I've been a Republican since're a buffoon to not see the threat this poses.
Your post is a confused mess. The issue of election interference has nothing to do with Russian nukes hitting Florida. Every American city has been within range of Russian missiles for the last 50 years. There is nothing new or alarming about that.
There is actually nothing wrong with a country wanting a particular person to be president of another country, and there's nothing wrong with them trying to influence the other country to vote a certain way. USA does it with other countries all the time. Other countries besides Russia tried to influence Americans not to vote for Trump. Why is Russia an exception? This is all silly. In the end Americans voted for who they wanted to win, it doesn't matter how much they were "influenced". If you have a problem with that you have a problem with democracy because democracy requires people to be influenced one way or another, that's how opinions work.
That would almost mean something if it weren’t so abundantly clear that if there was this much proof that Russia had worked to put Obama in office you’d be calling for him to be arrested. But because you ally yourself with a mysogynistic racist who is showing every day that he is NOT the great deal maker, is NOT draining the swamp, has the conviction of a tsetse fly and is only doing this job to a) dismantle everything the guy who EMBARRASSED him at the correspondents dinner and b) put his businesses in a better place instead of caring about all Americans...because of all that, you throw common sense and true patriotism out the window.
There were plenty of even more dubious people who conspired to put Obama in office. It's amusing to me when people call Trump, someone who has a history of friendships with prominent African Americans, and whose daughter has a significant role in his decision making, is somehow a racist and sexist. What a load of crap you morons are spewing based on nothing. The only proof you have is a tape where he mentions touching a woman's crotch. What man has never touched a woman's crotch? Are you seriously this brainwashed?
Well we can tell you’re not a New Yorker. You may want to google the hot water Donny got in back in the day for his ....real estate screening practices.
See, that’s where you’ll never win this. You got to see him on Howard Stern and the Apprentice....New Yorkers got to see his shenanigans for DECADES before you did. Like how he’d sign contracts with firms to do work in his projects and then try to renegotiate the price after (let me guess, you think that’s great). Or his philandering (I know...all those Alt-right morals go out the window when it means you just made a bad choice). Oh, here’s one...the great hope of the GOP? Was also a Democrat and an Independent before becoming such a staunch Republican. Much like we JUST saw with his stance on gun control, Trump has ALWAYS let his opinion be “decided” by who spoke to him last.
Who tried to aid the trump campaign. That’s called interference. You were saying something about keeping up?
Whether trump knew, was part of, or had no involvement is beside the point. Something happened and the right has been fighting tooth and nail against getting to truth. Why?
I wonder if you’d been screaming “fake news” as loudly had the Russians been helping Clinton....
Anyone on Earth can "aid" the Trump campaign by posting stuff on Facebook. That doesn't mean there's a grand conspiracy to interfere in the election. What a fucking JOKE.
It’s besides the point in relation to the accusation that an outside person, persons or governmental body influenced the election of the Podus. Doesn’t that bother you? Forget the trump part of it, it’s suspected that a foreign power had a hand in the us elections. Do you care? Cause I’d you don’t, you should. And your blind following of trump shouldn’t blind you to that. IF trump is a part of it or not, doesn’t matter. Ignoring it because you don’t want trump to be found out is reckless considering what the USA is supposed to stand for.
Let me make it clear,me and a HUGE number of Trump supporters are not blind followers. We are anti State,anti big brother,and anti establishment. We know he isn't perfect,but I've had the opportunity to vote in 6 presidential elections,and he's the best I've seen to achieve those goals. The reason people like me are backing Trump is because what the FBI is doing is exactly the corrupt big government bullshit we oppose. The left wants to believe we are all racist and idiots,but that's nonsense. You have let your hatred blind you to the reason he was elected in the first place, because bogus gestapo shit like what's going on right now needs to stop. Maybe Russia needs to be investigated,so investigate them and let Mr. Trump get back to doing what he was elected to do.
Eh, no. I know exactly why you voted for him and those reasons are fine. Those reasons are all very good. But you’ve mixed something up, it’s you and the others that are blind to your trump. He’s a buffoon. He hasn’t done any of the things he said, like draining the swamp. He filled the swamp. Whether you are a racist, and ill assume you aren’t, you supported one. You knew he was a racist, or at the very least a bigot, and you didn’t care. Your fellow Americans, your countrymen aren’t all white and straight and Christian. They deserve the same president as you do.
The gestapo shit you are talking about was the reaction of your formerright wing president. He was the one who started that patriot act bullshit. And you all loved him for it. Trump has since the start been connected with the russian investigation. Why should he be left alone? If he’s guilty he shouldn’t be, if he’s innocent he should welcome the investigation to clear him. Where’s the problem? He’s not some poor guy being railroaded, he has every means to defend himself. As he points out a lot he’s surrounded by the best people. So why are you so scared?
Here’s what I know. He’s being looked at in connection. If he did it, he might get found out. If he didn’t do it, no one is going to frame him.
By the way, it for nothing, but if you are all those things you said, I have no idea why you would be voting for either of the two main parties. They are both corrupt and only looking to fill their own pockets. Trump sold you all on the lie h was different, and that’s fine. But it’s time to cut your loses and stop pretending he isn’t more of the same.
I'm going to ignore the majority of your post, because you are presuming a ton of things that you have no way to validate,and are completely wrong about. I will say this,and then I'm done with you because you are clearly closed minded towards anything but your agenda. Trump is the FIRST republican I ever voted for,for exactly the reasons you said about Bush. I can't help but notice you ignore Obama,who was the biggest war mongering president we ever had,but don't let facts get in the way of your blind loyalty. Yes,in previous elections I typically voted Libertarian. Again,the reason me and millions of others like me decided to vote for Trump this time is because he's the closest thing to a real person to be in the Whitehouse. Keep hating us for the wrong reasons,please, because all your doing is ensuring President Trump gets a second term.
I don’t ignore Obama, you clearly ignored what I said. The left, the right it doesn’t matter. They are all th3 same. Obama the drone happy idiot was crap, as would have been Hilary who at best would have been Obama the sequel.
I’m not hating YOU at all. I’m pointing out your hypocrisy of blindly following a man the way you accuse others of blindly hating him. He is not the person you thought you were voting for. He used your anger against th3 status quo to trick you. And you are still falling for it, only now you have no reason to other than because you don’t want to admit you git tricked.
I don’t ignore Obama, you clearly ignored what I said. The left, the right it doesn’t matter. They are all th3 same. Obama the drone happy idiot was crap, as would have been Hilary who at best would have been Obama the sequel.
I’m not hating YOU at all. I’m pointing out your hypocrisy of blindly following a man the way you accuse others of blindly hating him. He is not the person you thought you were voting for. He used your anger against th3 status quo to trick you. And you are still falling for it, only now you have no reason to other than because you don’t want to admit you git tricked.
His words might offend Americans,but his actions are helping Americans. His tax cuts are already trickling down to the middle and lower class,and his tariff plan is going to bring hundreds of thousands of jobs back to America. He hasn't done anything that has negatively affected any law abiding citizens. He's rough around the edges,and I really don't care.
I did wish you a nice day, it speaks volumes of your mind set that all you want to do is argue. Trump is forcing himself on you, and you’re too stupid to say stop. You’ve convinced yourself the rich getting tax breaks is good for you. I feel real pity for you and everyone like you.
You probably think the 2nd amendment is more important than the first as well. Anyway, I’ll let you have the last word. I know you need to feel like you won something here. Have at it snowflake.
Hahaha,"let you have the last word" yet you keep replying. Now you resort to name calling and again,more of those assumptions about me base on nothing. Why would you presume anything about how I feel about any amendments. Again,you are full of BLIND hatred. You have to hate someone who doesn't agree with you,to the point of you making up things about me to get mad at based on NOTHING,lol. Then you have the audacity to call me a snowflake?! Hahaha,do you even realize what a joke you are?
Just because you don’t want to believe it doesn’t mean there’s no proof. As the guy above me already pointed out, there is proof and enough in fact to bring charges. So maybe it’s time you just owned that you got conned and stop double downing on your ill choice.
Bringing charges is an indication of proof. That’s the point of needing proof to bring charges. You do t bring charges because you suspect. If you were to charge me with anything you’d need proof that your charge was just under the current law. So if you had proof that met the burden the law requires then you would be just in your charge.
Law is not and never has been about facts. It’s about what you can prove and disprove. If someone is charging you, it’s for a very good reason.
"Suddenly the Dems and Anti-Trump campaign hates super-powers co-operating."
Ehh, not quite. Establishment democrats and establishment republicans often have the same goals, which is why Hillary and many establishment dems voted for the Iraq War. It's not anywhere close to being something new. Also, we're not talking about cooperation here. We're talking about Russia pulling strings to gain more power to our detriment. They aren't doing it to help us out, lol. Russia could easily be in our graces if they quit being so goddamned corrupt. Look at what happened in Sochi ffs.
What's funny is that being pro-Russia, or anti-NATO, was originally a progressive position. Generally, what is to the left of the establishment democrats is always correct, but for some reason it takes a guy like Trump to prove it to you, but in a roundabout way since he gets there by not knowing what he's doing. It's not that Trump rejects the establishment, it's that he's too unintelligent and easily distracted to follow them 100% of the time. This time, he's veered off into progressive territory by taking the opposite stance that Mitt Romney took in 2012, and has brought his supporters with him.
And no, Rachel Maddow is not a progressive. She is a corporate democrat constantly pushing the Hillary agenda. She's praised Roger Ailes more than she's praised Bernie Sanders. lol
Trump has always been progressive. i don't know why people think he's right-wing. He is a closet libertarian who has been swept up in the political system and is being transformed into a right-wing socialist
A progressive isn't going to take a pro-life stance. A progressive isn't going to take a Christian stance against Muslims. A progressive isn't going to take a white nationalist stance against Mexican immigrants. That was the heart of his campaign, and even if it wasn't what he actually felt in his heart, it was a right-wing campaign. In all likelihood, Trump isn't anything. He goes wherever he can to get the most bang for his buck. Going this route certainly gave him huuuuge tax breaks... which is another non-progressive example.
Exactly right. He isn't a liberal or a conservative. He's a master manipulator who achieves what he wants by telling people what they want to hear whether he believes it or not, to the point where they will forgive him for or overlook anything just as long as he promises what they want; knowing full well most of it will probably never even come close to happening. It's amazing really. How many of those Republican voters would stand behind, say, the principal of their children's school if he were running around talking about "grabbing pussies" and making fun of people with disabilities? Exactly. Not many, but he promises to hate Mexicans and build a wall, and all the other shit they want to hear. So, they turn the other cheek, giving it the old "Well, he's just a good ole boy..." treatment.