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Is the Russia investigation just controlled opposition?

It almost seems as though the whole thing is just designed to look like a conspiracy theory witch-hunt to make the opposition look like nutcases. Imagine being able to discredit your opponents by just playing along with their silly little sideshow.


No, as a matter of fact it isn't.


Most Democrats are so batshit crazy with Trump hatred right now, they will believe anything and everything the media tells them about Russia. None of the Dems laughed at Adam Schiff when he implied that the Second Amendment is a Russian plot. That's the level of delusion and paranoia we're dealing with right now.


I'll give you this much; most democrats are really worked up about Trump right now. But the FBI investigation that has led to indictments and guilty pleas is not a figment of liberal paranoia; it's actually happening. Where will it land? I honestly don't know (and neither do you). But as I've said before, if Trump is truly innocent, he is doing a poor job of acting like it. Any sane innocent person would be willing to let this investigation reach its conclusion which would vindicate him. The fact that he seems desperate for it to just go away seems to indicate he is worried about something.

So since none of us on the outside of the investigation know just what Mueller has or doesn't have, I suggest we all sit back and let this thing play out.


Why should he look the other way when the investigation itself was done illegally?


The investigation wasn't done illegally. Trump (and you) can shout that all you want, but it doesn't change the fact that it's not being done illegally.

I'm not sure exactly what you're basing this on, but my guess would be the whole poisonous fruit thing where since they didn't have proper authorization to start the investigation (which is untrue, they did have proper authorization), any fruit that it bears would be poisonous regardless of whether that fruit showed something horrible about Trump, like.....well let's just say treason for the sake of argument. So would you really want your defense of President Trump's treason to be "yeah he did it, but they had no authorization to start the investigation so we can't count it." Wouldn't you much rather say "Look Trump was investigated and was showed to have done nothing wrong!" If you truly believe in Trump's innocence, why are you so afraid to let this investigation reach it's conclusion?


No,the end doesn't justify the means, regardless if he did or didn't,which I don't believe he did anything. Also, every day it looks more and more like it WAS an illegal investigation, despite you saying it wasn't. I'm guessing you haven't been following this much lately.


Been following it pretty closely actually. Strangely enough I haven't heard anything about White House lawyers filing any motions on the grounds that civil rights are being violated. Seems that would be the logical thing to do if an illegal investigation was underway. From what I can tell their main course of action to combat this illegal investigation is to bitch and moan about how unfair it is. Courts are notoriously unwilling to entertain bitching and moaning if the proper forms haven't been completed. But I think that's not being done because they know they'll lose any such motion and that will look worse than if they just complain without taking that type of action.

Personally I think Trump's behavior has been very strange in relation to Putin and Russia (including him lying about his relationship with Putin during the campaign). If there is something to be found I would like to know about it. If the evidence trail leads toward him being innocent, I would honestly also like to know about it and will have no problem acknowledging that if the time comes. To quote Michael Caine from one of the Batman movies, maybe it's time we all stop trying to outsmart the truth and let it have its day.


It's had well over a year to come out. When are you Trump haters going to admit there isn't anything there? The truth works both ways you know. And yes, if the investigation was started solely on the dossier that was paid for by Democrats,that is a crime,and it is quickly being concluded that's exactly what happened. Sorry to burst your bubble. Saying it isn't a crime just because a lawsuit hasn't been filed yet is like saying it's ok to assault someone if they don't report it. Still a crime! You have to admit,it's pretty tough to fight a corrupt FBI that has made it it's goal to bring down Trump, regardless of having any real evidence....which again,one year later,NONE!


"When are you Trump haters going to admit there isn't anything there?"

When the investigation is over, it's as simple as that. It's ongoing and there have been more indictments in recent weeks. So until it's over, I'll reserve judgement on Trump's guilt or innocence

Actually if Trump were in the right it would be a judge that would decide if the investigation were unlawful. You've said the FBI is corrupt, are judges all corrupt as well? Trump has appointed himself the sole beacon of truth despite the many many verifiable lies he has told, and people are willing to follow him without any skepticism? It blows my mind.

Some of us believe the goal of the FBI isn't to bring down Trump, but rather a goal of justice, plain and simple. I actually have faith that the FBI is working in our nations best interest. I really don't get how Trump openly doubting his own Intelligence agencies while saying publicly he believes Putin doesn't strike you as strange.


Maybe that's where we fundamentally disagree. I think the FBI is a corrupt part of our government,and abuses it's power against it's citizens constantly. This goes all the way back to Hoover. Did you know that the FBI grants 99.97% of all requests on Federal Warrents. That's them giving themselves a rubber stamp to investigate anyone they want,for almost no reason. Less than .03% are denied,think about that.


I have to admit I don't know a lot about the FISA court so I did a little reading. This is from the Wikipedia section on criticism: The accusation that the FISC is a "rubber stamp" court was also rejected by Robert S. Litt (General Counsel of Office of the Director of National Intelligence): "When [the Government] prepares an application for [a section 215 order, it] first submit[s] to the [FISC] what's called a "read copy", which the court staff will review and comment on. And they will almost invariably come back with questions, concerns, problems that they see. And there is an iterative process back and forth between the Government and the [FISC] to take care of those concerns so that at the end of the day, we're confident that we're presenting something that the [FISC] will approve. That is hardly a rubber stamp. It's rather extensive and serious judicial oversight of this process."[24]

So substantial changes may be made and concerns addressed before the final application is actually submitted to the court. If true, it's not surprising the vast majority of submissions are approved.

But I agree it's right to be watchful of government agencies but to make a blanket statement like "the FBI is a corrupt part of our government" is pretty unfair. Further all of our Intelligence agencies (not just the FBI)concluded that Russia worked to interfere in our election and Trump openly doubted this while openly saying he believed Putin's denial. I can't stress enough how disturbing I find that.

On top of this there are so many verifiable lies that Trump has told (including regarding his relationship with Putin) that I think it's insane to not look at him with a suspicious mind.


The "iterative" process they describe sounds an awful lot like collusion. The judiciary exists to put independent checks on the executive branch. They shouldn't be colluding with the executive branch (law enforcement) to maximize the chance that a warrant is approved.


If this was collusion something would've been revealed prior to the actual election to try to influence it. This is about national security.


I’m also confused about why it would be a big deal if the Russia dossier was the sole reason for the FISA application (it wasn’t). But think about this. If you’re Hillary Clinton and you have a company doing research opposition (which Trump himself has said isn’t wrong as they all do it, hence Don Jr.’s meeting with the Russian lawyer). And that company brings you info to lead you to believe that the Russian government has compromising material on Donald Trump including some weird hooker urination video. Do you:

1) Release this info to the public where it will be embarrassing and harmful to the campaign of Donald Trump?
2) Provide this info to the FBI so they can privately investigate, keeping it secret as not to harm the campaign of Donald Trump?

The existence of the dossier wasn’t known to the general public until after the election was over so it did nothing to help Hillary Clinton. But if the material in it was true and Trump is potentially compromised by the Russian government, how does anyone who values national security not want this to be investigated? I really just don’t get this.


Because people don’t want to believe they were wrong. And they’ll go so far to make sure they aren’t wrong that they’ll through there values, morals, beliefs out the window to make sure they were right.

Both sides do it. Trump supporters won’t admit or even see the problems that are glaring to anyone else, just like Hilary supporters won’t see her issues. What America really needed to do is what it still needs to do, end the control by the two parties who are destroying the country for greed.

Watching America try to decide between trump and Clinton was like watching the elephant man trying to decide which side of his head to part his hair. The corruption is rampant on both sides and until all Americans start to see this, it won’t ever end. If you voted for trump, you were wrong. If you voted for Hilary, you were wrong. Time for the people to come together and force the government into s change that actual serves the people and not just the rich.


Why hasn't T-rump said anything or done anything about the Russian hacking of our election, and why has he not directed any orders to safeguard our elections this year? Aside from the 'pee pee tape' , what does Russia have over him that he's so afraid of them?


Russia didn't hack the election you imbecile. Every single vote was counted accurately. God, what a brainwashed loon you are.


You really need to pull your head out of Hannity's ass. I know it's stuck so far up there you can see his back molars, but really - get it out of his ass and pay attention to reality.


Not a single vote was changed. Try again.


It has become a joke for the most part.


I wouldn't call it a joke...I don't think anyone in the Trump administration is laughing.


if you say so, at this point its something to ignore until something legitimate comes up.


I actually think they probably are laughing since it's been over a year and they have nothing on Trump except some convoluted conspiracy nonsense


No,in fact there is a lot more evidence showing corruption within the Democratic party regarding this than anything president Trump did.



I have no idea what they have on Trump and neither do you. Mueller is playing this one close to the chest so we have no idea what may or may not be coming. But one thing is clear, Trump is not laughing about any of this.


It's all a farce, there's nothing. It's been a year, it's all a sham and the longer it goes on the dumber these jokers look


We'll see.


It is a seditious conspiracy. It's an attempt at a soft coup. It's the greatest and most criminal political scandal in our history and, in response, everyone is yawning. Especially the spineless Republicans.
