Fire and Fury Author M Wolff Runs off Set During Interview When Asked About His Previous Allegations of Trump’s Affairs
Fake journalist Michael Wolff writes a hit piece on Trump that LibTards rated 4.4* on Amazon, even though Wolff admits he can't verify the claims.
Australian TV interviews him, but Wolffie claims he "can't hear" when an inconvenient question is asked. This is straight out of an episode of Archer! Says a lot about his integrity.
Michael Wolff, author of supposed Trump exposé “Fire and Fury”, ran off the set of an Australian morning talk show Monday morning (their Monday morning).
“You said during a TV interview last month that you are absolutely sure that Donald Trump is currently having an affair, while President, behind the back of the First Lady. I repeat, you said you were absolutely sure,” said Fordham. “Just last week, however, you backflipped and said, I quote, “I do not know if the President is having an affair.” Do you owe the President and the First Lady an apology, Mr. Wolff?” asked Fordham.
Though his earpiece had been working just fine for 4 and a half minutes of the segment, Wolff claimed he could no longer hear Fordham. Amazingly, despite Wolff’s insistence he was unable to hear Fordham through the earpiece, Wolff answered Fordham when he asked if he could hear him.