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Non-Americans only: What do you think of Trump?

I personally think he's a joke. The guys doesn't know basic stuff. Anytime there's a criticism that comes his way, he's unable to articulate himself and just says "fake news". He has to tell his supporters that certain news outlets are failing just because they spoke negatively of him. And during his speeches all he does it repeat himself. "We need to stop illegal immigration. Illegal immigration must be stopped. We must stop it, I tell you."



euro Canadians or euros should criticize trump.... because in a 100 years or so, immigration will the downfall of Europe.
sweden is already there


United States is a land built by immigrants. Same with Canada.

Two of Trump's wives were immigrants - one of them worked illegally, btw. Trump's grandparents were immigrants. Trump hires immigrants and guest workers for cheap labor. He's a hypocrite.


"United States is a land built by immigrants. Same with Canada. "

yes, but they were not Muslims, they were hard working, high IQ people from Europe, who made america great...... the migrants in Europe now, sets a medieval religion over hard work..... and the consequences are devastating to the original population, rape, crime, and high taxes due to the welfare burden........ this is the results:

60 Minutes In Sweden


Steve Jobs was a Muslim. Muslims have been around since the beginning of time but only now is everyone concerned about them being terrorists. I'm fine with immigration of any kind as long as it's controlled in terms of setting a maximum number of those coming in.


"maximum number of those coming in"

but there is no number, more come in every year + they breed like rodents. you don't have to be a genius to see where this will end.

perhaps you and many others don't care about the future of europe. but there are still a few that do. they can't do anything though. it's too late.


Yes but when they're in the country and breed, their children will be brought up with that country's culture. Most is them at least.


are you kidding me?

they are and will be 100% muslim....Islam forbids them to become too "western" . they live in neighborhoods that are Muslim... they will be arab and somali to the bone. and they visit their homeland on vacatin as well....payed by wellfare/taxpayer money , it's completely fucked up
take a look at the video i posted. that is sweden and the future for the rest of europe.



what are you talking about youtube is garbage?.... this is real life video of how things are in the real world .

this is people that go into the streets and record what they see.
that is video of the truth and you want "mainstream, scholarly source"
what a joke, how can youtube be garbage, when youtube is just a platform where all kinds of videos are posted.

you can't handle the truth huh?



what you have is low IQ.... you think you are high and mighty and demand mainstream media sources and claim you have high standants..... what a load of crap.

I live in Europe and i see the horrors everyday with my own eyes.
you just refuse to face reality. and go back into your Bubble , i hope someday some migrants will burst your Bubble . like they did to the numerous women all across Europe



you do realize that every major news outlet posts on youtube?
his link is to a video of 60 Minutes Australia, a professional news team was attacked doing a story in Sweden,
you are very old? not sure how the internet works?



Steve Jobs was Buddhist, not Muslim. He was just Syrian. You can be Syrian and not be Muslim at the same time.


People had the same prejudices against all new immigrants when they first arrived to the United States including against the Swedes, Italians, and Irish. Trump's own father was allegedly in the KKK and arrested in a KKK demonstration against Irish Catholics. BTW, Catholics were hated and despised, too.

Close to 40% of the people in my city are immigrants including many Muslims and they are extremely hard-working and intelligent. You'd have to be in order to run a successful business here.

The problem with Sweden is poor government planning. There should be a priority in teaching Swedish, permanent housing (not warehousing nor ghettoization) and permanent jobs. I wanted to hear the immigrants' viewpoint too, but your video didn't provide that. Is the anger from black discrimination in Sweden since the country is mainly homogeneous?


let in too many Muslim migrants and the country turns into the place they left.... it's actually quite simple.


Not really. Places where many left have been bombed by Westerners for oil. Maybe if Westerners leave their native countries and return it back to their original state, they will be happy to return home.


they never will, they live fat on welfare..... this is Paris:

read what Europeans think about this


Most conservative Americans find people in Europe to be living in welfare states because of your high taxes and socialists economy. Why do you have wasteful things like national health care insurance?


Yes really. You look at every single Muslim theocracy and every one of them are rock bottom on the human prosperity index. The idea that the middle east is a hellhole, and it's exclusively because America wants oil is a complete farce and has been perpetuated by the left for far too long. The middle east has been in complete turmoil ever since Muhammed raided it 1400 years ago. America wasn't around 1400 years ago to blame it on. Britain didn't even have an empire that conquered the world so you can't even blame it on western colonialism. The problem is, and always has been, Islam. nothing else. And if you don't believe me, here's are two arabs even saying so.


All religions are to blame. And I'm saying this as a Catholic.


No. They aren't. And I'm saying this as an atheist. Some religions are better than others. That's just the way it is. Christianity paved the road for success. Islam paved the road for failure. That's why Christian countries do better than Muslim ones.


I agree some are better than others but there are problems with every religion. Look how many Catholics frown upon gay marriage and abortion. I would consider the Westboro Baptist Church to be catholic terrorists.


In what way are the westboro baptist church Catholic terrorists?


They're not. I'm just saying that's the Catholic version of extreme. It's not as bad as terrorism, but it's ignorance. Every religion has their own versions.


So the Catholic version of extreme, is being ignorant dicks on public property and getting a rise out of making people feel like dirt.

Compare that to throwing homosexuals off rooftops. Cutting the hands off of thieves. Ordering women to wear blankets in 60 degree weather and then throwing battery acid in their faces if they refuse. Stoning THEM to death for the crime of being a rape VICTIM. Getting accused of being a whore for walking alone in public without a male escort.

Saying "both have extremes" doesn't even come close to painting a realistic picture of the differences.


I'm aware. But I said all religions were a problem, I never said they were on the same scale. It's like political parties. All are corrupt, but some more than others.


Maybe we just have a different definition of problem then. I don't consider homophobes chanting how much they hate gay people to be a problem.


Trump even said that Americans should have taken Iran's oil. It's about the oil.

Iran and Libya weren't theocracies, but Westerners wanted the oil and ruined those countries. Secular countries should've been left alone.

Just because you don't know something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Most Westerners are ignorant about world history including Muslim history and contributions because it's not taught in schools.


Why should it be? Why should the tax funded school curriculum be spent teaching westerners about other countries' history? There's only so much time in a day to teach history class. Why wouldn't it be spent teaching kids about the formation of their own country?

And westerners didn't ruin anything. Again, these countries were in bad shape long before western intervention even surfaced. The problem isn't white people. The problem is Islam. The one shining moment in Iran's history was during the 80's when it was under the Shah. It was beautiful. Women looked happy and free, didn't have to even cover their legs let alone head. Then it went through a reformation. And contrary to the millennial dogma, not all reformations are good. The more fundamentalist a Muslim country becomes, the worse it becomes. And denying that fact isn't helping the world progress in any way shape or form.


"Then it (Iran) went through a reformation."

The above comment is why a proper education is needed. You don't appear to be aware of what caused the change in Iran.
Originally, Mohammad Mosaddegh was democratically elected by Iranians who were very happy with him. He was popular and made nationwide social changes including nationalizing the oil fields. England complained to the U.S. which sent the CIA to overthrow him replacing him with the unpopular puppet dictator, the Shah of Iran. The people rose up and overthrew the Shah replacing him with the Ayatollah Khomeini.

Bernie Sanders discusses regime change and Mosaddegh during a debate with Hillary Clinton.


Nothing you said refuted my claim that Iran went through a reformation. You quoted me as if to prove me wrong, and then went on to show me why I'm actually right.


I was refuting this comment from you:

"And westerners didn't ruin anything. Again, these countries were in bad shape long before western intervention even surfaced. The problem isn't white people. The problem is Islam. The one shining moment in Iran's history was during the 80's when it was under the Shah. It was beautiful. Women looked happy and free, didn't have to even cover their legs let alone head."

You don't seem to be aware that Westerners did ruin Iran by removing a democratically elected leader and replacing him with a dictator which angered the people and lead to a theocracy.

Events don't happen in a vacuum which is why learning world history helps understand the cause and effect of current affairs.


It lead to a theocracy because of the lax values under the shah. The whole point of Khomeini's uprising was to tear down the liberal values of a westernized Iran and to install the conservative ones we see now. That's the reformation I'm talking about. You keep on trying to 'explain' to me why I'm wrong, and all you seem to be doing is going into details which ultimately lead to the same thing I originally said.


This is how the alt-right poisons everything and makes any possibility of reasoned debate impossible. Deflect, attack and emote... What does immigration have to do with the question being asked? Absolutely nothing.

Fortunately the alt-right is comprised of old men with high blood pressure. They will soon be gone. Then some hard-working, level-headed, left-voting immigrants will live in their homes, take their jobs, marry their granddaughters, and actually contribute to society.


Scot here, I've no fondness for Trump but you can blame the Hilary campaign and how the media sided with it for getting him elected.

He offered the lie of hope, she offered a reality of further austerity.

Easy to see why things went the way they did.


and they still attack him.....

latest thing to make fun of: breaking news "70 year old man has bald spot" ... really fucking hilarious right?


The thing is people are desensitised to the media's attack on Trump and so if anything actually worthy of scrutiny ever surfaces people will be 'Meh' about it as it all blends into one big "We got him!" John Oliver moment over and over again which always peters out to be nothing.

It would be nice to see the media reporting facts and not just propaganda and attacks on US citizens right to vote as they see fit.


i used to love late night shows like jimmy kimmel and conan.... now all they do is polical shit, non stop trump bashing every night 24/7.

even if you did not vote for him, i can't believe you find the same stuff repeated over and over, even remotely funny.

guess the media just couldn't handle that hillary lost


I agree. Hillary made it easy for him to win.


Canadian here. I am extremely jelous that you guys have a leader that doesn't blow smoke up your ass and says things that everyone else can see. All Canadians say the same thing: you guys are stupid for electing Trump, that Trump is a disaster, that Trump is #literallyhitler, that he's a racist and therefore so is America for electing him. And yet those SAME people are the ones that elected Trudeau. A man that has praised Fidel Castro, China's basic dictatorship, given 10 million dollars of tax payer money to a terrorist, has spat in the face of our own vets that have lost their limbs fighting to protect us by saying they're asking for too much and then the VERY NEXT FUCKING DAY gives 60 million dollars to Burkina Faso, he also seems to have more than enough money to spend on rehabilitation programs for returning ISIS fighters, has failed on taking out the forest fires in Fort McMurray and Williams Lake that have destroyed so many people homes and lives...even going so far as to REFUSE EXTERNAL HELP FROM RUSSIA TO DO IT, has had every single trade deal with China, the states, and now India turn out to be a total blunder (Read up on it. It's happening now. India hates him), altogether the man has wasted over a billion dollars in trendy liberal hipster save the world type organizations and given NOTHING back to Canadians except higher taxes in order to pay for his lavish ILLEGAL vacations and out of control spending habits.

This man is the worst thing to ever happen to Canada, and all because he promised the teeny millennials their fucking weed. Meanwhile your economy is booming, but because Trump is a dick suddenly you think you guys have it hard? Give me a fucking break. You guys really don't know how good you have it right now. All you see is everyone else through a window but you're not living it. Europe is in the midst of a social and economic collapse. It's only a matter of time before civil war breaks out over there.


exactly, everyone that voted for Trudeau think it's awesome...... until some Somalis or Syrians move next door. then we will see how much they love to be "culturally enriched"


I'm an American,and your ignorance to facts and a balanced perspective are a much bigger joke than your perception of him.


"Ignorance of facts"

Maybe you ignored the fact that I said "non-Americans". However, if you disagree, please tell me what you disagree with so we can have a discussion.


Are you Trump? This is exactly the sort of argument-free diatribe that he would come out with.


American here, I hate Trump and everything he stands for. Shameful time in our countries’ history but maybe we had to fail to learn to succeed.


I can tell you don't like Trump because you spelled everything correctly.


I think he has serious mental problems, probably narcissistic personality disorder. He's a horrible person: racist, sexist and uncaring. As a politician he is a complete joke. His administration will be marred by investigations and legal probes, and he will achieve absolutely nothing worthwhile. To vote for him, a person must have absolutely nothing to lose (and no ability to think). Trump is corrupt, not just legally, but morally and mentally too. He's a revolting being in every respect.


I don't really think about him, nor do I have an opinion of him...

Who the US president is doesn't tend to make a big difference to the rest of the world... It doesn't affect most people's day to day lives...


Certainly not as much as most Americans (including myself at one time) think the president does.
