MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Loony-bin CNN Rips Trump, Loesch for Cal...

Loony-bin CNN Rips Trump, Loesch for Calling Florida Shooter a ‘Sicko’

Trump called the perpetrator a “savage sicko.” Dana Loesch, a spokesperson for the National Rifle Association, called him “an insane monster” who is “nuts” and “crazy.”

A CNN story headlined, “Trump’s language on school shooter’s mental health could be harmful, experts say,” acknowledged he does have some mental health problemes. Cruz “struggled with depression, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism, according to a 2016 Florida Department of Children and Families report,” it reported.

But “having a mental health diagnoses does not mean he would become violent,” CNN wrote. The relevance of this is not clear given neither the president nor Loesch likely would have mentioned Cruz ever in their lives had he not become violent.

Rush Limbaugh has a great response:

CNN also had a fake Town Hall to bash sane people:



Anyone who would counter the argument with a response from Rush Limbaugh must be a 'savage sicko', 'an insane monster who is nuts and crazy'.


Doggie takes a crap on the carpet again. Anyone who calls CNN "mentally ill" is way smarter than you LibTards.


Sicko is more of a term for perverts not homicidal mentally disturbed people. These killers seem to also display Narcissistic Personality Disorder which I wonder why the media never focuses on.


I agree with CNN. This type of language is irresponsible and unhelpful. It demonises the mentally ill and makes shootings slightly more likely. Drawing attention to the shooters, even to demean them, motivates copy-cats.
