T-rump: "Never Happened"
Let's add "Never happened!" to T-rump's knee-jerk responses which includes "No Collusion", "Fake News!" and "Crooked Hillary"...
Rachel Crooks, a candidate in the Ohio state house seat in the upcoming election, has accused T-rump of grabbing her and forcibly kissing her for two minutes back on January 11, 2006. Crooks said T-rump accosted her while waiting for an elevator on the 24th floor. She ran back to her boss' office where she hid and called her sister immediately to tell her what happened. Crooks shared her story just a few months ago on Megyn Kelly's talk show.
This morning, T-rump tweeted about the incident, saying "Never Happened"..
“A woman I don’t know and, to the best of my knowledge, never met, is on the FRONT PAGE of the Fake News Washington Post saying I kissed her (for two minutes yet) in the lobby of Trump Tower 12 years ago. Never happened!” he tweeted.
Crooks responded with her own Tweet, which mirrored a response from James Comey last summer...
“Please, by all means, share the footage from the hallway outside the 24th floor residential elevator bank on the morning of January 11, 2006. Let’s clear this up for everyone. It’s liars like you in politics that have prompted me to run for office myself,” tweeted Crooks from her campaign account.
Of course, T-rump's reported behavior back in 2006 matches the interview which he gave t Billy Bush around that time, when he said he likes to go up to women he doesn't know and 'grab them by their pussy' and kiss them when they're unsuspecting.
Yes, that's the Republican President we have today.