MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump will most likely remain in office ...

Trump will most likely remain in office for another 7 years

Of the four incumbent presidents since WWII who failed to win re-election, three of them were tainted by major crises or scandals (Vietnam, Iran, and Watergate). This is why the Democrats are desperately trying to make a mountain out of a Russian molehill. Barring some major revelation of criminal wrongdoing by Trump, they have little chance of defeating him at the ballot box.

Don't believe me? The next presidential election is only two years away. The economy is flying and few experts expect a major downturn anytime soon. The Dems have few viable presidential contenders. They still have no winning message for the working class. Taken together, these facts are a recipe for electoral disaster. It is likely that the Dems will still be bitching about PRESIDENT Trump in 2024. Hahahahaha!


I'd say you were wrong about Trump being reelected but I thought there was zero chance he'd be elected once so who knows lol.

As for democrats trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, I don't buy that argument because democrats in office have been relatively quiet regarding the Russian investigation. This is an FBI investigation, it's not being led by the democrats. The media is of course giving a lot of attention to the investigation but perhaps no one has done more to draw attention to it than Trump himself. His constant tweeting about how it's a hoax or fake news gives the appearance that he's desperate for it to not reach its conclusion. The fact that he has failed to implement the sanctions against Russia that were voted in overwhelmingly by both republicans and democrats has done nothing to help his case as well. If he is innocent he would be wise to allow the investigation to continue and say that he looks forward to it coming to that conclusion.


Trump is 100% right to reject the sanctions. They were designed by grandstanding politicians to undermine his foreign policy. None of those clowns would be saying anything about Russia if Hillary was president.


But it's a fact that Russia did meddle in our election regardless of whether they made any difference in the outcome of the election. Trump has openly cast doubt on the findings of his own intelligence agency while publicly taking Putin's word that he didn't interfere. If Trump didn't collude with Russia, none of this has helped him to appear innocent.


No, it isn't a fact that "Russia" meddled in the election. At most, they've shown that Russians working for a private firm ran some fake Facebook pages. Big deal. There is zero evidence that any of these people were state sponsored. Its like blaming the U.S. government every time an American hacker or troll does something illegal. Ridiculous.


From the article: In the report, the CIA, FBI and Office of the Director of National Intelligence concluded with “high confidence” that Russian intelligence services penetrated numerous computer systems tied to U.S. political parties and then “relayed” the email troves to WikiLeaks.

Given this report Trump still publicly gave Putin the benefit of the doubt. That's not normal for a US President and of course it's going to raise questions as to if Russia really does have compromising info on him. I don't know what the truth is but I'll again say Trump has done nothing to appear innocent.


Where are the facts? Where is the hard evidence?


Here's the detailed report (14 or so pages):

Beyond this report I'm not sure what kind of hard evidence would satisfy you. If you'd prefer to take Putin's word over that of the CIA, FBI, and office of the Director of National Intelligence that is your right. But that seems weird to me.


I read through the report. Its just a bunch of allegations without supporting facts or evidence. Yawn.


So do you believe Putin is telling the truth and our Intelligence community is lying about this?


It doesnt have to be one or the other. Putin was certainly right about Iraq's WMD's back in 2003. The intelligence agencies you have so much faith in were dead wrong.


Well I'm not going to say any person or group is above being mistaken. But in this case our Intelligence agencies are speaking with certainty regarding Putin and Russian Intelligence making a concerted effort to interfere in our election. So it is a case of either our guys are lying or Putin is. It really has to be one or the other. Maybe I'm just a naive good ol' boy (who lives in a blue state and though registered as an independent can't imagine voting republican in the foreseeable future) but I'm gonna choose to believe our guys....because 'Merica...U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-a, U-s-a, u-s-a, no one else chanting? Just me, oookay sorry about that.

Anyway I find it funny because conservatives have a long history of claiming patriotism as their own. Now Donald Trump has them standing up for Putin over American agencies. I feel like we've entered the twilight zone lol


America has entered the Twilight Zone and the world is laughing. For the first time in your history your country is under attack from an external enemy that your fake president opened the door to. There's only one word for that and it's called TREASON. That ThreeTenToYuma cites lies proves Putin's war against America by using America and Americans against Americans is working. According to people like Dr. Hans Blix with the UN, there were NO weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They were no where near being able to refine Uranium. The bigger threat always was North Korea and look what they've been able to do. THEY have created a ballistic missile that is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead. According to the files Bradley Manning was able to supply it proved Iraq had no capabilities. They weren't anywhere close. This was a UN inspector who was well liked and had little if any dog in the game.

That Putin was able to "get in" says so much about how little the USA has learned over the decades. Anyone who believes that Trump is the "great white savior" only need to point to this tax plan that will put more money in the pockets of the upper one percentile and less money in the hands of those who actually work for it. This isn't rocket science, it's cold hard fact. The Mercers, the Kochs are known eugenicists who believe the "little guy" and the ethnics are the slaves of the rich. That the Republican Party has sold out to Trump and will not check his venal impulses says so much. After eight years of Obama and his protecting the United States, this is a vast step down into Dante's Inferno.
