Under the T-rump economy with massive tax cuts to the biggest American companies (like Amazon), Amazon made a bold move yesterday by initiating a cut of 'several hundred jobs' from it's Seattle headquarters and global operations, to be completed by the end of February.
Under the Obama economy, the staff at Amazon grew from 5,000 to 40,000+ in the past few years. The job cuts are mostly in the consumer-retail division, in which they company grew rapidly. Now they are telling employees that they are 'over-staffed' and employees are being let go due to 'redundancy'.
Sources have said employees at their Seattle headquarters are 'overstressed' due to the job cuts, and pressure to shed underperforming employees on the campus. In the past, amazon has come under fire for enforcing 'intolerable conditions' at the workplace, especially their warehouses.
I hope most people make the connection that the bonuses and "taxcuts" are coming from the American taxpayer who will have to pay it all back with interest.
Most companies lay off workers at some point or another.
I am saddened by the use of this kind of argument that is
so prevalent - that is, to mention something negative and
just leave it at that so you associate whatever with that.
Amazon is an amazing company, and who know what the
rumors about workers are really about or who is making
them or why. If you are suspicious of the mainstream media
for politics, you should be for business too.
Look at what can happen under this #MeToo movement. It is
not exactly a court of law, and Amazon laying people off is not
exactly a concentration camp.
Until America, and the American worker starts to recognize
workers and citizen's rights, this will be common in all American
companies and only getting worse. You want it to get better,
them Amazon is not really the problem, the problem is that worker
rights are nill these days, and getting worse.
Support your local businesses and workers of the world. Otherwise
this stuff just gets worse, and targeting one company does not solve
"Most companies lay off workers at some point or another.
I am saddened by the use of this kind of argument that is
so prevalent - that is, to mention something negative and
just leave it at that so you associate whatever with that."
You have a very valid point. This is true - most companies lay off workers at some point or another, and also do a massive hiring in their growth period.
Yet for one administration to peddle it was 'his' election which made companies do this massive hiring, and to emphasize this at his SOTU speech a few weeks ago, he needs to acknowledge when these companies - including dozens of other companies since the end of December - are slashing jobs as well 'under his economy'.
If you are complaining about Trump, I don't think Amazon or Bezos has much to do about it, and vice versa.
Virtually everything Donald Trump has said has been hot air to say the least, most of it lies, and almost everything an indicator of how stupid he is. For him not to have any self-image of himself as a public person or leader shows that he is an inferior person in almost every way except he has a lot of money and he has learned the trick how to make the most out of that conning people and flat-out ripping them off.
What is surprising to me is that there are so many Americans who would find that acceptable, or even admirable. I am still not sure I really believe that, or if our entire election system is completely rigged. Getting a look at the people behind the Republican party rigging the election and doing away with what little democracy we did have is just the kind of thing they would feel self-righteous enough to do.
"If you are complaining about Trump, I don't think Amazon or Bezos has much to do about it, and vice versa."
I think Bezos has benefited greatly from the T-rump tax reform. To paraphrase T-rump, 'He made him very, very wealthy' with the tax bill he signed in December.
I am sure, but you know when they make these statements about Bezos being so wealthy, it is mostly based on stock ownership at current prices ... their capitalization basically. Bezos and the rest of the tech tycoons have tons of money, but not as much as these numbers suggest. And Bezos did not support Trump. He is careful like any responsible business man would be about what he says, but I don't think Bezos is a Trump supporters and probably does not support the tax cuts. I am not sure about that, but the smartest people I've seen are the ones that oppose these crushing Republican debts aimed at the government to hobble it so it cannot defend itself. The business mafia has taken over the US, and that is a bad place to be.